The letter to the church at Philadelphia is one of seven letters Jesus had sent to these specific churches at the time. In chapter 1 Jesus gives an outline of the entire book:
Rev 1:19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.
What you have seen: the risen glorified Jesus Christ Chapter 1
What is now: Circa AD90 the start of the church age Chapter 2 and 3
What takes place after: The end of the church age, the rapture onwards Chapter 4-22
Because of hindsight in church history we can see that the seven churches in chapter 2 and 3 were distinctive of churches in time. It is in the chronological order of their appearing as main movements on planet earth. Ephasus, Smyrna and Pergamum seem to have all led to Thyatira, the Medievil church that lasted as the major force on the earth for a thousand years or so. From there we see Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea as post-Reformation distinctives. Thyatira and all who come after her will all be on the earth as expressions of 'church' when Jesus returns. We know this because in the last four some allusion to the second coming is mentioned. Also the last four letters have differences in the way it is concluded. And obviously we can see these four churches on earth right now! Thyatira is the Roman catholic church. Sardis is the denominational church. Philadelphia is the 'biblical church' and Laodicea is the mega church / prosperity / seeker sensitive church.
In chapter 4 it begins with 'after these things'... then tells us what must be the rapture of the church. John has a trumpet-voice tell him to 'come up here!' Then the 24 elders are around the throne singing the song of the redeemed. Also the lamp stands (the churches) are now in the throne room of God in chapter 5.
Rev 3:12
The rewards at the end of all seven letters are general rewards for all who go to heaven. All apply to all Christians who are saved because they speak of aspects common to all saints regardless of their walk. In verse 12 we see that those who overcome, God moves them into his house! The reason it sits in Philadelphia is because they were in literal dangerous structures in their city at the time but prophetically it will speak of the church distinctive that fled the dangerous church structures and dwelt outside of them. In view of all this the Lord tells Philadelphia that they will be in God's house, under his address! They will be central to its structure. This is in direct contradistinction to the way they had to become unknown, off the radar, insignificant, un-heralded, hidden and thought of as non-entities. They are given roles in the very house of God!
Two thousand or so years ago Jesus wrote letters to warn believers to be of good report when he comes. There is a judgement for believers where we are all rewarded for 'what we did.' I have absolutely no doubt that the letters to the churches will be referred to. Of course my exegesis of Philadelphia could be all wrong. It may refer to something else and I'm just doing my best guess. What is not wrong though is the characteristics of this church that got no bad report. They were available for the Lord to access them and vice verca. Because of this they were yielded to Jesus, they were obedient to his word and walked well in faith and repentance. This brought persecution but they stood firm with patient endurance. Whatever you think of my interpretation, please give serious consideration to becoming 'Philadelphia.' If you do think I've hit the nail on the head contact me about moving from the systems and structures to Philadelphia. Its not just about 'doing church differently.'
Gary Ward
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