Thursday, 28 August 2014

What are we fighting? #2

So, #1 of 'Whatre we fighting' explored the systems and structures that go on behind 'ministry.' Jude does tell us to contend for the faith and when we come across false teaching we must respond.  I'm sorry osteen fans but this is an example of ... well.... just listen:

That is all. 

Gary Ward

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

What are we fighting? #1

Mark Driscoll is a Pastor with many people attending his church in Seattle. Recently he wrote a book and paid a marketing company something like $200,000 to get his book to #1 on the New York Times best seller list.  Before we all assign Driscoll to the 'Mega-church fraud' pile, we must be really careful.  This methodology of marketing and promoting a ministry is happening all the time.  It's just Mark Driscoll who has been exposed for doing it.  All leaders are vulnerable to the following:

I have heard the verbal gymnastics preachers get up to in order to sow an idea into our minds.  That idea is that they 'have God's back in this.'  Bearing in mind I know leaders who are NOT like this I want to further expose the counterfeit perception of anointing.  To be clear, anointing is what all believers have.  It is simply God's enabling.  What we are all expected to do is rely on the Lord and in due course we will find ourselves walking in the work prepared for us.  Relying is a tricky business.

How does paying for holy kudos amount to relying on the Lord?  This is what we need to be exploring here, not the moral / ethical / 'gosh isn't the church a mess' Driscoll bashing.  I don't know the length and breadth of Mark Driscoll.  I do see his collusion with the system.  That is what I want to expose, not my opinions about a child of God.  I see this as vital in the last days as we see many perceived hero's of the faith fall into error.  DON'T GO FOR THE MAN... it's the systems, structures, powers, principalities etc that are behind it all that needs exposure.

If we can do that maybe we can discern how taken in we all are by some aspect of this deceptive world?

I was at a church years ago and the Assistant Minister said during a message that he left a 25,000 pounds a year job to go to Bible College.  Now there is a half truth in what was said.  He was actually on a training scheme while learning to do a 25,000 pound a year job.  The misreporting is not the problem.  The problem is the idea that was placed in the minds of the hearers.  They saw this minister as having dropped everything to follow the voice of the Lord... 'God has got my back.' This in turn creates a sense of authority in the minister and the congregation now have 'God's man.'  For this guy the entire truth is that his family moved from the UK to Australia and he went to the Bible College his dad was teaching at.  It's about what isn't said as well as what is said.  At the time this happened I was also being deceived into similar patterns.  I have no condemnation for the man but the seductive systems behind it.  My story is like everyone else, I was caught in a system that relied on 'things-other-than-Jesus' to make it work.

In another scenario I was at a church where they worked with people in poverty.  The leader of this reported regularly that there were so many hundred offices of his project around the country.  When I asked around a bit the 'offices' were actually defined by a church who wanted to run with the idea and a couple of people who were trained to engage poor people.  It's the reporting of it that leaves an idea that 'God has got my back.'   Again... the man involved is a good guy.  It's just that he has learned somehow to create this pseudo authority from people who want to see God move.  At least here was a guy actually doing some good amid his self promotion and marketing.

Here are some examples of how I could report some of my historical 'achievements.'

1.  The 'first man in history' - THE HEADLINE
In the early 90's I decided in utter naivety to disengage drawing social security money while working voluntary at a local church.  This meant I had no income at all.  Over time the tax man asked for some money.  I appealed that I have no money so how could I pay tax?  After a while the message came back that outside the nuns and monks living in monasteries I was the first person in UK history to be exempted from taxes for 'reasons of faith.'  WOW 'The first.'  It's a true story but what I haven't told you is the whole truth.

The whole truth is that during this time food did not appear in front of me.  I had to rely on patient brothers and sisters.  It was really hard and I did not see this move honored by the Lord.  I'm not going to be too hard on myself because it was the early stages of the learning curve I am still on.  This period didn't last long. Soon I met my to-be wife (who seemed to like really thin Gary) and got a job as a coffee machine engineer. Now are you impressed?

2.  'Consulting with the UK Secretary of State'  THE HEADLINE
For years I worked on a product that simplifies and provides a level playing-field in human interaction.  After the 2011 riots I was invited to the Secretary of State office to consult on this product.  WOW. 'Government.' It's a true story but here is the whole truth...

I do have a human interaction product that didn't really wow the sector.  The Secretary of State came to stay overnight with us in 2006 as a project he was doing while not in office.  When in office I contacted his office and they invited me to chat over some aspects of how my product worked.  'Consultation?' Hardly.  They promptly told me they had no money and the only thing I got out of that trip to London was 'wet.'

Why am I being a party pooper?  Am I the original "Buzz-Killington?"  I think this is exposing and dealing with one of the subtitles of our fallen nature.  You see the ideal is that we are entirely sourced in Christ.  The plan is that we are anchored into him and him alone. But with the absence of this we scratch around for that which would add to our insecurities, low self esteem, degraded self worth and broken sense of purpose.  Having been taught as Westerners that our significance lies in productivity, we will do what it takes to become significant.   This involves the telling of half-truths and propagating the idea that 'God has my back.'

The truth is that GOD HAS GOT YOUR BACK.  But it is always and entirely on his terms.  I don't know how that looks for you but for me it involves abandonment of all that would ask me to present a theater of language, practices and demeanor.  If I am sourced in Christ alone why would I want to create the perception that the Lord thinks I'm more special than you?  I'm just not.  But what you and I actually are is so utterly amazing many cannot see past Western constructs of the mind.  That we are brothers and sisters called out of the world by God himself is staggering.  The wonder of this is lost in the clamor to be more significant than everyone else.  Our Western thinking creates a shortfall in significance while at the same time we are SONS of the Most High God!  How significant do you want to be exactly?  SONS!

