Monday, 15 January 2018

Managing appetites...

Paul to Timothy:

1Tim 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

How do we know what is the demonic teaching and which is Godly?  Paul offers two examples of what demonic teaching does.  The underlying theme is restriction.  But the devastating other side to this coin is the works associated with it.  They forbid people to marry when marriage is the very core of God's plan that is patterned through the Bible.  The true church is a bride!  They also forbid certain foods.  Food is a blessing!  God loves feasts!  What are the demons trying to do in being behind such teachings and practices? 

When people become Christians having been implicated by the rescue plan of God, they enter more freedoms than restrictions.  This is not what people think about Christianity but it is actually true.  Paul goes on:  

4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.  

When someone brings about extra rules and regulations that God has not sanctioned they create a false religion.  This misrepresents God and people get an impression of God that is not accurate.  As a younger man I HATED being misrepresented.  It has happened so much that I've seen it as God's hollowing out process.  I have also seen more clearly the reason people do it.  Nevertheless God is misrepresented.  That is not a great idea but it is devastating to the people led into the doctrines of demons.  Central to our growth, maturity and even salvation is seeing God for who He really is.  

The whole problem with all of God's dealing with Israel was misrepresentation.  This led to carving Idols and in the same way, creating restrictions is also Idolatry.  This has been clearly said by the Holy Spirit!  The big question has to be whether Paul's observations have taken form.  I mean if you claim the Holy Spirit is clearly saying something you'd better be right, right?

I'm sure there are other examples but two huge examples remain of restricting foods and marriage.  Firstly it is the Roman Catholics that forbid their priests to marry.  This has serious repercussions in society.  Roman Catholics re-enact Jesus' sacrifice at mass, denying the Lord's once and for all sacrifice.  Secondly there is the devastating error of returning to Law.  This proclaims the work of the cross as being ineffectual and sets the person partaking into observing prescriptive Law.  Practically it means restrictions in what is eaten as Mosaic Law banned certain foods.  Interestingly, Judaisers and the Roman Catholics have this in common: Ignoring the completed work of the cross.  

Jesus fulfilled the Law for us so that we can have access to God by believing on Him.  Once truly following Jesus by faith we are not required to tick boxes or refrain from what God has given as pleasurable blessings.  Although these blessings can be abused, doing or not doing something to help God fix us is not required.  When the Apostles wrote to the gentile believers at Antioch, the main areas they advised to be aware of was managing food and their sexual practices.  In no way did they says stop eating and enjoying intimacy in marriage.  Our appetites are God given and to be met with thanks within the holy boundaries of God's graces.  

Gary Ward

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