Saturday, 13 August 2016

How God speaks...

One of my favourite things in the New Testament is seeing how the Lord moved people.  In Ezekiel 36 we are told that God had plans to give us a new heart and a new spirit and He would move us to follow His decrees.  In Jude we find he is wanting to write about one subject but is compelled to change the subject.  What we find is a canonical epistle... obviously God had other plans.  Jude was directly moved to write the letter but what are the ways in which God speaks to us?

1  Through His Word

The primary way God speaks is through His word, the Bible.  Some have argued that it cannot tell you where to go and be a missionary, if that's what is in your heart to do.  But it does work within us to help us have a heart that is receptive to God's leading.  God's word gives us examples of what God's sending actually is.  Many go without the preparation for the task.  The Bible has been clear, repeatedly, that anyone used of God will be subject to the heavy hand of preparation.  The great commission was given to men who had been prepared by Jesus.  That is the message:  God will prepare you and send you.' It isn't just 'go.'  Read Galatians and observe Paul's overview of his preparation.

2 The Leading of the Holy Spirit

In tandem with (1) The Holy Spirit will give desires and leading over certain things.  It feels like a nagging in the core self.  Sometimes God's will and purposes are something we find we are walking in and the process of being led has not been detectable.  What is for sure is that God lets us know if we are not walking in stride with Him and that can be a lack of peace.  If this happens we will be looking to the Lord for clarity.  Read all of Philippians.

3 Direct Word

Some people have heard an audible voice.  I haven't, but I have had words somehow spoken as a still small voice.  It was confusing because it was not a very important issue compared with some things I've had to walk through.  The lesson is that He wants us to walk out tricky scenarios because in this was we grow and have our faith increased.  Want God's voice?   He has spoken through his Son according to Hebrews, read the opening verses.

4 Council of the wise

After we have got green lights from (1) and (2) we would lay the thing before wise council.  Other people who have demonstrated their maturity can speak into the situation.  When I wanted to marry Helen the Bible says its a good thing, it felt like the Lord had brought her to me but I still laid it before the wise to get some perspectives.  Sometimes God can give you a leading that seems crazy to others so balance is needed with this one.  Think of two people you know will tell you the truth.  Just to be clear... your spouse IS the first port of call!  Proverbs tells us directly that we are to seek out wise council which includes God's word.

5 Circumstances

If you feel a calling to something but it isn't tied to things that make it possible it may be your own dreams.  God requires us to step out without resource but we must wave the white flag at some point when we are not seeing the venture being met by provision.  I got on a plane without a job to move to Australia based on God's leading.  I placed a six week limit on gaining employment before I gave up the ideals.  I got a job on day 1.  One guy at Bible College was wondering where the Lord wanted him.  On entering the Principals office he saw a packet of Brazil Nuts.  Eureka! I'm being called to Brazil!   Let's not take this as a stand-alone way God speaks.

6 Spiritual 'gifts'

The correct terminology is 'graces' and Paul speaks about the 'spirituals.'  So God enables us to issue forth spiritual things by His grace.  If we only rely on this, and some do, we are in big trouble.  People said things to me in the early days and I took it that it was a word from God.  Thankfully no-one said anything really directive.  One guy told me I was 'of the Devil' but has since apologised.  In combination with the other elements of God speaking, the gifts are confirmatory.  Jesus operated in the gifts and it is right to thing that we can issue forth withing the boundaries laid down by scripture.

7 Creation

Many see the Lord speaking to them through Creation.  Romans 1 tells us that everybody knows in their heart there's a God because of what is seen.  In that sense Creation speaks to everyone and it would probably be in the combination of the above to gain specific information.

Once God spoke to me through a movie and sometimes songs.  We can't really limit God except when we are not open to His voice.  By making Jesus Lord we prioritise what He thinks over our own opinions.  A lifestyle of submission, abandonment and yielding will set us in the ballpark for hearing God's voice and allowing it to override the voice of self.  Let me know if I missed any!

Gary Ward

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