But that is not enough is it?  If it was, why add anything more?  Why engage this world for upgrades?

In conclusion to this I want to appeal to those, like myself, who have bashed preachers and assassinated ministers.  It's what they have been seduced by, the yet-to-be dealt with merging with this world that we must expose.  Firstly we must be honest with self.  "How anchored into Christ am I?"  "Am I misreporting or marketing an idea to gain respect, authority and following?"  "In my attempts to appear as *God's Man* is the truth that I actually feel underutilized, insignificant and desperate to see God ACTUALLY use me?"

Truly sourced in the Risen, Glorified Christ we are so enamored by him that there's no need to 'big-up' self.  We have no need to pursue works and ministries because His sending is all that needs to happen.  We can be brutally candid about the reality of our barrenness outside of Him.   Its simply all about Him.  We were created by him, for him.  Don't read these words and allow the language to assign meaning alone.  Pursue the Risen Lord on his Glorious Throne.  Source in him, abandon all to him and walk in that simplicity.

Gary Ward

Atonement and Imputation

Leviticus tells us of the way Israel were to deal with sin.  There were three main elements to the process. The first was a sin offering, the second a burnt offering and thirdly, a peace offering.  The idea was that through laying on of hands the sin was transferred from the guilty person to the innocent animal.  Then the animal would be killed.  The whole animal would be placed on the alter and burned.  Having done this the peace offering was made.  It is worth exploring Leviticus for its multi-layered wealth of application but for now we will just stay superficial.

When Jesus came it was well reported, especially through John the Baptist that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  We can track the last days of Jesus and how he was crucified, slain like the Leviticus sacrifice.  Of course the whole blood-bath that the Levitical process was simply foreshadowed the coming of Messiah.  Jesus would be that sacrifice so we could have peace with God.

Atonement is not the reconciliation with God.  Reconciliation is the result of 'atonement' which means 'covering.'  Our sins are covered because Jesus became our sin on the cross.  But this also includes every person who ever lived!  Don't forget John said he takes away the sin of the world!  So is everyone saved?  No.  Those who respond to Jesus who was slain and place their whole self on the alter to be 'burned up' can be at peace with God.  Then the outrageous swap takes place.

Imputation is when Jesus's righteousness is credited to your account.  Jesus has been credited with your unrighteousness now you get his righteousness.  This occurs when we believe in Jesus.  All sins are covered but only those who believe are credited with righteousness and are saved.  Everyone has the potential to be saved but only believing in Jesus activates this imputation of Jesus' righteousness.

Atonement is not just a substitution thing... my friend and Bible Teacher Beresford Job observed that all our condemnation and sinful nature was because we were in Adam.  When Jesus died on the cross, sentence was passed onto me and you also because we were placed 'in Christ' when he was on the cross.  So every person who ever lived died with Christ.  But... and this is the amazing part:

Although everyone in history takes part in Jesus' death and therefore satisfies God's justice, only those believing in Jesus are able to take part in his Resurrection.   

Chew on that for a while!

Gary Ward

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

God's "LOOK AT THIS" #2

The Transfiguration is beyond all events one of the most outrageous in the life of Jesus.  Three disciples are invited to see Moses, Elijah and Jesus all resplendent in the Glory of God.   In Luke 9:28-36 we have a rendering of this event.  I am intrigued that those present were 'discussion Jesus' departure.'  Some translations will note that the word 'departure is 'exodus.'  That this word is used is provoking us to think of Moses and the departure of the Hebrew nation from Egypt.  This is another way the Lord wants us to line up the journey of the Hebrews / Israelite from Egypt to the promised Land.  

Another astounding observation here is the presence of Moses and Elijah.  Why are these two present at the Transfiguration?  We can imagine why Moses is there having the banner headline "Exodus" but why Elijah?  The reason Elijah is there is a much ignored or not-understood reason.  I will unpack this over the next few days.

Today I want to simply underline that Moses died and was buried in the ground.  Elijah did not die and rose bodily to heaven.  Jesus had to fulfill both these 'Exodus' - departures in fulfilling his work as the saving one.  So as the Scriptures tell us in detail... Jesus was dead and was placed in the ground. He also ascended bodily to the right hand of God and was Glorified.  We know that this could be accomplished by one person because of the Resurrection.  There is one more incredible and mind blowing thing that Jesus said about this...

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of Heaven."

Luke then says.. "About 8 days after he had said this...."   He is linking 'seeing the Kingdom of Heaven' and the Transfiguration.  The text also tells us the disciples were all fully awake... this was not a vision.  They saw the Glory of the Kingdom and three giants of the Old Testament.   Was 'seeing the kingdom of heaven' just seeing the glowing?

Over the next few days I will be unpacking how this event reveals the entire saving plan of God and shows us that, without a doubt, the church will be taken from the earth in what we call 'the rapture.'

Gary Ward

Monday, 18 August 2014

God's "LOOK AT THIS" #1

The writers of the New Testament did not shrink back in applying meaning to major events in the Old testament.  The readily applied things to the Christian walk.  The wrote using 'drash' which, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit laces some text with layers of meaning after we have applied the plain meaning of the text.  We then 'extract out' the drash... a 'Midrash' interpretation.

In 1 Cor 10 Paul places the wandering in the desert of the Hebrews as a warning to us.  So this occurred so that we can look back and stay steadfast in faith and obedience... something the nation did not do. From this type of observation I have used many times that the entire story of the Hebrew nation from being captive in Egypt represents elements of our lives in relation to Salvation:

Egypt represents 'the world'
Pharaoh represents Satan
The taskmasters represent the slavery and bondage of sin
The red sea is when we pass from slavery to freedom... Salvation
The desert:  a place to choose faith and obedience
The Promised Land is where we enter God's rest in Christ.

