Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Do not weep...

In Revelation 4 and 5 we learn that the 24 Elders represent the Church in Heaven.  The redemption song they sing among other things point this out.  In Chapter 5 we find the title deed to the Earth being offered to anyone who could open it.  John, who had been translated to Heaven to view these events is bitterly weeping  because no-one could be found to open the title deed.  A question I had was:  Why is John the only one distraught because no-one could be found to qualify to open the title deed?

The story continues where an Elder calmly informs John that the Lord was worthy to do it and this transpires to be true.  Why would the Elders be so unmoved?  The answer is because they had all read Revelation Chapter 5! Only John was not in the know because he was the one to write down Chapter 5 for the benefit of the Church!  John, having written Chapter 5 was informing the believers to expect this scenario when they are before the Throne.  So the events being portrayed are more like theater to underline the redemption story just prior to the unleashing of the three and a half years of the great Tribulation.  

It seems to me that God is telling everyone how He has redeemed the Earth and the cost of that Redemption.  So when the wrath of God is unleashed upon the earth everyone in heaven is entirely clear about His Just and Righteous actions. At that time we will see the wickedness on the earth from a perspective of total Righteousness.  For now we have to still wrestle with all sorts of things.

The other side to this coin is that when we are in heaven having been Raptured (Rev 4:1-2) we will see John observing these things as we behold the Throne of God.  We know this because an Elder addresses Him.  Believers will see John who is charged to write the things down, the very things we see in Revelation!

One very weird thing to consider is that John will also see himself weeping and beholding the Revelation because John will be resurrected with the rest of the Church.  It is little wonder that John's Gospel, which was written after the Revelation,  is so different from the synoptic Gospels.  Also  2 and 3 John is written 'from the Elder!'  Can it be that John in his Resurrected body was the one to tell John, the translated visitor, not to weep?  I would expect that God could and would pull this sort of thing but it is just speculation.   I often imagine my resurrected self saying to me here and now,

"Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”  

All is well!

Lastly, if you are a born again believer you are present for this event.  That is not speculation!  You have your immediate future in heaven described for you.  You will have a front row seat to the Tribulation and applaud the Justice and Righteousness of God as He unleashes His fury on the earth. After three and a half years of that Jesus leads us as an invading army to take over the earth.

I'm sorry, did you say Christianity is boring?

  Gary Ward

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