Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Why Jesus is indesputably God

If you are in and around the Bible enough you will soon grasp scriptures that say clearly that Jesus is God.    cults such as the Jehovah's witnesses will try to erode this by countering with rehearsed scriptures.  I want to present a rock solid proof that Jesus is God from the plain speaking of Biblical text.

Is this the time when Isaiah 44:6 tells us "I am the first and the last, and beside me there is no God" then appearing again in Revelation, saying the same thing yet "Behold I was dead but now I am alive?" Rev 1:17-18.  This is clearly Jesus who identifies himself to those who know Isaiah.

This is a good one to reflect on who Jesus said he was. The biggest proof for who he was is at the Last Supper.  God made a Covenant with Abraham (Gen 12) and instituted Passover at Exodus 12.  At the Last Supper he heralded the end of the Covenant and started the New Covenant with Israel.  Throughout the Bible we find that Covenant keeping is a serious business and God would not send another person to end or start a Covenant.  This is actually illegal.  Jesus halted the Passover and said he would drink the fourth cup when the Kingdom comes at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.

Only God can do that.

Have you ever thought why Jesus asked for 'this cup' to be taken from him in the garden of Gethsemane?   In the Passover at Jesus time there were four cups to drink in a set format.  The third cup was the one to drink with the Passover which included the feast of unleavened bread.  This was where Jesus instructed the believers who meet to remember him (church) to eat a meal together in the same simple fashion.  This third cup was the cup of Redemption and in instituting the New Covenant it meant he was the Redeemer.   Obviously this meant being made sin and being ejected from the Godhead.  The Gospels tell us that the earth was dark for three hours and after this Jesus cried "The books are balanced.''  Then he gave up his own spirit.

The fourth cup was the Joy set before him.  This is how he endured the Cross.  Now we are encouraged to carry our own cross and partake in the third cup of Redemption.  We are all waiting for the return of the Lord so we can drink the fourth cup with him at the wedding feast of the Lamb.

Come Lord Jesus.

Gary Ward


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