Saturday, 9 August 2014

Mark of the Beast #3

Because the subject of the mark of the beast and end times is complex, we need a sure-fire way to make sure we are no deceived.  Jesus spoke of end-times deception as a sign three times more than the other signs of the end of the age.  The general slogan associated with making sure we stay in line with the Lord is 'Keep your eyes on Jesus.'  Generally this is precisely what is the answer.  However, the waters are muddied about what is meant by this depending on what kind of teaching you have had.

For many 'keeping their eyes on Jesus' has to do with faithfully attending church, worshiping, tithing and doing good deeds.  They have not been taught that the Risen, Glorified Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ desires for you to find him as your source while on planet earth.  What does this mean?  It means that you have gone beyond the kindergarten of church services and began to grow into maturity.  This involves the realisation that Jesus is the source of every single element of your living here on earth.  The Lord then leads us into discerning areas of our life that are barriers to our fully finding him as our all in all.  Many cannot do this because it involved hard lessons, painful realisations and excruciating loss.  

But for those called to this grace.... it is all worth it to be more transformed, partying more and more to the Glory of the Risen Lord.  As we traverse our own gloomy flesh, we give up more and more.  We yield, abandon self and submit to him.  The amazing thing about the Lord is that none of this requires a spurt of energy from any of us.  It requires one thing:


To truly want to be conquered by the Lord means you are willing to give all.  At the moment you don't know what 'all' actually is.  We are blind to the extent of our chains.  However, the heart that says their life is not their own and God has latitude to let his will be done... God can work with that!  We are on the way to being moment by moment connected to the Lord.  In this way He can let us know what is coming and what we do to not be taken in by the spirit of this world.

Gary Ward

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