We are the individual trapped in Egypt waiting for a deliverer.  We are brutally kept in slavery by the taskmaster, 'sin' under the headship of Pharaoh... Satan.  This really fits well but I need more than a nice pattern!  I can find many places where the New Testament writer allude to this so I'm happy to flow with the intention of God to take the Hebrew nation through all this to provide a prophetic theater for all who would delve into the Word of God.

But then I saw that there is a correlation with the Hebrew Calendar date:  Nissan 17 occurs several times throughout the Text and here are on what occasions, The red is what occurs between these events on Nissan 17 :-

1. Nissan 17, Noah’s Ark safely rested on Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4) Note that the seventh month was later designated as the first month at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2).

Events Leading to Joseph's governorship in Egypt

2. Nissan 17, Hebrews entered Egypt (Exo 12:40-41) 430 years before deliverance.

Slavery, Pharaoh etc

3. Nissan 17, Moses led the Israelites through the Parting of the Red Sea (Exo 3:18, 5:3)

The wandering in the desert

4. Nissan 17, Israel entered and ate the first fruit of the Promised Land (Joshua 5:10-12)

The conquest of Canaan, rest

5. Nissan 17, The cleansing fo the Temple by Hezekiah (eight hundred years after entering the promised land. (2 Chronicles 29:1-28)

6. Nissan 17, Queen Esther saved the Jews from Elimination (Esther 3:12, 5:1)

7. Nissan 17, The Resurrection of Messiah (think about it)

Fill in the rest of the Red yourself!  Many are turning to men's wisdom in book and the thoughts of false teachers but the Word of God never disappoints! 

To me there is little doubt that God's design is absolutely forensic, marking out significant times so we can plot where we actually are on his program.  Even more so are the evens leading up to the return of Christ.  We will look at them tomorrow. 

Gary Ward

Mega Church Exposed! #2

The hip and happenin' Mega Churches rely on the idea that they are being led by God.  If this was not the case the seats would not be as full and the tithes would not keep the machine going. I want to show you from Paul in his dealing with the church at Corinth how believers are simply not doing what Jesus said when they meet together.  Forget the $1.7m house Mr Furtick, the tax free record sales Mr Houston or buying yourself onto the NY bestsellers list Mr Driscoll, this is about ACTUALLY not doing what Jesus said! Let's refresh ourselves about an important aspect that comes before marketing church:

John 14:23 Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."

I am not saying that people involved in some churches don't love Jesus. I can't know that.  But it will become clear that some have been carried along having been enticed by the prospect of 'making it' in the church scene.  The church practice that has been passed onto us through history allows people who love Jesus to practice church disobediently.  Allow me to unpack this so you know this is coming from Scripture:

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Here we have a situation where Paul, the Apostle sent to the Gentiles is correcting a church for its errors.  In verse 1 we find Paul 'In the following directives' that he has no praise for them.  We need to ask what gave Paul the right to direct this church. The answer is that he was sent by the Lord as an Apostle and that is why he can direct the church.'  The word for 'directives' here is 'paraggello' which is to order / charge / command / direct / precept.  Fair enough.  Apostles can give some shape to churches.  

But what shape?

In this passage Paul goes on to tell them where these directives came from.  In v23 he states that he was instructed (paralebon) by the Lord and passed the instructions on!  He then goes on to anchor the directives into the Last Supper.  In Paul's rebuke to the church over the Last Supper he states that people are getting drunk and gorging on the food before others are ready to eat.  This occasion that Jesus instructed Paul to pass on to churches was a full meal with lots of wine present that all the believers took part in.  In verse 34 Paul cannot be clearer:  'If anyone is hungry, he should eat at home.'  Paul reinforces his 'passing on of more directives' here also.  

Paul has been instructed by Jesus to tell the Corinthians to eat a feast that includes bread and wine when they meet together for 'ekklesia.'  Was this instruction just for the church at that time and other Apostles would receive fresh instructions from the Lord over time?  We could explore that if the text wasn't clear-  In Verse 26 the Corinthians were to 'proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.'  This indicates that having a feast to remember Christ was to occur until he comes.   As far as I can see the Lord has not come yet.... so 'meet together and have a feast with the Lord central.'  There are no further instructions coming on this... 

This is 'church.'  (ekklesia)  This is what believers do.  

Just before Jesus is killed he has Passover with the disciples.  Jesus said he 'eagerly desired to eat this passover with you' (Luke 22:15).  He was eager because THIS WAS IT! This was when he was going to institute the New Covenant.  He told them with unleavened bread that this was his sinless body, broken.  He used the cup of Redemption, the third cup of four, to symbolize his blood shed for the forgiveness of sins.  He then stopped his partaking in the Passover declaring that he would drink the fourth cup in the coming Kingdom.  He then told the Apostles to 'do this....' an instruction to meet in family environments around food and drink, as equals, with the Lord as central to their entireties.  Now a question:

Why would the Apostles do precisely that... meet in homes around food and drink etc?  Because they were commanded to do so by Jesus and later he appeared to Paul (1 Cor 15:8)  to get him up to speed with what to instruct for believers meeting together!  These are basic instructions on how to do church.  Now here is the problem for many leaders and especially the ones who feel big is beautiful:

To meet around a meal with bread and wine as component parts where all are equal and invited to share (1 Cor 14:26), there is no place for ambition, ego, grandstanding, status, profile or position.  It's just Jesus and your brothers and sisters.  Self promotion stands out like a sore thumb in this ekklesia and many who want to obey and practice church as Jesus commanded, can't do it.  To meet in a format where they are not central or it is not pertaining to them is uncomfortable, somewhat appalling.   This is why time and time again believers who feel they have something to offer do the same type of thing, often with upgrades or shinier gimmicks. 

