Wednesday, 1 April 2015

How to speed up the second coming...

WHAT?  Can we do anything to speed up the second coming of Jesus?
In Revelation Chapter 19 we see that the saints are wearing white linen.  The text tells us (Rev 19:8) that the white robes stand for the righteous acts of the saints.  Wait... people who believe have Jesus righteousness imputed to them so as to stand Justified before God.  No-one can contribute to this as Salvation is not by works (Eph 2:8-10).  So what do the saints do to make Jesus return occur?  It is my opinion that they practice church as Jesus commanded at the last supper.  When the believers return to meeting around a meal in family orientated environments, they do something right... obey Jesus.  This doesn't affect your salvation but it does allow Jesus to have His will done.  How? Because how we do church either steps on Jesus toes or allows Him to be the leader and head that He is.

The entire chapter of 2 Peter 3 is about scoffers, those who have no faith in Christ and His return.  Peter chillingly underlines that from their perspective Jesus will return and the heavens and the earth will be destroyed.  Is Peter denying the Millennial reign of Christ?  No, he is saying that unbelievers will not take part in it.  They will see his return but then their next appointment is to be Judged after which the New Heavens and New Earth are made.  Peter tells us that we need to live right before God to speed his coming.  But how do we succeed in this, is he appealing for perfection?  The answer is no, perfection does not hasten Jesus coming but those who are engaging with the Lord in Sanctification.  The process where we have faith and are repentant for our stumbling is a Godly life and being 'holy' (being set apart.)  A believer who is not repentant and the Lord has to be bringing them to chastening awareness of His requirements hinders the Lords return. But why would obeying Jesus' command for church and walking well speed Jesus' return?

Paul is clear that the full number of the Gentiles have to get saved before the Rapture (Rom 11:25).  Unbelievers remain unconvinced by a church that meets like any old organisation and walks and talks like any old everyday person.  When believers meet the way Jesus said to do so (see my numerous other blogs on this) and walk well, it's not like it is some magic formula!  The simple truth is that Jesus can head-up and lead people who are doing what He said.  If Jesus is in charge the unsaved can be reached and the full number of the gentile come in quicker.  

You can be as loud and relevant as you want... marketing isn't Jesus!  You can paint it with attractive, contemporary colors... if Jesus cannot work through your body of believers you will not see His will done and you will hinder His return.  Some Mega Churches are using Mans wisdom and do see growth but growth is not what Jesus had planned.  Explosive and aggressive revival is what He wants and we know this because of the book of Acts.  "I've got 10,000 people in my church"  But what about the 2.5 million in your city who will not fall for the cheap Gospel that filled the seats?

So it's about doing what He said in the first place.  No surprises there.  But the challenge is to revert back to Jesus' plan.  That could take some time.  We can help you on the journey should you want to follow Jesus.

Gary Ward

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