Thursday, 15 March 2018

Understanding 'contending for the faith'

Jude's letter was clear about the dangers facing Christians, especially in the last days.  That there would be those who 'slip in among you' and masquerade as believers was a problem then but now denominations are based on this calamity.  The issue here is that the practices and false doctrines of these impostors are adopted by believers and we see it every day in churches.  It is my responsibility to firstly walk out the faith in obedience but then to discern where the rot has set in. Then I will make all those I am walking this out with aware of the error.  In this way I am again doing what Scripture teaches: 1 Timothy 4...

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
If you point these things out to the brothers and sisters, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.
If however the 'pointing out' or 'making aware' is actually a cover for bitterness or revenge then it is a whole other matter.  I would have to examine my own heart (see, you don't have to!) for motives in calling out an individual or a church et al.  I have personally been part of churches that have publicly lied to their congregations, mismanaged money, built a 'kingdom' for themselves etc.  All these things are explicitly reasons for repentance.  Where repentance is not evident the person or church are in danger.  God gives churches or individuals over to 'it,' whatever 'it' is for that group.  We see this in verse two above and in Romans chapter 1 just as two off the cuff examples. 
Over the last year or two I have seen people I know lie to my face about the lies they told to their church.  I didn't expose this beyond some trusted friends to whom I have some accountability. Recently a church was on national UK TV because of a scandal involving the head of that organisation.  One of the reasons aspiring mega churches pat themselves on the back is because of the social action they get involved in.  The un-biblical practices they employ to get people in, and get their money, is always justified by 'helping the helpless.'  Got to say... if you have a load of people doing anything... helping the helpless is a good thing!  But if the helpless become subject to the same business-like tactics as everyone else we have a problem.  Control, megalomania and the such like are ugly in every context.  Its no problem for me to let my church family know that this is wrong and can never be right.  Biblically, I'm doing my job.    
My concern is for the believers who have fallen into the cult of personality.  Some people can do anything and the followers wont see it as sin.  This is concerning because it shows the word of God is coming second to the vision of the movement.  Believers buy into the proposals of the leaders and if they happen to violate the word of God... who cares!  As long as the movement is moving and I'm part of it... let's not tip up the apple cart!  This is exactly what Israel were castigated for... the widespread acceptance of sin as being all well and good because "WE ARE GODS CHOSEN."  
What could go wrong... turns out everything!
This is not a shock to anyone who has read the Prophets and takes the Apostles seriously.  The growing problem is acceptance of this unrepentant behaviour.  The VAST majority are taken in by the key performance indicators of 'what works' church wise.  As long as they are a part of the hive, all is well.
It isn't well.  It is everything the Apostles and Prophets warned about.   

Gary Ward 

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