There are those who are happy to eat the cracker and sip the juice and see this as the same thing as Jesus commanded.  But we have an example of Jesus endorsing doing 'what was commanded exactly.'  The Passover and Feast of Unleavened bread was commanded by the Lord to the captives in Egypt over a thousand years before the Last Supper.  Commanded to have Passover et al yearly, it remained a full meal with the elements present until the Last Supper.  

This is how the issue with Mega church and other well intentioned churches is not primarily the excess.  It is basic obedience to what the Scripture records as Jesus present command to us.  To the Laodicean church...

Rev 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock (on the door of your church!)  If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and dine with him and he with me.  (textual gymnastics mine) 

Feel free to contact me to know more about transitioning to a Biblical church that obeys Jesus in practice.  

Gary Ward  or comment on here

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Mega Church Exposed! #1

Being faithful to the Scriptures is costly.  Having been inspired by the Lord, (1 Tim 3:16) the Scripture shows us what we are to be and do as believers.  As I have written many times, we see that the Lord instructed believers to 'Do this....' when they meet together to remember Christ.  Paul is clear in 1 Corinthians 11 that the ekklesia gathering had enough wine to get drunk and food to gorge oneself.  Many churches see 1 Corinthians as a masterpiece for explaining the gifts but refuse to apply the context in which this took place. I stand on the evidence that Jesus said a small group meeting in a family environment with the Lord's Supper as a full meal is 'church.'  

The big idea here was that 'family' could be glued together by love via the intimacy of eating together.  So reducing the Lord's Supper to a cracker and a sip of juice is not OK even if 'your heart is right.'  We are not dealing with 'right' or 'wrong' either.  The historical church is the right place to be for the majority of believers who are not strong enough to meet outside structures and systems.  People leave church for one of two reasons.  You are either being led out by the Lord or you have not had your own selfish desires met.  The two can look awfully similar!  I left the ministry because the leadership were running the church based upon man's wisdom, business plans where money was the core driver of all things.  There was a vision that was based upon some idea that the poor communities on the doorstep would come to the church.  The reality was that the more social or sterling currency you had, you were more likely sat towards the front seats of the church.  So my inner need was not being met but it was based upon Scripture not my own ends.

Although branded as forward thinking and contemporary, they actually kept hundreds of people in spiritual infancy.  By leading people to follow church leaders they reduce the followship (yes, I mean followship) of Christ alone.  This results in people anchoring into a vision, mission, idea or project.  Over time they get consumed with that activity because 'plugging into the vision' somehow makes you an obedient child of God.  When someone is active in mission it appeals to a Western mindset.  That mindset goes like this:

"Productivity is evidence for effectiveness."

We go to work and we get paid.  We put effort in and see results.  The biscuit factory churns out biscuits!  So when we are involved in something that helps win the lost for example, the assumption is that 'we are productive.'  If someone gets a Degree in Engineering they will go on and become an engineer.  Day to day they wouldn't go back to their University notes.  They are qualified.... they are DOING IT... why return to that which qualified you?  Believers do this when they are involved in mission but the Lord's calling doesn't work the same way.

The Lord's calling involves a sustained anchoring into himself in order to succeed.  The Lord being your source and centre of all your life, continually, is to be perfected before the Lord sends you.  This is how I know many who are busy in mission are responding to need not the Lord.  Many stop seeking out biblical truth when tasked.  They end the search for the Lord's will because 'obviously' it is to help XYZ community... the ones with the biggest need.  To be clear, I am absolutely in favour of meeting social need, I just don't think this is always a calling from God.  As well as helping communities, ethic groups or the poor etc we should be seeking beyond that for what 'God's plan is for me.'  Instead, big churches disempower people by saying the meeting of needs in a community is their life calling.

I heard recently about a City church who got some homeless people and treated them to a meal at a hotel. Their efforts got them into the paper.  I don't understand how feeding homeless people overpriced food at a hotel helps them.  I hope that this was not just a stunt to get attention because it certainly offers zero help long term to people in need.  These types of things get believers into thinking they are 'changing communities.'


SO why pick on Mega Churches? I like the idea that people get saved, hundreds, maybe thousands but it's not always what is happening.  Usually a church opens and it has some more 'dynamic this and that' to suit what people are looking for.  Generally a twist on winning the lost, a contemporary presentation and a vision that makes you proud to share the 'Gospel.'  They are places you wouldn't be ashamed to take your neighbours.   The seats usually get filled with transfer growth from other churches who don't offer the shine or the volume.  Then people do get saved which is always a plus in any context...BUT... they are then led into a Christian servitude that gives the impression they were saved to serve the church (for the church is God's instrument on earth right?).  Wrong!  It's all mixed up!

The idea is that individuals are engaging a vibrant relationship with the Risen, Glorified Lord.  Then they come together already pursuing the connection with the Lord.  In this way, people already in tune with the Lord can be gifts to the rest of the Body.  Each are mutually encouraged by this.  The mentality of Mega Church is that the church connects you to the Lord. In this way people get dependant on the meeting because they have been taught this is where they get blessed.  People arrive to receive not be the givers!

I could go on as their is much to say.

Thank you Jesus you saved me twice!  Once from Sin and Death and secondly from the Historical Church.

Gary Ward

Friday, 15 August 2014

Saved and SAVED

This blog has been a lot of my opinions that hopefully reflect balance.  I guess when we have the Lord's leading, the Bible and 'how we walk this out' to deal with there can be some extremes. Today I will start some actual Bible teaching where we can look at some text and see whats actually being said.

