Thursday, 30 June 2016

Brexit: Now think Antichrist

The people of my country voted to exit the European Union.  I've tried to underline some spiritual principles and this is the last observation.  Ever since I was a Christian Bible teachers have said that The EU nations coming together is an Antichrist fulfilment (ten nations Rev 17).  Its a little confusing because the statue in Daniel 2 represents the empires of the world.  The last one, Iron and clay seems to be elements that don't belong together, or, cannot ever be together.  It looks like the Brexit vote will herald a parting of ways that for the 'Roman Empire' crowd isn't good but for the 'never united' crowd it is good. 

There is a bigger issue that I haven't heard anyone comment on.  There is no doubt that the EU is deeply involved in the end times but this clue hints at the Antichrist himself.  When the Common Market was formed no-one knew it would become the sovereign ruler and control mechanism it is.  There's talk of it wanting its own army.  They also want it to be one nation.  This is familiar if you've studied the way nations become dictatorships.  This is the way the Antichrist will forge his rule in Daniels 70th week.  The last seven years before Christ's return.  

There have been historical events that are types of the Antichrist such as Hitler and Napoleon.  What is interesting is that these days have all the elements of end time prophecy in place... the most significant is the Jews returning to their homeland after becoming a nation in 1948.    It was unheard of but it happened.  Since then the Jews have been returning in great numbers.  The time is ripening for end things.  But still... this is not the most telling aspect. 

That the European Union changed a covenant with its members is a telling element of the whole thing.  The Antichrist from Daniel 9 betrays a covenant with the Israel and is found proclaiming himself to be over all 'God's' in the Temple.  This caused the Jews to run for their lives and the Day of Jacobs trouble begins.  The EU has acted like the Antichrist over the time since it was the Common Market then becomes something else, something other than the original covenant.  Why does this matter?

It matters because Millions of people in The UK don't care that the EU changed / broke / amended a treaty.  People are only watching how it will affect them in their daily lives.  They seem to not care that it's a type of the ultimate deception.  And that is how the Antichrist will do it... give people what they want and they won't even care if you break a covenant.  As long as the ducks are in a row... 'I'm alright.'  Daniel was told about this attitude:  Chapter 12

He replied, ‘Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.
11 ‘From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.
13 ‘As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.’
We are told to watch and pray.  We are told to be alert.  Many are arguing about how the potential changes of Brexit will affect their lives but completely miss the unfolding of events over time that look scarily similar to an Antichrist type.  Some Brits I spoke to did see the covenant becoming a sovereign rule and control as a deal breaker.  They voted out for the right reason.  
Believers who are focusing on Politics, their own well-being and lambasting Nigel Farage would probably benefit to re-calibrate themselves with regard to who their Lord is.  He is all sufficient, He is the King of all these so-called kings.  He is Lord of Lords.  We are in safe hands.  Any hardship on the horizon has been sanctioned by Him.  Trust Him and the perceived loss of your dust will be oh so trivial.

Gary Ward

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Brexit: Now think 'me.'

A question has to be asked about Britain's exit from the European Union.  Just how did the EU become the sovereign rule and reign that it has become?  The story involves many complex twists and turns that anyone really wanting to waste time could explore in detail.  I want to try to explain how agreements / covenants can become something else unless there is understanding about how covenants work.  This information is useful to every level where an agreement is in place.  It also help us not become the problematic controlling element in a covenant.

Parity Covenant

My friend Beresford Job has furnished my understanding of this: The basic information is that there are three types of covenants historically.  The first is one we all understand - a 'Parity Covenant.' This is where parties enter into a 'something for something' covenants.  An example is that I pay a couple of hundred dollars a year and a company comes and helps when my car breaks down.  My 'something' is a mobile mechanic.  Their 'something' is my dollars.  We have agreed this is how it will work and everyone is happy... as long as we both continue with the covenants.   There is much strife and possibly court fees is anyone strays from the Parity Covenant.

Royal Grant

This covenant is where the sovereign makes decrees and the subjects have no say in any of it.  They are simply ruled. This can be very bad as it leads to a dictatorship that can oppress.  But as with the rule of Jesus Christ, it is love, joy, peace and abundant life forwarded to a believer.  You can argue with His kingdom decrees but you cannot change them!  How cool is that!  Jesus has decreed that you can receive all that is His and all we have to do is come under His rule by faith.  The Royal Grant is ultimate rule.

Suzerain Vassal

This one is where a stronger rule (Suzerain)  has power over the lesser nation (Vassal).  The Suzerain allows the Vassal to have some beliefs, culture and governance while ruling over it.  An example is the Romans in Jesus days on earth.  They allowed the nation to be who they are but under the threat of very brutal consequences if they break the rules of the Suzerain.  The Romans nailed people to trees on the roads entering the cities to make it very clear that they are in charge.

