If God is in control, and He is, what is happening to churches during the Covid 19 lock-down? For some reason God has allowed believers to not to be able to meet as usual. As a result, believers are in their homes with their families. In case you didn't know, the church began in homes. When Jesus said, 'this do unto my remembrance,' those sat listening to him went and did what they were doing in that home. They met in homes and ate food together. This was called 'ekklesia.' Jesus gave no other instructions about what to 'do.' None of the disciples asked for clarity and Paul was given the same instructions to do it until the Lord comes. Because of the pandemic the church has returned home. My hope is that people take a step back from historical church and begin to see that biblical church is the way forward. Maybe this is what God is doing? Why would God want believers to gather in homes?
We don't need special buildings
The point of the New Covenant was that Christ will really be able to inhabit the life of a believer. Because of this shift from the Temple to people, there is no need for the scaffolding of ritual or a 'special place' to meet because God is inhabiting people. As the scripture tells us, we are living stones. So without the need of all the trappings that went with God being in a building, we don't need the Temple style building to meet in. That era is long gone. Why have a high maintenance hall when you have homes? It costs a lot to maintain, it could be mistaken for being 'God's house' and as soon as persecution comes you are toast!
We can do what families do
All of the Old Testament was speaking one thing to Israel: 'Messiah is coming.' But we are on the side where Messiah has been. This changes everything. It means people can really be forgiven because Jesus paid the price for our sin. But the intention is that we are adopted as God's children. Meaning we are really brothers and sisters. So instead of a meet up around things that anticipate Messiah, we can do what families do, meet and eat in homes, now we have the completed work of Messiah that has made us a real family. Think about your church meetings. Do families do those things when they meet? Do you stand up, sit down, chip in to the mortgage, eat a small cracker and sip some juice? Of course not... The Lord wants his family to be... family!
We can let Jesus lead us
Many in the past have agreed that the New Testament does have the church meet in homes but it is much more that a change of address. It's easy to have the same sort of practices simply moved into a house. Most cell groups do this. Moving into a biblical house church like the first century requires leaders and everyone to give Jesus his church back. This means stepping down from the priest-like function and letting Jesus be who He is, our great high priest. Every believer has equal access to Jesus. But don't house churches have leaders? Yes, but in a local ekklesia they are only ever called Elders in the New Testament. And they are elected by the people who gather together in the house. The whole point of Jesus being given all power authority and dominion is so that he can be in charge. This is frustrated by the institutes of men that work towards Man stepping on the Lord's toes. See 1 Sam Ch 8 for this being a problem mankind has. Then read 1 Corinthians... it's what we do without the Lord.
We can be changed
The central point of meeting as family is so that genuine love and fellowship can take place. This brings change in a believers life to know that in meeting they are met at heart level. When the distractions and diversions of the old school type of meeting are eliminated, what we have is the Lord building the body together. Mainstream church can see some of this but the Lord's work is interrupted by the leaders who do things they think are good for 'growth' or 'building God's Kingdom.' Jesus said who would build His Church? Only Jesus can build His church, His way.
It can change the world
What happens when people throw off history's version of church? God can work at the core of the persons being and bring authentic transformation. And you know what that means? Unbelievers see a believer who has been met by the Fathers love both through scripture and the family of believers they meet with. This brings a whole new level of 'different' and therefore brings more curiosity about believers. Our lives are supposed to be a witness to God's love, mercy and grace. So to return to the biblical home church set up directly affects evangelism. The more biblical house churches you have, the more ability to not just be in the same street as your neighbours who aren't believers. Authentic, Christ-led transformation plus lost unbeliever equals witness in abundance!
The power of environment
Winston Churchill said, ' We shape the buildings, thereafter the buildings shape us.' Jesus wanted believers to be particularly in homes so they would remain free from the shaping power of a building. Mainstream churches tend to shape people into being 'do-ers.' Homes promote 'family' and this is more about relationship - 'being.' This is the core of what Jesus wanted the Church to be like. In industry lots of 'doing' needs to be done to get the product out the door. Church is not like that... it's a family where we are valuing the human BEINGS around us. Homes and family and food are at the core of what God wants to produce on earth: genuine love for one another. That is attractive to lost hopeless people. Of course there's some doing to be done by the church but it comes AFTER a life has been touched by authentic fellowship and God's power.
Is mainstream church 'wrong?'
To answer that question I would ask if the 5 days of creation was 'wrong' until it was complete? The answer is no, they were not wrong. But they were incomplete. God called the progress of Creation 'good' even though it is not where God wanted it to be. So the historical / mainstream churches of today are in a process of the Lord trying to get in amongst the people to show them we are the completed product in Christ so we don't need an incomplete way to practice our faith. A family home is fine! And smaller groups because of that works even better!
The only real reason we need to be biblical in our church practice is because Jesus told us to. I think that's a possible reason everyone's been forced home to reflect on what they do. Please share this to anyone who may be reflecting on 'church' since Covid 19 hit the normal routine of life.
Gary Ward
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