There's some confusion about God's apparent schizophrenia about how he loves everyone.  Some are not able to come to the Lord for Salvation yet God 'so loves the world!' (John 3:16)  Which is it God... you love all people, some people or just the predestined elect?  The Scriptures say all three!  The answer to this reveals an awkward position God is in when inspiring men to write about 'who's saved.'  To answer this we must go to John 3:13 - 20.  Jesus explains to Nicodemus that his status as the top teacher of Israel has no value at all when speaking of being born again of the Spirit.  In Jewish culture you can be born again seven times, the last honor being bestowed on the Teacher of Israel.  This is why Nicodemus asks 'how can an OLD man be born?'  He had accomplished all the landmarks of being 'born again' in Israel.

Jesus explains about the new birth and for the first time speaks of the events in Numbers 20:4-9.  The Snake was a picture of evil coming from the fall of man and Satan in Genesis opening chapters.  Jesus became sin on the cross and those looking to Jesus would gain eternal life.  Jesus then says the condition under which we are saved:  'everyone who believes in him.'  For God so loves the world....   There is the apparent contradiction...

God loves everyone, but... you first have to believe.

Some translations confuse this matter because they translate two different words into "Redeem' or 'Redemption.'     In Galatians 3:13 and Revelation 5:9 we get the greek word 'agoradzo' which means to buy or purchase.  with 'ex' before it, it means exagoradzo... to buy out from.  This is where an important distinction lies.  Jesus bought out from the world ALL PEOPLE.  Everyone entirely who ever was born into the world was bought out from it.  To be really clear I AM NOT suggesting all people are saved and that is for this purpose:

In 1 Cor 1:30, Ephesians 1:14 and Romans 8:23 we see 'redemption' but the word comes from 'lutron.' both exagoradzo and lutron are translated 'redeem' or 'redemption' but they have different meanings. lutron means 'the price for redeeming' or 'ransom.' So exagoradzo is the act of buying out from and lutron is what price was paid for that freeing.   This illustration explains it all...

'All people born into this world are born into Adam, sin and death. The human race are slaves to sin. Along comes Jesus and by his death on the cross, buys the lot!  All people have been bought out from (exagoradzo) so are saved in the sense of potential.  Having been bought, the slave has the choice to get up and go to Jesus and take the opportunity laid out for them.  Those what do so are 'lutron' - Ransomed... they are loosed and set free by accepting the offer.  These are SAVED, they have eternal life through believing Jesus.'

'exagoradzo' is the purchase... when the slave engages the process. It then becomes 'lutron.'

From the perspective of God all are 'saved' but not all are 'SAVED.'  God wants all men to be SAVED  (1 Tim 2:4).  The people who translate the New Testament use the word Redeem / Redemption  interchangeably but by a brief study of the Greek text we can explain the mechanics of Redemption and Ransom.

Gary Ward

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

ISIS Beyond the Guilt

My wife and I often speak of the lifestyle we are blessed with.  Compared with the plight of many around the world we are ridiculously blessed.  We don't have a lot of spare money or luxurious habitat but we are extremely well catered for through the Lord's provision.  Our family has health issues but nothing beyond the treatment of medicine. We have been shown that Jesus is the Messiah and have invited him to conquer our lives as we tread these lavish shores of Western Australia.  It's really great to be alive!  

What I have to say is, however badly this comes across, it is our calling.  For some reason our family are required to be here doing what we are doing.  For years I have been open to the leading's and callings of God and with spectacular clarity God wanted us here.  Why so sure?  Here's an example:

During our exploration of the desire to come to Australia my wife visited her brother in Mindarie 45k north of Perth City.  During the stay she was expressing to the Lord how the climate would be good for our family on many levels.   She specifically expressed that it would be good for the family to be on the beach where she was to see how appealing it is but alas, we are not money people.  When she returned we decided to apply for a TV show run by the BBC.  The idea was that the crew come and film you in the UK and then fly you out to an Australian city to compare lifestyles etc.  The family votes on which is better during the production. This is all free and yes, you've guessed it... within a year of the prayer on the beach we were all stood on that beach in Western Australia!  The name of the show?  WANTED DOWN UNDER!  No argument from me Lord!

That and many other things made it clear that the Lord wanted us to be in a sub-tropical climate, well catered for and abundantly happy... while other humans are being crucified in Iraq and Syria.

Hmmm.  What do we do with that?

We have to take what is handed to us.  That's the same for those being slaughtered for Jesus name.
John 21:15-23 shows us Jesus has different calling for people.  Revelation 6:9-11 echoes the sentiment of Jesus' reply to Peter.... Basically "I am the Lord.... "  Sovereignty is the key.   Hebrews 11:35-12:2 describes the plight of such followers who are required to pay dearly for their faith.  The answer for all people, whether in my situation or having nails slammed into your arms... keep your eyes on Jesus.  So easy to write....

I have to get over my guilt for being abundantly blessed.  I will pray for the persecuted and we have offered a place of refuge for a friend in Erbil.  Beyond that I have nothing else to offer.

Gary Ward

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

ISIS... the deaths we see

I've had some some thoughts about the situation in Iraq.  When I saw the images of children being killed I was asking Jesus what he was going to do.  I began repenting because of this Western-ism I am trapped in...

I see children killed in a country and demand action from the Lord yet I know millions of children die in the womb yet don't really do anything about it.  Abortion has become another worldly statistic.  Back in 1990 when I was first a Christian I stood outside an abortion clinic and challenged those going in.  Schoolgirls got out of BMW's and hastily headed for the clinic doors.  It was confronting for me and them.

Returning from those mornings made me experience brokenness for the first time.  But that was 24 years ago.  Apparently I'm a mature Christian now... those radical days are over. But it appears so is my sensitivity to the realities of this world.  I've been sucked into the lie that 'if I can see it, it matters."  Of course it does matter what is going on in Iraq but I'm knee jerked into action by what I see.  Dulled by media, abortion is something that is unseen... so it's not as important...

