Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The Theatre of Religion

Christianity is classed as one of the great Religions.  That is to say, it has been an option for someone seeking God to choose.  It has a Theology and characters that constitute its history. Christianity has many famous followers who did great things in their life.  Many feel they are a true Christian because they live in a Christian country, were baptised as a baby or they generally want good things to happen.    Even more serious people who actually go to church to worship would count that as their Christian faith.  I know people who don't believe Jesus was a real person or the Bible is God's word.  They just identify with the aspiration for high morals and ethical hygiene.  Millions of people around the world think that these things in and of themselves will make their souls be with Jesus when the inevitable death scenario comes about.  This Religion I have just described with not get you into Heaven the same way a supporter walking around Old Trafford on a visit doesn't make you a Manchester United player (google it).

A person who is truly born from above (John 3) means they have been confronted by the reality that Jesus died on the cross in their place because they are in rebellion against God.  The subsequent contrite asking for forgiveness from God is met with a fulfilment of the promise to give the new believer a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:24f).  Its an actual transaction that takes place as the sinner realises Jesus took the punishment for their sin.

So we have two things that are going on.  One is true conversion and journey of discipleship, the other is being in a category.  The Bible tells us in the last days there will be many who will be in a category rather than be actually walking in faith and repentance.  It happened in the Prophets where those professing faith were just playing out a scenario of religion, going through the motions, not really believers.  In Jesus day many of the Pharisees were walking out a version of faith but Jesus continually slammed them.  Today a great number of church goers are practising a membership to a fraternity instead of walking in a genuine child-of-God authenticity.

If you are a person who is in a category rather than in Christ you are in the theatre of Religion.  It has a stage, props, actors and a liturgy.  It is fake and being around things associated with Christ will forever keep you ticking the 'christian' box yet will never save your soul.  The sooner you come to reassess the events around Calvary, how Jesus came to ACTUALLY rescue your soul, the sooner you will see that merely playing a part in the play is futile.  When you truly turn to God for forgiveness of rebellion against Him, then you can take part in walking out God's will and purpose.  A believer who truly does this will escape the coming Judgement.  That is not theatre... it is reality.

Gary Ward

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