So how does this help us understand covenants or contracts we are involved in?  It appears that the EU morphed from being a Parity Covenant to a Suzerain Vassal.  The Common Market was more like a equal agreement yet over the years, without the wishes of the members, it became a powerful force.  It is a Suzerain to the Vassal members.  Even though some parties were closely watching it occur, how can this happen without robust opposition?  The process of change has different elements that constitute the process but has identical motivating elements.

Position, Provision, Progression.  

Marriages can become Suzerain Vassal's when they start as Parity Covenants.  Our social contracts between friends can also morph.  Our churches do this too often.  The motivating elements of changing from a Parity Covenants to Suzerain Vassal are the same in every case:  Human beings want more position, provision and progression.  We want rising status, resource and territory.  We are all vulnerable to these elements and with the sinful nature as the fuel, we will be drawn to gain these elements.  Of course, Jesus has made it that we can neutralise this draw by surrendering our position, provision and progression into His hands. This enables the believer to anchor into the things above and less engage this world whose values are based on position, provision and progression.

So the EU started as a Parity Covenant and morphed through its lust for position, provision and progression.  We have all heard of a marriage that has failed because someone wanted to rule instead of relate.  They wanted more things instead of wanting the person.  They felt held back instead of partnering together.  What we can learn from this is that we are predisposed towards raising our thrones over everything we can.  If not subjected to Jesus, this will destroy everything.  Britain has had its own stint as a Suzerain as a brutal Empire.  Position, Provision, Progression made war in Europe when a nation tried to be the Suzerain to the whole world.  It has ruined marriages.  It makes businesses over invest and implode.  It is the tyranny of 'family.'    The British exit from the EU was a vote for a Vassal to rule themselves.  It has complex issues connected in the detail but The EU was recognised as having become too push-and-shove Suzerain style.

Me and the Royal Grant

For me, I want to further be like Jesus.  He has decreed that his kingdom will be of love, peace, joy and abundant blessing full of grace and mercy.  I can be like this by decreeing that nothing will lead to my establishing rule and control over others.  I can plan to decree this over the sphere of my life.  Having submitted my pride, need for 'stuff,' and ambition to Jesus, I want to give mercy, grace, love, joy and peace as a standard 'Gary' response. This is giving something beforehand.  Fore-giving is the core of the Gospel and is essential to walking well before the Lord, for His glory.   On the cross of Calvary Jesus opted to abandon His Position (as God!) His Provision (abundant eternal wholeness) and His Progression (he had no ambition) for you personally.  He did this to rescue us but also to teach us that surrender to God at the very core level of our hearts is the only way to walk before God.

Gary Ward

Friday, 24 June 2016

Brexit? Now think 'church'

Today the people of Britain voted to leave the European Union.  What had happened over the years was a stealthy process of a trade deal morphing into a sovereign rule.  As my children emerged into the UK's way of operating I became vocal about the issues they would face.  For that and a number of other reasons the way was made clear for us to live in Western Australia.

What the people of Britain voted for was to be free from a rule that they really didn't choose. The Common Market was a trading deal agreed in the early 70's but it became more and more central as a rule over its members.  Here is a simplistic expression of what happens

  • A leader or team of leaders have a great idea to make trade easier.
  • They find the people are happy to take their lead.
  • To accomplish more, a firmer system is employed
  • People fit within the structures that always go with systems
  • The leaders become more able to lead the followers
  • more systems and structures
  • The leaders are in control
These processes take place within a democracy.  Can you see the problem?  The 'tail' is wagging the 'dog.'  So in the case of the Britain v EU vote the people voted to not be led by those leaders.  This blog is usually about the bible and associated things, what's the connection? If you replace 'the people' with 'believers' you have most churches!  Of course the original idea may not be to trade, but make disciples.  It always starts with good motives.

The Lord had us meet a certain way to protect this from occurring.  All believers, not just leaders, are supposed to have equal say in churches.  However, because most churches don't practice church in family environments, with equal status and sharing, around food and drink, this process of hierarchy and leader-dominance HAS to happen.  Systems and structures HAVE TO rely on the subservient following of a group of leaders.  the glue of all systems and structures is willingness to follow.  A majority of British people voted to not follow the EU.  Britain has its own government.  What does a believer do if they recognise they are in a similar system of religion where they are following mans ideas?

