I was part of a church that was heading this way but I jumped off in 2000. Led by the Lord, I was shown that this is a way where many will fall away. I had previously thought that 'falling away' was people walking away from Jesus. Now I understand that falling away means believers falling for a version of 'church' that denies the core values of Christ. So many churches have thousands of people following them and this is perceived as 'proof' that God is moving. Christians want to be part of God's moving so they join the church stream.
As you will know from my writings I'm pushing for a review of what the Scriptures say about 'church.' I'm all of this I must be careful to underline that my appeal to see how the Apostolic way works is a 'wineskin' issue. The real point of all of my efforts is to be the 'wine.' This 'wine' can be described as brothers and sisters together on the basis that they are family in Christ. The wine flows when the Lord has lead over these people and is able to have his way among them. This results in a beautiful fellowship of submitted people loving one another and manifesting the Lord in their comings and goings. This life contrasts this world and people are met by an authentic Christ-life lived out in dark times. Jesus can do his works through these believers.
Hillsong and church models that have gone the other way, try to win people by packaging church as contemporary, relevant and something you would want to tell your next door neighbour about. They would fail however at producing the 'wine.' You will get real believers really passionate about doing good things and serving humanity but without something Jesus can work with, the wine, it is a spectacular effort of man. the idea that church must become more and more relevant and contemporary sets believers up for calibrating themselves towards this world rather than exclusively Christ.
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