There's much confusion over this issue. It is not helped by Christians who will not acknowledge that Jesus spoke to Jews who were under Law in the first century. They had to follow Law until it led them to Messiah where they could be free to follow him, not 'it.' Gentiles get tied in knots over this as they try to read Hebrews, a book written to Jewish Christians pertaining to their heritage and culture.
Hopefully this will help explain what has occurred with the Law as far as the New Testament is concerned. As a Dad, I decide to go and work away for a week. During that week I place a list of do's and don'ts on the fridge. In my absence my children are to read the list of do's and don'ts and follow that list. When I return I take the list off the fridge as it is no longer needed. I am back and able to manage the rules for living in my household personally.
Similarly, The Old Testament was a written document to have people fit into God's boundaries for living. When Jesus came in the Flesh he fulfilled the Law, he never broke one of the 613 Commandments. When he became the Salvation for the world he also fulfilled the Law on behalf of everyone else! Subsequently he sends the Holy Spirit to all who would call upon his name for Salvation. Having recognized Messiah and calibrated oneself toward his leading, God comes to live inside us. If the Lawgiver lives inside us why do we need a document? He has took the list off the fridge and is managing it himself, personally.
So the benchmark by which we are measured against is still Law but it is managed personally within our hearts rather than an external document. This way we are not just addressing behavior but because God is now able to be on the inside of us, it leads to transformation. We are no longer responding to a written code or legislative document. We are now fostering a relationship with the author. Daily we find ourselves responding to the inner leading of the Lord and need no outward drivers.
What was needed to drive right living for Old Testament believers? LAW - a legal document
What is needed for New Testament believers to live right? GRACE - the unconditional right to get it wrong*
These 'outward drivers' are not just Law. Anything that cues our responses other than the inward leading of the Spirit is error. So a vision statement from a church that sounds good may or may not be something the Lord wants you to do. A sermon preached on Sunday morning may or may not be what the Lord wants for you at that moment.
Be led by the Spirit... jealously.
Gary Ward
*More on this later
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