Wednesday, 4 February 2015

About Tithing...


It is my view that Tithing is something that was Law and applicable to Israel 2000 years ago.  Some people say Jesus mentioning it in Mathew 23:23 validates the Tithe.  However the actual tithe involves the Temple... which Jesus said would be destroyed and was in 70AD.  Jesus was speaking to those under Law as was Jesus at the time of speaking.   Also Tithing was never money.  It was always livestock or produce.  It is a strong teaching that the Tithe was the national Tax of Israel and was always meant to be for that specific purpose under Law.

A technicality about the Tithe is that it predates the Law and therefore must be a practice that must be observed.  The same is true of Sabbath. The seventh day was set aside as Holy by God before the Law.  However Hebrews 3 and 4 tells us that because of the finished work of Christ, every day is a Holy and set apart day.  Why?  Because 'Today' is the day we can enter the rest from our own works in Christ's finished work!  The Sabbath is explained for us in New Testament terms.  Does the New Testament tell us anything about how we should give?

2 Corinthians chapter 9 contains Paul's exhortation about giving in a nutshell.  Basically we should give as directed by The Lord and as verse 7 exhorts:

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Chapter 8 speaks of giving towards a ministry.  Under this we need to be balanced.  I give because I have decided to do so. I have found some ministries a fountain to me so it was not a problem to financially support them.  However that is not the same thing as being under a ministry who expects support. If you have given yourself to a Tithing church then tithe!  Am I encouraging you to do something un-biblical?  No!  You are already in a church that practices un-biblical practices!  So your partying to that system means you signed up for the whole deal!  It's not right to join the Manchester United Fan club then wear blue!  If you are in a system where the Pastor is waged and there are overheads for buildings and outreach needs big $$$ you have more problems than "Tithing."  You have yet to be freed from historical Church that produces a construct of Christianity and bars you from growing the way Jesus wants you to.  e 

So tying this in with the priorities as Family coming under God, look after your family before seeking to find someone to give to.  Seek God about who to give to and if there is nothing after the bills are paid, food is on the table and something to sow into the relationship / family enjoyment... then no sweat... you cannot give.  Of course we all have to audit our actual needs.  Be sensitive to extravagance or indulgence while making the family comfortable.  Audit your consumption now and again and see if there are ways to bless in the leading of the Holy Spirit.

One of the most compelling things about 'what Christians should and shouldn't do' is the letter the Apostles signed and sent to the Church at Antioch.  In Acts 15 we find the Apostles sending instructions about resisting sexual immorality and instructions around food.  Interesting these two areas are where we have to engage, food / drink and sexual activity.  I t appears the Apostles understood that the Gentile believers at Antioch were fully anchored into Christ and therefore needed some instruction about the things that can be neglected in our lives.  I think this is the key:

That we are anchored into the Lord and walking according to His word as revealed in the Bible.  This enables us to be Spirit led and able to walk in the expressed will and purpose of the Risen, Glorified Lord Jesus Christ.  The Law was only ever supposed to point to this reality!  Let's be free from the compulsion to give and enter into the Lord's will for your giving.

Gary Ward

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