Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Mark of the Beast #1

Christians ask "Is it ok to take the Mark of the Beast?"  I have no idea why this is a question Christians ask but I suspect it comes from the Charismatic and hyper Pentecostals who tend value experience over Scripture.  In 1998 A church leader in Sheffield UK told me he would take a mark to allow him to trade because "God knows his heart."  This turned out to be an indication of just how far this church was into its own concoction of what church was.

I am 'pre-trip with 'mid trib' sympathies in my eschatology.  However the reality is that however the Tribulation period of 7 years pans out, people will be getting saved in this time.  During this time it is believed the world system will require all people to have a mark.  Whatever the origins of this mark, whatever it pans out to be, the answer is... NO... you should not take the Mark.   But to be dogmatic and not understand why not is vital.  Why are people asking the question?  What has occurred that believers think it may be Ok to take the mark?

The answer lies in 'what brought a believer to a point where they freely take a mark of any kind?' It has been going on for years.  The church merges with the world in its ideology, presentation and practices.  Some of the finest moral examples are part of churches whose philosophies and situation in life are merged with the world.  As these movements progress, the Scripture becomes blurred as to how we are to act.  Some churches experience a blessing when they stand worshiping and have good communicators delivering good life skills seminars and calling them sermons.  The basis for truth slowly becomes based in how church made me feel, not in the truths that lie in God's word.  'God is blessing our church... I was blown away by the worship!'

So What.

How you respond to ANYTHING from this realm is to be brought before God and his Word.  The danger here is that the more we define God's will by our emotional, sensual or cognitive responses here.  The result of that is a gradual detachment from the Lord.  I'm not suggesting a Christian can  lose their salvation... I'm talking about other things than the Lord being your measurement of 'right' and 'wrong.'

One of the most subtle corruptions is that which takes place around religiousness.

Rick Warren already urges people on his website to not be concerned about Prophecy.  This is just one example of the notorious spokesmen going directly against Jesus' words to keep watch.  Mark 13:5, Matt 24:42 are examples of this.  Being swept into diversions, fads, trends and the personality cult, its no wonder people walk headlong into error.

Gary Ward

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