Sunday, 26 June 2016

Brexit: Now think 'me.'

A question has to be asked about Britain's exit from the European Union.  Just how did the EU become the sovereign rule and reign that it has become?  The story involves many complex twists and turns that anyone really wanting to waste time could explore in detail.  I want to try to explain how agreements / covenants can become something else unless there is understanding about how covenants work.  This information is useful to every level where an agreement is in place.  It also help us not become the problematic controlling element in a covenant.

Parity Covenant

My friend Beresford Job has furnished my understanding of this: The basic information is that there are three types of covenants historically.  The first is one we all understand - a 'Parity Covenant.' This is where parties enter into a 'something for something' covenants.  An example is that I pay a couple of hundred dollars a year and a company comes and helps when my car breaks down.  My 'something' is a mobile mechanic.  Their 'something' is my dollars.  We have agreed this is how it will work and everyone is happy... as long as we both continue with the covenants.   There is much strife and possibly court fees is anyone strays from the Parity Covenant.

Royal Grant

This covenant is where the sovereign makes decrees and the subjects have no say in any of it.  They are simply ruled. This can be very bad as it leads to a dictatorship that can oppress.  But as with the rule of Jesus Christ, it is love, joy, peace and abundant life forwarded to a believer.  You can argue with His kingdom decrees but you cannot change them!  How cool is that!  Jesus has decreed that you can receive all that is His and all we have to do is come under His rule by faith.  The Royal Grant is ultimate rule.

Suzerain Vassal

This one is where a stronger rule (Suzerain)  has power over the lesser nation (Vassal).  The Suzerain allows the Vassal to have some beliefs, culture and governance while ruling over it.  An example is the Romans in Jesus days on earth.  They allowed the nation to be who they are but under the threat of very brutal consequences if they break the rules of the Suzerain.  The Romans nailed people to trees on the roads entering the cities to make it very clear that they are in charge.

So how does this help us understand covenants or contracts we are involved in?  It appears that the EU morphed from being a Parity Covenant to a Suzerain Vassal.  The Common Market was more like a equal agreement yet over the years, without the wishes of the members, it became a powerful force.  It is a Suzerain to the Vassal members.  Even though some parties were closely watching it occur, how can this happen without robust opposition?  The process of change has different elements that constitute the process but has identical motivating elements.

Position, Provision, Progression.  

Marriages can become Suzerain Vassal's when they start as Parity Covenants.  Our social contracts between friends can also morph.  Our churches do this too often.  The motivating elements of changing from a Parity Covenants to Suzerain Vassal are the same in every case:  Human beings want more position, provision and progression.  We want rising status, resource and territory.  We are all vulnerable to these elements and with the sinful nature as the fuel, we will be drawn to gain these elements.  Of course, Jesus has made it that we can neutralise this draw by surrendering our position, provision and progression into His hands. This enables the believer to anchor into the things above and less engage this world whose values are based on position, provision and progression.

So the EU started as a Parity Covenant and morphed through its lust for position, provision and progression.  We have all heard of a marriage that has failed because someone wanted to rule instead of relate.  They wanted more things instead of wanting the person.  They felt held back instead of partnering together.  What we can learn from this is that we are predisposed towards raising our thrones over everything we can.  If not subjected to Jesus, this will destroy everything.  Britain has had its own stint as a Suzerain as a brutal Empire.  Position, Provision, Progression made war in Europe when a nation tried to be the Suzerain to the whole world.  It has ruined marriages.  It makes businesses over invest and implode.  It is the tyranny of 'family.'    The British exit from the EU was a vote for a Vassal to rule themselves.  It has complex issues connected in the detail but The EU was recognised as having become too push-and-shove Suzerain style.

Me and the Royal Grant

For me, I want to further be like Jesus.  He has decreed that his kingdom will be of love, peace, joy and abundant blessing full of grace and mercy.  I can be like this by decreeing that nothing will lead to my establishing rule and control over others.  I can plan to decree this over the sphere of my life.  Having submitted my pride, need for 'stuff,' and ambition to Jesus, I want to give mercy, grace, love, joy and peace as a standard 'Gary' response. This is giving something beforehand.  Fore-giving is the core of the Gospel and is essential to walking well before the Lord, for His glory.   On the cross of Calvary Jesus opted to abandon His Position (as God!) His Provision (abundant eternal wholeness) and His Progression (he had no ambition) for you personally.  He did this to rescue us but also to teach us that surrender to God at the very core level of our hearts is the only way to walk before God.

Gary Ward

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