Sunday, 15 February 2015

THE sign of the end times...

Over history there have been seasons of suffering that has had the Church absolutely sure Jesus return is around the corner.  Hitler was thought to be the antichrist, as was Napoleon.   The church correctly looks at events and recount the words of Jesus predicting what the end will look like in Matthew 24. However many of the churches throughout history have just looked for turbulence and individuals rising to lead many astray. They have watched the rise of  some of the signs and come to the conclusion Jesus is around the corner.  Their error has been largely because they don't take Israel into consideration.  Many churches have a Replacement Theology, meaning the church has replaced Israel and Israel have no further place in God's Kingdom.

How wrong can you be!

Israel are central to God's plans and world events have to line up with events in and around Israel. Ever since I became a Christian 25 years ago Jews were returning home to Israel.  The Jewish homecoming is THE sign of the very end of days.  This is a fulfilment of Hosea 3:4-5, Ezekiel 20:34, Isaiah 11:11-12.  There are more prophecies fulfilled concerning Israel yet the majority of churches see no reason to take Romans 9-11 seriously where Paul assures us Israel will be restored and the last seven years of History is all about that restoration through great Tribulation.  

Before the seven years is the snatching away of the church, a phenomenal event known as the Rapture.  So those who are awake look to Israel to see how close we may be to the Rapture. Why is this important?  Jesus said many will be deceived in the last days and will not be included in the redeemed and will therefore miss the Rapture.  Many who don't follow Jesus in faith and repentance think they will be included because they feel they are a 'good person.'  Many who attend church and recited a 'sinners prayer' will also be left behind.  It is the recognition of being implicated as a wretched sinner before God's Holiness that leads to 'repentance' or a recalibration of how you live your life.  If you haven't been born 'from above,' the criteria for being saved, theres still time.

But not much.  

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister told scattered Jews the government is putting significant amounts of money aside  to prepare for a massive immigration program.  He welcomed all Jews to return, especially those being hunted down by Islamic terrorists.  For most this is just another news item from the 'complex situation' in the Middle East.  To those who have made Jesus Lord it is another nudge to indicate that the Rapture is coming and the devastation that brings Israel to her knees before the Lord.

Then Jesus comes back.

Submit and yield to the Lamb now or face the wrath of the Lion later.

Gary Ward

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