Except it is.  It's the biggest genocide in all of history.

I don't know what to do about it.  Praying is obviously a key to all of this but the tide of killing in the name of convenience goes on.  Feeling utterly helpless and quite useless in these matters is humbling. I am reminded I am part of Satan's world and spiritual powers are at work. I think God knows that if we could do anything we would.  Its just that these atrocities must occur.

Come Lord Jesus.

Gary Ward

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Mark of the Beast #3

Because the subject of the mark of the beast and end times is complex, we need a sure-fire way to make sure we are no deceived.  Jesus spoke of end-times deception as a sign three times more than the other signs of the end of the age.  The general slogan associated with making sure we stay in line with the Lord is 'Keep your eyes on Jesus.'  Generally this is precisely what is the answer.  However, the waters are muddied about what is meant by this depending on what kind of teaching you have had.

For many 'keeping their eyes on Jesus' has to do with faithfully attending church, worshiping, tithing and doing good deeds.  They have not been taught that the Risen, Glorified Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ desires for you to find him as your source while on planet earth.  What does this mean?  It means that you have gone beyond the kindergarten of church services and began to grow into maturity.  This involves the realisation that Jesus is the source of every single element of your living here on earth.  The Lord then leads us into discerning areas of our life that are barriers to our fully finding him as our all in all.  Many cannot do this because it involved hard lessons, painful realisations and excruciating loss.  

But for those called to this grace.... it is all worth it to be more transformed, partying more and more to the Glory of the Risen Lord.  As we traverse our own gloomy flesh, we give up more and more.  We yield, abandon self and submit to him.  The amazing thing about the Lord is that none of this requires a spurt of energy from any of us.  It requires one thing:


To truly want to be conquered by the Lord means you are willing to give all.  At the moment you don't know what 'all' actually is.  We are blind to the extent of our chains.  However, the heart that says their life is not their own and God has latitude to let his will be done... God can work with that!  We are on the way to being moment by moment connected to the Lord.  In this way He can let us know what is coming and what we do to not be taken in by the spirit of this world.

Gary Ward

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Mark of the Beast #2

Both Peter and Timothy make it clear that in the last days believers will display error, false teaching and general un-biblical works.  False Prophets are numerous as we scan the TV stations and get an idea of what's out there.  One of the worrying signs are the counterfeit signs we see in ministry today.  Obviously we have the Todd Bentley crowd who claimed 23 people were raised from the dead in the 'Lakeland Revival.'  This was ushered in by the same people who supported Pensacola, Toronto and the Bethel Church problem pushed forward by Bill Johnson.  When investigated Bentley didn't raise anyone from the dead, nor did the revival.  Also gold dust falling from the sky onto over-indulged Americans seems a little too strange for the Lord who calls those who are 'rich' to repentance (Rev 3).  

People, hungry to see the Lord move, buy into this and are taken in by the wider message which has no Gospel contact and certainly doesn't connect them to their Risen, Glorified Savior.  So they all approve of the whole 'kit and caboodle' as the Brits say.  There are also the more subtle signs that are counterfeit.  An example of this is the minister who feels that can produce a huge attendance in a hall.  To attract people we need a compromised Gospel... an attractive prospect where 'death to self' is ignored.  Replacing this are sensual tools to make a Christian feel relevant, contemporaneous and unruffled about their beliefs.  Next comes the means by which this came about.  I know a few people who have been given money to build a facility and kit it out for mega church type vision.  The general public think somehow 'God gave them the money' to build the ministry but in the absence of Scriptural evidence that this is what the Lord does to build his church we are just left to Man’s logic:  

"Man of God gets loads of money... wow that's rare... it MUST be God who really gave it to him."

Ipso-facto this must be a ministry God is blessing.  The counterfeit Gospel promotes counterfeit provision which leads to counterfeit growth.  Transfer growth is the next thing to happen as believers compare their experience in church with this 'phenomena.'  So let's put this logical process together...

This thing exists and is growing.  Therefore it MUST be God who is making this different thing happen.   EXCEPT it isn't necessarily God.  I have been among the leadership streams who know how to make this happen.  The known information 'out-there' in 'leader land' is that believers respond to marketing.  The temperature check of spirituality is that most people are hungry for signs.  Matt 16:4 is clear that all we have is the sign of Jonah.  We now know this to be the death and resurrection motif.  Far from the 'Boom' of 'shiny church,' we find the remnant of believers who stay true to the genuine call to all followers to die to self.  Resurrection, transformation will surely come.  Tell THAT to people and watch your church empty!  This generation is the 'microwave meal' generation who want instant EVERYTHING. Jesus said ‘wicked’ and ‘adulterous.’

What has this to do with the Mark of the Beast?  Well the seduction of 'even the elect' that leads to deception involved the Anti-Christ.  'Anti' is not 'against.'  He is against Christ but Anti means 'Instead of' or 'in place of.'   Much of the church are happy to counterfeit signs... the Gospel, the blessing, the growth, the miracles, the gold dust... 

If the inauthentic is being sown into the Christian experience then how easy will it be for the Spiritual powers of Evil to present a set of attractive elements that will seem to be 'obviously' of the Lord.  We are being set up for an end-times deception and power-hungry Christian ministers are being played right into it.  I thank the Lord who saved me and my family from this and enveloped us with the authentic, genuine gospel with biblical church practice.  I know this is true because I can find every element of how we walk this out in Scripture, not in the cultural and historical traditions of what 'works.'  It offers little for ‘self’ as we offer people Jesus, not the strategies that seem to produce followship. 