As always I wouldn't want you to hear my mere opinion.  Read 1 Samuel chapter 8 where Israel chooses a King. God was not happy with them and would not hear them if they cried out under that tyranny.  Britain chose to not have a 'king'... the European Union.  You can choose who rules you... the 'king' of a religious system or King Jesus.

There is a way to be governed by your King... Jesus.  To do this you must return to the way Jesus said to meet.  It means new leadership ways, a heart to get to grips with the Bible and a realisation that we partied to leadership that was really the historical traditions for 'church.'  Vote 'out'  then take time to transition to a Biblical way to walk out your christian walk.  Let me know if you want to talk about walking with your Lord rather than the ideas of men.

Gary Ward

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

One of those days?

Have you ever had one of those days where all your faith and understanding of God gone?  It seems as if the plug has been pulled on your walk and you are all alone.  Unless fully understood we can do as the Psalmist does in Psalm 77 and reach conclusions that are contrary to God's nature.

 7 Will the Lord reject for ever?
    Will he never show his favour again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished for ever?
    Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
    Has he in anger withheld his compassion?’

This type of feeling can go on for quite a while and it is for the same reason the Psalmist is expressing his lament.  In the Old Testament the people were carted off to be exiled so they will realise how awesome God is and return to Him.  This can be one reason we have periods of time where it appears God has pulled the rug.  What is actually happening in a believers life is extraordinary grace.  God is allowing us to rediscover His acceptance, favour, unfailing love, solid promises, His mercy and compassion.  These are all opposites of  how the Psalmist was feeling and how we can feel at these times.

Have we been exiled at these times?  Not like the Old Testament exiles but similar.  Exile, although punishment, was a form of love for the chosen nation.  I have had to punish my own children knowing with a heavy heart it will set them up for future success.  Wrath is not punishing them and letting them emerge into a disaster in their lives.  So this is why, when we feel pretty abandoned we can rejoice... The Lord has decided to deal with us as children rather than let us go off and cast off restraint.  

So what do we do at these times when rejoicing is a theory and we feel dreadful?  The answer is to look to the cross.  In the event at Calvary is God showing you and me that He will go that far for my sake.  You and I are so outrageously valued that God would crush His own Son to make sure I had the option to be saved.  Then, if that wasn't enough, He would then make you able to see the truth about the Gospel.  Then, if God hasn't done everything to show his love-nature, He decides to play hide and seek until you search and re-find Him.  Lets itemise what God has done:

1.  He provides the means for you to be rescued at His own personal cost
2.  He takes the blindfold off that you weld to your face because of sin.
3.  He watches over us and, knowing we will only find life in Him, makes us search.

So when people say 'look to the cross' they mean 'remember how God has declared his love for you.'  This is triple-true when it feels like hes gone.  Have a nice day!

Gary Ward  

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

More than Numbers...

After 10 years in the mainstream ministry in the UK I had been brainwashed.   Having been dragged from the ministry by the grace of God around the year 2000, I still have problems with defining growth.  It was always spoken of as churches growing.  Obviously this seems to be the logical green tick that God is doing something in your group.  However, it is not the primary aim of God among your group of believers.

The aim of God is that people grow.  The way Jesus instructed us to meet when we remember Him facilitates this growth.  But if the aim of the body of believers you are in is primarily to grow the church it may be problematic.  Believers need connection and proximity to the Lord to be able to grow.  Leaders, if practising biblically, should be removing barriers to this connection and proximity and offering opportunities for more.  I call it 'anchoring into our source.' In many churches the leaders are trying to grow the church organisation and less attention is paid to the individual growth.

The error continues.  Many church leaders think that being part of the programs provided will aid growth.  Indeed, they may add to the education, articulation or manifestation of Christian culture.  But none of this is the growth that the Lord brings. so what is this growth that can only occur as we anchor ourselves into our source, Jesus Christ?

As a believer pursues the Lord Himself in devotional time, searching the scriptures and prayer, the Lord responds.  If a person hangs around radioactivity for so long, the isotopes will damage the human body.  Radioactivity emits unseen elements that harm the cells.  Jesus is the same principle but opposite effect.  Proximity through being anchored into the Lord will have him emit His power to us, power that heals, not hurts.  This process is sanctification (Rom ch 5-7).  It has us endure periods of trial as He works in the very core of our beings (Phil 2:13).  This is a profound act of love towards us.  We are entirely unworthy of this grace yet the Lord patiently keeps doing it.  As this takes place we slowly surrender our wilfulness to God, and in tandem with this, we can perceive more of the Lord.  Paul the Apostle called this going from 'glory to glory.' (2 Cor 3:18).

