Thursday, 16 April 2020

Covid 19 one step closer...

When asked about the end of days Jesus said quite a few things.  These things can be found in Matthew Chapters 24 to most of 25.  Mark 13 and Luke 21 also record this.  Since Covid 19 has been around for a while now, we can observe the response from the nations of the earth to the Pandemic.  Jesus told us these things will happen.  The signs of the things that come before the end are: nations rising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms, famines, pestilences, earthquakes and persecution of believers including death.  All of this has been increasing for years but not directly in my backyard.

Now just one aspect is in our backyards:  Pestilence. What is the meaning of all this?

I suppose that's the big question right now and many are now observing some shift in thinking.  I saw  a police helicopter go past a landmark my wife and I were visiting just this morning.  I gave them a thumbs up because they are monitoring the beaches for groups ignoring Covid 19 social distancing.  I'm genuinely proud of the front-line workers right now... Bravo! I then stopped myself short.  I am approving the government monitoring of people!  I don't want this pandemic to spread so I want to cops to stop non-thinking people from spreading the virus.  So here's the scenario: an external factor has got me to approve of the authorities tracking people (me).  Hmmm.  Let's upscale this.

Central to the end time will be an Antichrist figure, someone who heads the whole world up.  Without doing a massive study on the Antichrist, suffice to say he is somehow able to deceive the whole world into buying into a scheme where you can't buy or sell without a mark of some kind.  Again, lets stay away for now about what that mark is.  The point here is how can massive amounts of people be herded into a mentality to give a thumbs up to government monitoring or tracking.

Just as World War 2 was an example of how a man could bring a whole nation to thumbs up attacking the entire world, so Covid 19 is a step closer to people seeing government tracking and monitoring as a good thing.  Some nations have told people to stay indoors and only leave with urgent trips.  There is mass compliance, willingly!   Some have installed a police state and if there are any riots because of this I have not heard of them.  People are compliant.  It's a good thing to be compliant, we must cut the legs off this virus!  Where could this go?

The reason I would be flagging up these things is because I am a believer in Jesus Christ and his completed atoning sacrifice.  Because the Bible tells us about the end times, I am watching with balance and rational thinking about what is happening in the world.  In centuries gone by, parts of the bible make no sense but now we are seeing a convergence of technologies, geo-political treaties and catastrophes just as Jesus said.  A virus with, at present, nothing like the annual death rate of flu has us all cooped up in our homes.  I'm not a sheep, I'm happily complying with the directives.  But it would be no surprise in the future if people en-mass followed a one world leader because safety and peace is offered. 

One chilling thought.  In the last decade Christian values have been attacked and the last 100 years has seen the biggest cull of Christian believers in history.  In China Christians are routinely chased down and are killed or imprisoned while the cross emblem is removed from all non government approved buildings.  Let's not get started on Muslim countries!

A day is coming when a one world government will be headed by one very impressive leader who offers peace and security.  This present Covid 19 issue has shown that we will willingly comply with directives that offer safety, peace and security.  We will even suffer for it!  My suspicion for these coming times are that Christians themselves will be made to be the virus.  Portrayed as a non compliant entity that will be seen to be working against the peace, security and safety of the world by not joining the 'club' intended to fix things.   In smaller ways Christians avoid certain 'clubs' now, and suffer social martyrdom, persecution or characterisation stigma.  It is moving towards a bigger and much more deadly stage and Covid 19 is a massive step towards the end time scenario.

Let's not forget that as the darkness increases it is leading to the rapture of the Bride and the return of Jesus Christ who will destroy the Antichrist and his global empire.  Brothers and Sisters, we win!  But along the way let's keep vigilant in trying to articulate the times and enduring the sorrows that will come upon the earth before the end.

Since writing the main body of this blog three or so days ago the Prime minister of Australia has spoken today of a 'technology' that will track where everyone has been to tackle the spread of the virus.  Its probably an app for now.  We all know where this is going...

Gary Ward

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