Thursday, 14 July 2016

Bible Proofs #2

If Jesus was God-in-flesh you'd expect Him to say things that predict the future.  Even though it is faith in Jesus that brings about His rescue plan for us, we can prove He foretold events.  In this writing I will deal with three predictions that all came true.

The Temple

Jesus told people that the Temple was going to be destroyed.  He was specific in saying not one stone would be laid upon another.  As predicted in 70 AD the Temple was completely destroyed and after the fire had melted all the gold, it ran between the stones.  The prospectors came and smashed all the stones to get the gold and thus not one stone laid upon another.  I am with Bob Cornuke in seeing the Temple mount as the Antonio fortress, not where the Temple was... all 'these' buildings were destroyed.

Josephus records the events and something strange occurred to confirm Jesus words, 'when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies...' (Luke 21:20).  It is recorded that armies did surround Jerusalem but mysteriously went away.  In our group I always joke it was an iced-cream van but this did seriously happen.  The believers who heard Jesus say this were able to flee the city.

The reason it was destroyed in God's economy was as a Judgement on the Old Testament practices which were now null and void because of the New Covenant.  God had given a gracious 30 plus years for adjustment then their central place of Old Testament practice was removed.  How can you slaughter a sacrifice with no Temple?

 The Church age

If you don't believe Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are a chronological prediction of the church age then you have to explain why it isn't!  From the church at Ephesus to Laodicea we find seven distinct descriptions of a church.  If you study the name, characteristics and the specifics Jesus says to each of them it is an uncanny prediction of how church history has progressed.  It is so forensic I find it difficult to see how to frame it in a different way.  Many don't even study it and refuse to see the fore-telling nature of them.

We find each church has an assessment from Jesus ...  some get encouragement and rebuke.  Some get no rebuke and one gets no green tick at all.  It appears to be an overview of how mankind handles the rescue plan of God... the resurrection and glorification of Jesus Christ.  As we stand with history behind us we find it is all in place, lived out for almost 2000 years.  Of course the doubter can say 'it's not a prediction of the church age' but they then have to account for how it tracks real, documented church history.

The history of the Jews

Luke 21:24 They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

Jesus was clear that the Jews would be scattered throughout the world and Jerusalem would be in the control of the Gentiles.  After The Temple was destroyed the Jews were scattered throughout the world and, indeed the Gentiles had control of Jerusalem.  In 1948 Israel was recognised as a nation and in 1967 was back in Jewish hands.  Israel was handed back to the Jews after years of persecution around the world (Luke 23:28-30).  The Jews are still chased down today and many are returning back to Israel.

All this has happened in documented history.  Can you prove the Bible?  Yes, in a way you can.  If you use these points make sure that you are not 'being right' for the sake of it.  Tell them Jesus knew these things because He is the Lord God who came to make sure people could live forever.  Then tell them how.

Gary Ward

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