Friday, 28 July 2017

The 'gateway drug' to false teaching?

If you work in the welfare sector you will be faced with the drug issue in our fallen world.  People try to find escape through substances as the high offers temporary escape from their nightmare.  The nightmare is always associated with no hope, no peace and no security.  It manifests in different ways but a human life disconnected to its Creator is always at the centre of the problem.  The enemy is having a field day locking people in prisons of addiction.   On the way to hard addiction a person will engage 'gateway drugs.'  These are seemingly less dangerous yet can lead to the life consuming 'top-shelf' drugs.  Drugs alter the senses while slowly killing the core of the person.  We have a problem and the answer is Jesus.

I was recently challenged on my firm stance to not tolerate even a hint of false teaching.   It is largely based on Jesus' instruction, 'do not be deceived.'  I have a Red / Amber / Green system for the teachers that are visible in our media.  Red is obviously danger, and there are a lot of bible Teachers in there.  Amber is where there is a nudge of caution and Green is where the differences are minor and they generally have a good articulation of the Whole Council of God.  There are plenty of people in Green so there's no reason to have anything to do with the Red or Amber designations.  Too harsh a system?  I have to stand alongside the writers of the Prophets and Apostles who, in the name of God, slammed false teachers and all kinds of falseness.  With this in view, I'd like to outline something that is occurring spiritually all over the world.

It seems to be a distinctive that every Mega Church organisation has a music ministry aspiration.  It also seems that those who, like us, are wanting a pure declaration of God's word, see no (need for?) big music ministry.    It could just be that the aspiring Mega Church outfit wants to gain more resource by selling albums and see it as a business model.   But I see something that looks like the drug problem in society.  The Churches that are peddling false teaching tend to have a music ministry that is very organised, highly produced and distributed widely. It looks good, sounds good and draws people to a close walk, when it isn't worshipping worship, that is.  Can it be that the music is a sensual hook that is being used to have people lock into a certain church?  Could it be that once people are seduced by the worship they won't question the teaching?  I mean, 'how can something so beautiful and Jesus-orientated be false teaching?'  But this happens all the time!  Is this music the 'gateway drug for false teaching?'

We have come across people who are worship addicts.  They stay in churches who falsely teach because they can't do without the worship experience.  They seem to lift the experience of worship over the Lord Jesus Christ.  When it is pointed out there is false teaching they weigh it against the worship experience or kudos with being part of 'what's working.'  The New Testament teaches that the last days would be an increase and concentration of people living off natural instincts, sensuality, and not living in step with the Spirit of God.   Music is just a vehicle by which a heart of worship can express itself.  For many years we have rightly called out Christian music for its style. Now, I believe, we need to call it out for its production that is aiming to be 'of this world.'  For some time people have asked me what I think of 'such-a-body.'  This is a comment on style and production.  The truth is I don't think about them.

The irony is that much of the mainstream worship music celebrates being triumphant over this world while leading a person to dependency.  Once that happens, a person will reduce the importance of sound doctrine to get a 'fix.'  Of course there are people who are fixing their eyes on Jesus and are aware of the sensuality and potential seduction in world around them.  The corruption of music and messages coming from churches are well known to them.  I would just caution that the gateway drugs to false teaching are subtle and crafted by that serpent, the deceiver.  Be discerning.

Gary Ward

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