Friday, 24 June 2016

Brexit? Now think 'church'

Today the people of Britain voted to leave the European Union.  What had happened over the years was a stealthy process of a trade deal morphing into a sovereign rule.  As my children emerged into the UK's way of operating I became vocal about the issues they would face.  For that and a number of other reasons the way was made clear for us to live in Western Australia.

What the people of Britain voted for was to be free from a rule that they really didn't choose. The Common Market was a trading deal agreed in the early 70's but it became more and more central as a rule over its members.  Here is a simplistic expression of what happens

  • A leader or team of leaders have a great idea to make trade easier.
  • They find the people are happy to take their lead.
  • To accomplish more, a firmer system is employed
  • People fit within the structures that always go with systems
  • The leaders become more able to lead the followers
  • more systems and structures
  • The leaders are in control
These processes take place within a democracy.  Can you see the problem?  The 'tail' is wagging the 'dog.'  So in the case of the Britain v EU vote the people voted to not be led by those leaders.  This blog is usually about the bible and associated things, what's the connection? If you replace 'the people' with 'believers' you have most churches!  Of course the original idea may not be to trade, but make disciples.  It always starts with good motives.

The Lord had us meet a certain way to protect this from occurring.  All believers, not just leaders, are supposed to have equal say in churches.  However, because most churches don't practice church in family environments, with equal status and sharing, around food and drink, this process of hierarchy and leader-dominance HAS to happen.  Systems and structures HAVE TO rely on the subservient following of a group of leaders.  the glue of all systems and structures is willingness to follow.  A majority of British people voted to not follow the EU.  Britain has its own government.  What does a believer do if they recognise they are in a similar system of religion where they are following mans ideas?

As always I wouldn't want you to hear my mere opinion.  Read 1 Samuel chapter 8 where Israel chooses a King. God was not happy with them and would not hear them if they cried out under that tyranny.  Britain chose to not have a 'king'... the European Union.  You can choose who rules you... the 'king' of a religious system or King Jesus.

There is a way to be governed by your King... Jesus.  To do this you must return to the way Jesus said to meet.  It means new leadership ways, a heart to get to grips with the Bible and a realisation that we partied to leadership that was really the historical traditions for 'church.'  Vote 'out'  then take time to transition to a Biblical way to walk out your christian walk.  Let me know if you want to talk about walking with your Lord rather than the ideas of men.

Gary Ward

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