Thursday, 3 July 2014

Taken for a Bride #1

As part of these writings I have tried to underline that Jesus wanted us to 'do this...' when believers come together to remember Messiah.  I have demonstrated that the Apostles took this seriously and practiced 'church' in homes around a full meal with open and equal sharing.  There were leaders but not ranked.  I have also attempted to answer some objections to all this.

What I want to do here is outline the actual reason why Jesus would want this pattern for believers meeting to remember him.

To get to grips with God's purposes right now we need to read Ephesians chapter 1.   Here is the key part:

9 he[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
Much of the Church is set up for evangelism.  Noble cause, and the other side of the coin to what God's primary purpose is. God's primary purpose is to have everything under Christ, evidently unsaved people are included in this.  Reading on we don't get the idea that evangelism is the primary aim, rather, getting the Bride ready for the coming age.  When this occurs people are attracted to Christians and these 'biblical' churches. 

By far the dominant theme in the Old and New Testament is the Bride of Christ.  The preparation for the coming Kingdom when the Bride makes herself ready (Rev 19:7-10).  In John 14, using Jewish wedding customs promised to go to 'prepare a place for you.'  The Old Testament is rammed with references to Israel (Gentiles are grafted into this covenant) being set up as the Bride.  For examples see Isa. 62:1-5 and Jer 3:14.  

Scrambled Eggs
This preparation involves the Lord being able to have our full attention to work towards our sanctification, separating us from this world. When we are only subservient to the Lord he has free range to do this work.  What frustrates this work is agendas that come about through the structures and systems of this type of church.  To use an illustration, imagine a bowl with two eggs mixed up.  The Lord can work with the fluid consistency of the eggs.  When we begin to microwave the eggs in 20 second bursts, they begin to set.  This is like the way church systems and structures limit the way the Lord can prepare a person. How does a church system and structure interfere with the Lord?

As soon as we are placed in a situation where the ideas, innovation or creativity of Man is involved we need to ask just how 'of the lord' this is.  If our 'eggs' are being cooked by man's inspiration we can get to a place where we are so solidified about this practice and forward momentum that the Lord can no longer break into that persons thinking.  Or rather, the persons perception of what God wants to do is seen through the perspectives of that ministry.  Of course this is not about eggs but the availability of our core selves to be directly influenced by the Holy Spirit ... or not.  

Mission frustrated
When church is set up biblically it is each and every person who has to come under the Lord and be led by God alone.  The coming together is not to devise ways where mans ingenuity can meet needs.  The point is to bring our own experience of the Lord and share it.  Unhindered by the drive to win the lost or plant churches or any other vision statement, believers can have their 'eggs' remain fluid and available for the Lord to lead that person in their individual way.  In this way people can be woven into the lives of the lost and be salt and light.  A party line evangelism program overrides this and has good people conditioned to be 'ABC' when the Lord need 'XYZ' in that situation. 

Sanctification Frustrated
If we are part of a church that has systems and structures that organize that which the Holy Spirit should lead, we define that ministry for the Holy Spirit.  This is also true of his preparation as the Bride.  The preparation is dependent on an intimate walk into Sonship and the corresponding separation from the things of this world.  Systems and structures divert attention and connection to the Lord and frustrates the work of becoming the Bride of Christ.  Paul touches this issue in 1 Corinthians 5 when correcting the believers sinfulness.  

1 Corinthians - our example of correction 
Don't forget that Paul has already told us that this gathering had been rallying around men in Chapter 3. Now this has led to sinfulness that has not registered on the radar of the believers.  Corinth was seduced by defaulting to what Mankind does when not tuned into the Lord.  They began organizing themselves around human logic.  This is flawed and Paul shows this in Chapter 2.  When he addresses them in Chapter 5 he is saying that they are puffed up with pride and uses the leavened / unleavened bread illustration.  He then encourages them to 'keep the feast' in order to maintain a practice that works better towards the purity of the gathering.  The old leaven is to meet the old way, around a priest figure and the new leaven is to meet as instructed by the Apostles...  around a 'feast.'  

The way to meet is central to how the Lord works with us and how we can engage him in his primary purpose of getting the Bride ready... then for us to be able to shine forth the Light and attract people to the Way.  This is not just an issue about how people prefer to do church... it is maneuvering ourselves to allow Jesus to be able to do what he does.  We have to position ourselves to move back to meeting as the Apostles instructed to be available in every way to the Lord.  

As I have stated before the way back is not just having cell groups or house church.  It is an act of repentance to have our hearts change so we can render the church back into the hands of the Lord. 

Gary Ward

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