Gary Ward

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Mark of the Beast #1

Christians ask "Is it ok to take the Mark of the Beast?"  I have no idea why this is a question Christians ask but I suspect it comes from the Charismatic and hyper Pentecostals who tend value experience over Scripture.  In 1998 A church leader in Sheffield UK told me he would take a mark to allow him to trade because "God knows his heart."  This turned out to be an indication of just how far this church was into its own concoction of what church was.

I am 'pre-trip with 'mid trib' sympathies in my eschatology.  However the reality is that however the Tribulation period of 7 years pans out, people will be getting saved in this time.  During this time it is believed the world system will require all people to have a mark.  Whatever the origins of this mark, whatever it pans out to be, the answer is... NO... you should not take the Mark.   But to be dogmatic and not understand why not is vital.  Why are people asking the question?  What has occurred that believers think it may be Ok to take the mark?

The answer lies in 'what brought a believer to a point where they freely take a mark of any kind?' It has been going on for years.  The church merges with the world in its ideology, presentation and practices.  Some of the finest moral examples are part of churches whose philosophies and situation in life are merged with the world.  As these movements progress, the Scripture becomes blurred as to how we are to act.  Some churches experience a blessing when they stand worshiping and have good communicators delivering good life skills seminars and calling them sermons.  The basis for truth slowly becomes based in how church made me feel, not in the truths that lie in God's word.  'God is blessing our church... I was blown away by the worship!'

So What.

How you respond to ANYTHING from this realm is to be brought before God and his Word.  The danger here is that the more we define God's will by our emotional, sensual or cognitive responses here.  The result of that is a gradual detachment from the Lord.  I'm not suggesting a Christian can  lose their salvation... I'm talking about other things than the Lord being your measurement of 'right' and 'wrong.'

One of the most subtle corruptions is that which takes place around religiousness.

Rick Warren already urges people on his website to not be concerned about Prophecy.  This is just one example of the notorious spokesmen going directly against Jesus' words to keep watch.  Mark 13:5, Matt 24:42 are examples of this.  Being swept into diversions, fads, trends and the personality cult, its no wonder people walk headlong into error.

Gary Ward

Calibrated Christianity

The trouble is with pathways is that they are only pathways because many have trodden there before.   That’s how a path is established.  I know a brother who set up a ‘pioneer’ work in a northern city.  This work was a fresh expression of Christianity but was by no means unique.  The city already had good people ‘doing things to help Jesus.’  When all the fuss was over it turns out the pioneer work was exactly the same as the others, apart from the energy mustered up around it.  Twenty years later the brother still regards this as a ‘pioneer’ work even though it blends into the landscape of ‘church’ in the city.   Becoming also-ran must be disheartening, but the initial drive to pioneer a work for Jesus, I think is a victim of wrongly calibrated Christianity. 

Many Christians follow their ideas unaware that the ideas have been furnished by information.  The information goes on through our understanding of the Bible, our family lives, community, church, work etc.  We are information exchanges.  In Mark 7 Jesus says it isn’t what goes into a man that makes him unclean.  It’s what comes out! We are capable of making pure streams of grace into rotten smelling sewers.  It’s just how sin works.  So many are correct about their calling and how they can do good for the Lord (and I do think the majority, including the above example, have great hearts), but are wrongly calibrated.  That is, they set off with skewed mind-sets and polluted waters.  They envision what a work looks like because the reference point is what they saw someone else do.  Often the work is a flat-pack of what’s gone before and the message geared to meet a culture, ‘where they are.’ 

The gospel is not cultural, it’s biblical.  It has little interest in how it upsets the hearer’s inner constitution.  It is geared to thrust a sword into the heart and make wretched souls fall before the Holy One.  To perpetuate the clarity and loving aggression of the Gospel we mustn't do the ‘done thing.’  We must be free from the invisible cords and ties of what people expect of us or what we expect of ourselves.   

Many of the impressive works we see in the western church today are like reservoirs.  These hold Christians in one place while the demand draws upon them.  Anyone can build a reservoir! It’s just a big puddle!  The Church I see in the NT was a flowing, no, GUSHING source of life, love and unity.  We are called to calibrate ourselves toward God's word with the Help of the Holy Spirit not find a nice church where we can experience some nice worship, a palatable discourse, tea and biscuits.  

Gary Ward  

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Lament Oh My Heart....

Lament oh my heart and my head turn to light
We’re 2000 years into man claiming his own right
Marching on goes the church singing ‘Lord please bless me’
When God gave his all just to dress me.
So now I’m ‘bitter’ to pour out this rhyme
It’s all I hear time after time after time
But who will stand up and say what is true?
While you’re following man-meetings it will not be you!
You can only see clearly when removing the Shades
Of the Roman Catholic Empire playing charades
She stands before you with an altered belief
But when asks what she does she lies through the teeth
She’s not over there; she’s right here and now
She won’t ask for indulgence or an idol to bow
Maria just sits silently and studies your faces
Your special people, special things and special places
You’ve thrown out the pomp, the pope, the fuss
But every meeting you do what she does!
Feeding the pride of Man by esteeming
Status, position – ego is beaming
Then let’s build ‘God’s House’ so now ‘Tithing is true!’
Tithing was taxes – and God’s house is you!
Let’s ritualise baptism, the bread, the cup
Let’s also give titles and really mess it up!
Now we have ‘church’ man made, ‘rearranged’
Rome laughs out loud when you say it’s all changed
For as long as the people never find out
What the church is really all about
See you are a child, a child of the King
Your brothers and sisters are the only thing
That you will have left when this place explodes
And we all see the dawn where nothing corrodes
So Family, God’s children are precious, the core
Of God’s agenda, from ceiling to floor
That’s why Jesus said ‘This do…’
A family meal for me and for you!
Leaders would aim to facilitate others
Song? Prayer? Story? From sisters and brothers
Just like the last supper, food brought and shared
We bring our story, our song, unprepared
People meet people and in meeting are met
That genius – you, and the Spirit, we’re set!
Then out to this dark, foreboding place
To be light and the salt in mercy and grace

Gary Ward

Monday, 4 August 2014

"The Seed of the Woman"

Genesis 3:15 is the first promise of a rescue from sin and death.

