I suppose its a big claim to be able to relate exactly what Jesus wants. But it's not hard based upon the scriptures to get a ballpark of what he wants to accomplish in our lives. 'Discipleship' would be a sound byte that describes what he wants. Following Jesus with our hearts bowed low? Does that sound right? I think it does! However these terms are meaningless if applied wrongly.
25 years ago I began what would become an exit from systems and structures in 'church.' It started with the realisation that 'ekklesia' in the first century was not recognisable in our church practices. Here are just three things that are hard to do if 'industry' is our practice over 'family.'
1. Meeting in intentionally small groups in a home means close fellowship, brothers and sisters who are focussed on the welfare of the group more that expansion of the group.
2. Having the Lords supper as a meal also strengthens these bonds. Families drink and eat food together!
3. No prominent titles or ministries also removes the subtle spiritual hierarchies that emerge without scriptural reasoning.
This is a brief description of the difference we get when we return to the scriptural practices recorded in the first century by the Apostles. Why is this important?
If we are going to follow Jesus we must be carrying our own cross. That is 'discipleship' according to Jesus. It is my observation that church systems and structures offer elements that don't help a believer go 'to the death of self.' Instead they bolster identities and vocations that are pulling away from Christ centred following, towards 'self.' The first century ekklesia was designed to remain Christ centred and not raise the opportunity for the flesh to rise up. For a number of years I was in the system of church and I learned how to make things all about me and then simply paint 'Jesus' on it.
When we commit to the 'death of self' we place ourselves directly in Jesus hands. If He is spending the time trying to wrestle man-made practices off you there little room for His work through you. If Jesus is going to 'build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it,' we should probably let Him! Practicing church the way the Apostles did is not simply obeying what Jesus said, it is a revolution of what it means to give your life away to the Lord. So am I saying I'm a better disciple than those who go to 'system' church? No! I'm simply stating that because I don't do 'system' church I know how bad I am at being one.
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