Monday, 14 November 2016

The Insatiable Jesus!

My tent-making role for some time has been youth work.  This has taken various forms from sports development (some years ago!) to teaching and now a housing role.   All of the sectors have a common factor - young people who have experienced challenging circumstances that have left them needing support.  One of the great privileges of my present role is that I can talk openly about Jesus Christ and share the good news of Gods rescue plan through Him.

We are doing two baptisms this coming Friday and this led to a young person, not saved, coming to the weekly Bible Study.  Previously I had chatted with her about Jesus but she is resistant to the message.  As she sat in the Bible Study she started to tell me why she didn't want to follow God. Take note that she has, in her admission, accepted that 'God' as a concept is perfectly fine.  Her problem lay in another area that was amazing to watch.


'God,' and the concept that He has come to rescue mankind wasn't a point of resistance, but that He has standards, was.  She doesn't like the idea that God would 'reject' certain lifestyles where she would accept them.  "I cannot accept God's opinion over my own," was the conclusion.  The conversation continued.  I relayed the important detail that we becoming a Christian is not the acceptance of a rule-book but the bowing before the Almighty Lord and King of the Universe.  Then it struck me!  The girl has not had Jesus, risen and glorified, revealed to her yet.  She has retained information over time but the Lord was still just a concept, an idea.  This wasn't something that was entirely new information to me, but in the conversation it was illuminated to me there and then.  No-one can truly drag their flailing hearts before the Lord unless they have been given a glimpse of His risen glory!

Just a glimpse!

It's been nearly 27 years since I experienced the insatiable draw, that consuming sense of... Him!  The chat reminded me that within the comings and goings of our lives, wondering how we fit and walking out 'today' with sometimes scant information, it's really all about Him... just Him!  That Jesus was revealed to me, and I was made able to perceive, was the grace that everyone calls amazing... and that it is!  The Father drew me to the Lord and at the right time showed me a glimpse of Him.  Let's not forget that whatever your own walk entails today, the Father saw it in his choosing to show you the risen Lord!   Good for us huh?  But what about the girl?

During the conversation, what I just explained, sort of... emerged into my heart / mind... spirit? So I just stopped talking.  I realised something I knew well, but needed a nudge about:  God can reveal Himself to her (and anyone) at His chosen time.  Our interaction with her was a strengthening of the portrait being painted of Jesus in her head.  What God can do, and I believe will do, is drag that picture into her heart and make it explode into a three dimensional reality that Jesus is alive, risen and glorified as her King and Lord of all.  When that happens she cannot and will not resist.  He is truly insatiable! 

Take heart!

This is also real for all those family members, friends and those in your scope of influence (you?). We often think that God is watching for a criteria where He will offer grace to a lost person.  The truth is that you and I did nothing to earn the glimpse of Jesus.  God did it at the right time.  Right now you can afford to cease the doubting, that gnawing worry that *-----------*  will never accept Jesus.  As we pray for them we can be assured that when God reveals the Lord to them they will be as knocked off their feet as you was!  They cannot resist... it's just a matter of time.  It is right to keep praying, not as if we are twisting God's arm to get on with it, but that we become calibrated towards His will and purposes.  Pray, trust and walk well.  

Gary Ward 

14/2/17  Update.  The girl received Jesus as her Lord and Saviour a couple of weeks ago.  Praise the lord for His grace and mercy.  

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