If you have been around the social sciences for any length of time you may have come across the issues around poverty. It's one of those fields where we can get as complex as we want in finding how people operate in response to 'resource.' The class system that is embedded into so many Western countries is firmly based on resource. Notice I did not say 'money.' Poverty is tied in with money but it has a wide range of implications for a person. Generational poverty involves mindsets, emotions and practices that are imbibed by spending time in that environment. The same is true however of the other classes. I'll keep it simple and call them 'Poverty,' 'Middle Class' and 'Wealth.' Each are permeated by their environments.
When one finds oneself in one of these classes, they each have dependencies. Wealth is dependent on 'Connections' to sustain its existence. Middle Class is dependent on 'Achievement' and Poverty is dependent on 'Relationship.' To explore this we must ask 'what would a person rely on if they had a problem?' We would find these to be correct dependencies. Relationships, Achievements and Contentedness is the glue that holds each respective class group together. But what has this to do with Spirituality?
The prosperity Gospel is preached by those who have amassed small or large resources proportionate to the people who have been giving or being the marketing tool for their ministry. Their message is to demonstrate that God is real by the way you attain to Resource. This is not just money. It is right thinking, demeanor, self esteem, just as we see in the world. It aims to make us 'TOGETHER' so we can demonstrate this to the world and ...er... impress them. Ministers spend much of their time fostering connections and focusing on achievements. Status and rank in these churches are about firstly 'what you do' and then 'who you know.' These are the two dependencies of 'Middle Class' and 'Wealth.' An executive who dines with politicians will be on the front row of many churches. His acumen is seemingly verification of God's favor. He has ticked the boxes of high 'doing' and wide 'connections.' He is therefore esteemed by church leadership who have little clue as to what Jesus said:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit..."
Can a well connected executive be poor in spirit but be highly employed and connected? Of course! But when he comes to church his vocation and connections are seen as spiritual currency. His profile in this world invades the spiritual dynamic and is celebrated as 'God's blessing.' Now not only has he achieved in this world but now that equates to validation with God. So people see Mr or Mrs "success'' and set about wondering how they can get on the front seat (because now that is 'achievement' but this time supposedly with God's blessing). 'OBVIOUSLY' the answer is to pursue achievement and connections! Where could this idea possibly come from? Well, for those not connected to prosperity churches, these ideas fall from every page of every many a Christian book written or sermon preached. " I did this and that," "When I was with #suchafamousbody..." There are exceptions but all we read is the 'Achievement' and 'Connections' formulas.
Having created a culture of aspiration, people are hungry for anything that will aid the rise to the place where they think God wants them. But what is the ACTUAL message we need to take from then Lord? As previously stated "Blessed are the poor in Spirit..." The idea that Jesus has achieved all you need and your connection with him is all you need IS spiritual poverty. But... there's a flaw... what do you reach out for in your time of need.... Behold... I give you...
Relationship... the Body of Christ! GENIUS... how to foster and forge FAMILY!
There is nothing more violently protected as a child in a family Poverty situation. Poverty Parents walk into Principals offices and defend the silliest of defenses. Why? Because above all else relationship is EVERYTHING so you defend it. That's what the Lord wants to produce in us.... a realization that our church systems and structures work counterproductive to spiritual poverty. He wants us to deconstruct 'church' so we return to family. This is about eating the Lord's supper together. But more than that, as a consequence, it is about forging deep connections with brothers and sisters where you would crawl over broken glass to maintain and service. There is a beautiful place to dwell where others are your priority. People walking in this are entirely met by the body and are insatiable to to those in this dark world.
The Prosperity Gospel sees achievement and connections lead to perceived success and as everyone scrambles to 'be somebody,' the need for one another diminishes. Our walk becomes based on performance and we are back into 'works.' 'Family' becomes conceptual, an 'occupational hazard of being saved.' Can you see how it wouldn't take much for those measuring spiritual currency by achievement and connections to fall in with the influential who offer promotion?
Many will fall away in the last days because what is coming can only be resisted by those who have subjected themselves to the Lord himself and not the church systems and structures that think spirituality is linked to this world. What is coming on this world to deceive? I'm not sure, but if your values are based on spiritual success being based on worldly achievement, then even I could knock together a way to lure you in! I'd just offer an academy, promise promotion, show you where you will be afterwards... BINGO! I have your fee and off we go! You're well on the way to God thinking you're special! I wouldn't be able to sell this to you if you were sold out to Jesus and not the idea that you have to aspire to that which you already have.
Did you know that the 'Antichrist' is not actually 'Anti'-'Christ?' He is REPLACING Christ. So many are squared up to take on offers that promise what you've all been taught -that achievement and connections equate to God's Blessing, and lead you far from the mutual relationships founded in spiritual poverty.
And when all you have to lean on is others who are devastated because their lives have been based on some preachers ideas and not the Lord himself.... there are little resources that came about having spent time in spiritual poverty and being imbibed by it. They do not know those who have abandoned self to the Lord over the chance to be someone.
The reason why these are complex themes is because most people who embark upon these issues are good with a noble intent. The idea that someone 'Just loves money over God' is a MUCH more complex issue involving the drivers of human nature. It delves into the very nature of who we are as fallen yet believing people. It's about how a wide range of sociological, psychological and pretty much all the whatever-logical aspects of human nature meet the Jesus of the Gospels. Basically it's the wisdom of man versus the wisdom of God.
This is a huge issue and if we are to master it we may have to further unpack its dimensions.
Gary Ward
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