Daniel and Jesus' words are pretty amazing 'proofs' that the Bible is true and reliable. However there is a far more information bank where detail of history is outlined and that is the Old Testament. It is startling how much detail is outlined and actually happened through history. People who say they don't believe in Jesus have to account for this sample of prophecies that were walked out through history.
let's put aside the many Prophecies that were fulfilled in history before the first coming of Jesus. Then let's also put aside the first coming of Jesus and how that forensically fulfilled prophecy. What we want to do it apply the prophecies that have been fulfilled and can be researched as documented evidence by anyone sat at a computer. again out of the vast collection I will choose three. For further research simply google it and search around. Having done that though... carry it through and build a wonderful picture of how God has laid out key historical elements before us in the Bible.
Israel becomes a nation again
Isaiah 66:7-8 and Ezekiel 37:21-22 both tell us Israel would become a nation and on May 14th 1948 it happened. Incredibly verse 8 says it may be that it occurs in a day. 'How ridiculous' many would scoff and turn a skeptical eye to the Bible. There were many UN preparations for the recognition of Israel but in one day, the date above, Britain pulled out and recognized Israel, They recognized themselves as a nation and other nations also recognized them as an independent nation. Israel was reborn as prophesied. This is an historical fact, as is the restoration of the Hebrew language (Zeph 3:9), the currency (Ezekiel 45:12-16). That's three right there... but let's be more thorough.
Israel's prosperity
Isaiah 26:6 and 35:1-2 state that Israel would be brought from desolation to prosperity. Last year Israel was in the top 18 developed countries. Not impressed? They have only been a nation since 1948. To make it harder, Israel was attacked on all its fronts after becoming independent by the Arab nations. It won that war, thus fulfilling Zechariah 12:1-3. Critics say it only got off the ground because of West Germany's compensation for the holocaust. We must understand prophecy tells us about outcomes more than it does about the 'how.' I think there's a couple of fulfilled prophecies in this making the total 5. But let's continue.
The last 150 years
There are many more fulfilled prophecies concerning Israel but just to mix it up a little: In Daniel 12 the angel is describing the end times and as part of that an interesting prophecy comes up:
4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” NIV
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. KJV
I looked at the Hebrew some time ago and it is not far from what we have here. We are living in times where the exponential increase in knowledge has been simply staggering. If we are referring to industrial and technological advancement it fits, but may not be what the text is saying. If it's scientific knowledge, I mean real biblical science, it has been increasing. But does it mean that? If it is biblical knowledge... that has been increasing as believers have faithfully scored the bible and archaeological confirmations are through the roof in the last 150 years. Is it referring to that? Well clearly it doesn't matter what it refers to in one sense because EVERYTHING has been increasing with the possible exception of common sense.
Because the context is dealing with a scroll, I would lean towards this meaning the knowledge of the word of God. This has been increasing even in my walk of 25-something years. This leads to something very interesting if we are limiting this verse to bible knowledge that is taken by many who go to and fro. It means that as the years roll on towards the coming of the Lord more and more will be revealed to us. This is consistent to the true meaning of 'Revelation' - apocolypsis. This is the idea of a gradual unveiling.
So the prophecy that people would be able to go to and fro sharing knowledge is quite profound in and of itself. Also that there is more to press into the Lord about and know is exciting.
Conclusion to the Bible proofs series:
It is the grace of God that gives eyes to see. If you have been a bit bored with my reiterating stuff you know then rejoice greatly! To be able to perceive such things as reality means God has adopted you as a son and abundantly blessed you with His truth. Also, make these things firm faith elements in your life. It is all true... it has all been spoken and will come to pass... come Lord Jesus.
Gary Ward
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