Monday, 26 November 2018

'Wood for the trees' 1 'Your heart is wrong?'

John 8:43  Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.

If your calling is to speak out about certain things in the Church it is good to clarify some points.  Sometimes people can't see the wood for the trees.  When this happens people label and compartmentalise based on a broad assumption.  It happened to Jesus.  I've been on John 8 for a while now because it is remarkable how the Lord dealt with his detractors.  The Pharisees could only hear 'this man is insulting us' when actually He was telling them they are not actually saved and need to change their parenthood.  They missed what was being said because it was a higher priority to be seen to be a rock star for God than actually hearing truth.  Anything that came to challenge their rock star status among the people is therefore obviously error.

In my own calling and sending I have to challenge the church system.  There is a version of this going around that is against the system but cannot articulate why except for a few stories where the leaders did this or that.  They don't like the system because they have a few scars.  All that issues forth from this is 'anti' this or that.   I get lumped into this crowd by people who have not heard the biblical position that I come from.  It is the same one Jesus came from when confronting the man made version of God's truth... this I call 'the system.'

In every single case it is the church system I am stating is wrong, not the hearts of the people in it.  I am in no position to judge a persons motives.  If, however, they do things that show their hearts are focused on other things like 'rock star' status, money, church growth etc, then I am instructed to call this out to those whom the Lord has entrusted me.  So to be clear:  If you are in a man made church whose practices are born of history rather than the scriptures, you are simply going to the wrong church.  No matter how blessed you feel or how good the preaching / attendance / fiscal / worship is, if it's not the practice that Jesus instructed the Apostles to do, it is simply un-biblical.  Basically, good people are going to un-biblical churches.  And that's it! God does things in these churches because a Father has to apply more care to babies.  There's the first ouch!

If, however, you understand and see that your church practice is un-biblical then you want to stay in knowing it is un-biblical, you are wilfully ignoring God's will and purpose.  You don't need me or anyone to show that this is a heart problem.  The Pharisees' problem was that they assumed they were squarely in God's will and purpose and now some bearded miracle worker is tipping up the apple cart!  Jesus had reason to be like the other anti-system people who had a tough journey with leaders.  They tried to throw him off a cliff.  I've experienced social martyrdom and excommunication from a denomination but never been dragged to a cliff yet!  My experiences are a spring board for God setting me apart to articulate the problem.

Most cannot see the wood for the trees and label me in the angry / hurt / resentful / bitter / rebellious / box, completely missing the plea to be biblical.  It's not my problem.  Myself and others like me have a task:  pour the salt into the unproductive waters (2 Kings 2).  Those hearing can be healed and become biblically productive.  But many are opting for the easy road.  Many want to be part of the shiny church that offers much in width but not much depth. 

In short, my point is not that your heart is wrong, but your church probably is, biblically. 

Lets talk.

Gary Ward

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