Monday, 23 February 2015

...and the elements will melt...

This passage in 2 Peter 3 gives the impression that when the Lord returns the New Heavens and New Earth replace the old order of things.  This is a contradiction of every other passage that tells us when the new Heavens and New Earth replace this one.  Revelation chapters 19 and following show us that there is a Millennial rule of Christ on this earth. This is when he sits on David's Throne in Jerusalem, something that has not occurred yet.   Just to be clear, Jesus is seated on His Fathers Throne right now, and will return to earth to rule the entire earth.  The New Heaven and New Earth occur after the Millennial reign which ends with the Great White Throne Judgement of everyone who rejected Messiah up to that point.  So what is Peter saying?

In verse 7 Peter tells us that he is clear that the destruction is when the Judgement of the ungodly is. But the 'Day of The Lord' is 1000 years before this Judgement.  Peter tells us this in verse 8 saying that the 'Day of the Lord is like 1000 years and a thousand years like a day.'  To Peter the 'Day of the Lord' lasts 1000 years, not a particular day when he is due to arrive.  In much the same way the entire church age is called 'the last days.'  There's been over 725,000 of those last days!  This is obviously a way to label an era.

So verse 10 tells us the Day (era of 1000 years) of the Lord will come like a thief.  The context here is the scoffers who question the coming (v3).  He will come like a thief to them but the faithful believers will be aware of the time.  How do we know that?  1 Thessalonians 5 is clear.  It is those in darkness to whom it comes like a thief not the ones who are watching for His return.  To be clear, I am not suggesting believers will know the exact time... but will be aware of the general timing because of the prophetic clock that is Israel.  As a side note incidentally, time is almost up!

So am I saying that when the Lord comes back everything will be as it is now?  Not at all.  For a start His return is preceded by the 70th week of Daniel from chapter 9 where the last three and a half years are the Great Tribulation.  This is time that is unique as God's wrath is poured out on the world.  It is my understanding that believers will be raptured prior to this and one model I am happy with is that the church is snatched away prior to the seven years. The Tribulation will change the earth but nothing as drastic as the return of the Lord with his Holy ones... glorified believers!  Romans 8 is clear that the sin curse is lifted and what triggers this is the return of Jesus Christ, Glorified to sit on his glorious Throne.  Many passages in the Old Testament describe the changes such as israel being restored to the garden of Eden.  Jerusalem is raised up and becomes a port.  Jesus rules the earth from David's throne with His Bride, the faithful believers.

Peter exhorts us to walk well with the Lord seeing as this is the destiny of the Heavens and the earth. This is a terrifying prospect to read in english... a time when literally, "swhoosh" the entire universe is gone. It is even more unsettling to render the greek for 'the elements will melt.'  A more accurate reading of this phrase can be:

'The organised building blocks that comprise the Creation will be loosed'

By the Grace of God I am a believer in Messiah but I want to offer a chilling reason why Peter may have phrased verse 10 in a way that seems to say the Day of the Lord is the day of the destruction.  For those who scoff can only do so before His return.  So for the scoffer, they reject Christ and have nothing to do with the Millennium.  So from the perspective of the scoffer / unbeliever the day comes like a thief, they are rendered as 'goats' and destroyed if they survive the Tribulation.  They are then raised up on Judgement Day to be thrown into the Lake of Fire and the Heavens and Earth are destroyed.  In context Peter is looking from perspective of the pre-return unbeliever where the Millennial Rule will not be something they take part in.  So for them it is literally the actual day of the Lord... they are killed as 'goats' in that judgement then the next thing the know about is the great white Throne Judgement of all those who rejected Messiah in history.  

Gary Ward

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