In churches that emphasise the growth of the organisation, it is dominated by programs and strategies.  These distract the believer and are marketed as the way we grow as believers.  I'm sure the Lord gets in on some level but as we can see, it isn't on the agenda to anchor people in to just Jesus.  'Stuff' peripheral to the Lord, risen and glorified, gets in and distracts the believer.

In these last days we see Mega Churches with thousands of people and they are impressive. Impressive... until we find what is really going on.  They define God's fingerprint of blessing on numerical growth.  So the investment goes into making the event excellent / contemporary / relevant / media savvy / attractive but the personal growth of the believer is not prioritised.  A believers kudos at that church is attending, serving and growing it numerically.  The net result is 10,000 spiritual babies that the Lord wants to grow but he cannot get their attention.  Worse still the 10,000 spiritual babies are defining a relationship with the Lord wrongly and this perpetuates the myth that numerical growth is 'it' regarding God's approval.

Small house churches that meet around the Lords supper can also be having this  mindset.   As I said it was drummed into me for 10 years.  However, our small group should celebrate not be concerned.  The end times are 'as in the days of Noah.'  It is a fact that even though a massive ship was being built and questions asked for 100 years precisely zero growth took place.  But the faithfulness of the 8 who were in the process and then on the boat, meant they were the ones who were saved and set off the new world after the flood.

It's more than numbers.

Gary Ward


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The 'Cogs' of the Kingdom?

I'm hoping by the end of this year to have all three of the books on Amazon.  This series is called 'The Cogs of the Kingdom' and I've been writing them since around 2000.    I must have written hundreds of thousands of words over the years as I have tried to get them to say what I needed them to say.  In the early years I basically ranted.  I'm not sure the final drafts of the books are rant free but what has happened is, I am now sure that I am supposed to write them.

That's not to say they are written well.  I'm not sure if they are, but I am sure the message of The Cogs of the Kingdom is a message for today.   The whole idea starts with the idea of Jesus being the chief 'Cog' in God's Kingdom.  Ideally when He moves, so do the other cogs of the Kingdom.  We see this through the Old and New Testaments, characters made to be dependant of the Lord and so to outwork His will and purpose on Earth.  The basic formula is to do what He says to do and nothing / no-one else.

It all sounds pretty simple and ideal.  But we have a problem.  Soon after the Apostles died, the believers began defining things differently.  It meant that the chief cog would move but it no longer moved the little cogs.  What had happened?  By changing the way believers met and assigning leaders over other believers, the cogs became connected to the leader cog.  When the lead cog moved, they moved.  The chief cog was no longer making the cogs move.  As time passed more and more people just accepted the leader cog practices.  Gradually a time came when Jesus was no longer in charge of the church.

As we saw through church history, this led to the body of believers becoming a political and economic entity that marched across nations.  Power, money and the suppression of the people  gave us 1000 years of Dark Ages where the religious leaders lived like rock stars.  While this occurred, some opted out of the system that moves with the leading cog and got back to moving with the chief cog again.  They were summarily butchered.

In the 16th Century a few believers recognised the problems with the leader cog.  They had people detach from the leader cog and directed them to rally around those who didn't move when the leader cog moved.  Instead of leading the cogs to the Chief cog, they created millions of leader cogs, all wanting to get other cogs to move when they move.  This is Protestantism.  They didn't change they way they led or the way they met.     The myth that you can only access the chief cog through the leader cog still remained.  Some detached from the leader cogs to pursue the chief cog.  They were also killed.

What my books are about is asking why all these leader cogs, knowing full well that there is a chief cog, still want to have other cogs move then they move.  I start in 'Taken for a Bride' by demonstrating the Biblical characters as cogs.  Then in book 2, 'The Shape of Kings to Come' I ask why, even in Paul's writings, do we find Men trying to take the lead over Christ.  Thirdly, in 'How to die... and live to tell the tale' I highlight some things in our lives that we need to render up to the Lord to be more dead and thus to be predisposed to move when He moves.

Throughout the Cogs of the Kingdom the case for returning to the way the Apostles did church is stated.  The way to meet isn't important to many believers yet Jesus commanded a way to meet together so that the likelihood of becoming detached from the chief cog is reduced.   Those who lead in this way are facilitating other believers to move when the chief cog moves, not when the leader cog moves.

Let's all be sure we are moving when the chief cog moves and not in a system where leader cogs are making the whole machine just repeat the mistakes of history and watch believers go round and round in circles merely doing what Man does.  The time has come to think clearly about this and hopefully my books will underline the issues and have believers reassess the cogs of the Kingdom.

You can become a 'Cog-native' - acquiring the relevant understanding for our times.  

Gary Ward