15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.’

What does the text mean by 'the seed?'  'The seed of the serpent' are all who are born into this earth, born into Adam.  The fall in the garden meant the male passed on the sin condition to the offspring of a couple's union.  This world belongs to Satan and Jesus never disputed that when he was tempted in the desert (Luke 5:4).  Matt 13:38, John 8:44, 1 John 3, 2 Cor 4:4 are all good for identifying that unsaved people are the seed of Satan, born into this world and needing rescuing.  Peter was rebuked by Jesus (Matt 16:23) where Jesus associates the thoughts of Man with the work of Satan.  So unbelievers are the seed of the sarpent... Satan.

'The seed of the woman' works like this:  Because the sinful nature is carried through to the offspring by the male, who is one after Adam,   Jesus could never be brought into the world by someone who was passing on the sinful nature.   He had to be entirely human though!  So we find Mary inseminated by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35).  Jesus was thus entirely God and entirely Human.  Jesus is 'the seed of the Woman.'

So we have a conflict between Satan and Jesus.  The picture given in Genesis 3:15  is where the serpent bites Jesus and injects the venom into him.  We know Jesus became sin on the cross.  Let's not forget that Jesus knew this would occur because of his interaction with Nicodemus in John 3:14f. Here he mentions Moses from Number 21.  This was the incident where a snake was lifted on a pole and those looking at it would be healed.  When someone sees that Jesus became their sin, they can be healed of their sinful condition and become adopted into God's Family.  

Satan had tried many times to have Jesus killed but his time was not fulfilled.  This time Satan had him.  The Son of God on the cross, the poison of death was near... Satan must have been ecstatic!  But in this act Jesus was made the sin of the world.  He was not made into Satan, but he was made the very substance of all the fall.  The earth went dark for three hours while the true horror of it fell upon Jesus.  Exclusion from the Trinity to me and you is just information but for Jesus to spend one second away from the perfect, holy, righteous union of the Godhead was beyond all imagination horror.  For some reason it was three hours until Jesus cried 'it is finished.'  The 'books were balanced.'  Price paid!  With having no reason to suffer anymore he gave up his life.  

We now know that this was the destruction of Satan, sin and the fall.  Jesus, having been bitten of the heel, stamps on Satan's head and completely destroys him.  After Genesis 3 we see the way this first promise of our rescue pans out. 

Gary Ward

Sunday, 3 August 2014

The Seven Fold Spirit of God

Reading the opening Chapters of Revelation we find the 'Seven-fold Spirit of God' mentioned.   Note that this is not the 'Seven Spirits of God.'  It is the seven fold nature of the one Spirit.  If we open Isaiah at chapter 11:2 we find seven elements of the workings of the Holy Spirit.  These are:

  1. LORD (The Spirit Himself)




  5. MIGHT


These are things the Lord wants us to operate in having been filled with the Holy Spirit and walking in Grace. I think they are self explanatory but it's interesting to list the 9 Gifts of the Spirit from 1 Corinthians Chapters 11 and 12 also:

1) Word of Wisdom 2) Word of Knowledge 3) Faith 4) Gifts of Healing 5) Working of Miracles 6) Prophecy 7) Discerning of Spirits 8) Diverse (or different) kinds of Tongues 9) Interpretation of (different) Tongues

A useful study from this is to see how these two lists work together.  There is some parity, Wisdom and Knowledge for example.  When we observe the Fruits of the Spirit:

Gal 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

The way I use these descriptions is by no means exhaustive or conclusive but just one way of seeing Isaiah 11:2  1 Corinthians 11/12 and Galatians 5:22/23:

The fruit of the Spirit is how He is and how we can grow to be in our temperament, disposition 

The Gifts of the Spirit are what is distributed through someone for someone else in ekklesia

The 7 Fold Spirit is the One Holy Spirit who will engender all seven through a person's character

Thats my shot at this difficult matter.  Any good?

Gary Ward

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Unconditional Right to get it Wrong

This title, I think, describes Grace.   It reads as an unbelievable truth but I think it describes our position before the Lord.  Much of today's writing will give the opportunity to think about what has been provided for us by the completed work of Jesus Christ... our Rescuer.

A person who has no reaction to sin has either seared their conscience over many many years or is not saved.  What we find in practice for Christians is a response of inward turmoil, conviction and a desire to be right with God again.  If you have experienced this then you can be sure there is a work of the Spirit going on within.  It is argued that the 'right to get it wrong' could lead to a casual approach to living right before God.  True.  The idea is that we return to the Lord and the pain and trauma of having sinned serves as a tool for the Lord to excavate the willfulness we have in our lives.

Some may object to the description of Grace because it almost says it is OK to sin.  That's not the point.  The point is the word 'it.'  Whatever it is a believer intends to do, walk right or be holy, it's OK to fail.  It gives us a measurement of where we are and how we have to go to the Lord.  The heart's intent is what the Lord looks at and our response to the failure:  repentance.  Preachers who say God is personally offended when we stuff up are simply wrong.  When we put ourselves in the program of being sanctified by the Risen, Glorified Lord, sin is a mechanism to break us to the point of abandoning ourselves and yielding up our particular issues.

For those in Christ who are nonchalant about their personal walk.... the Lord will get you to a place of utter despair in his jealousy to have you re-enter the program of sanctification.  Either that or willingly come back to a moment by moment walk in holiness with the Lord.  That intent is what makes it Ok to get it wrong.

Gary Ward