Tuesday, 25 October 2016

An End Times Survival Kit

We can't ship these things out to you but here is a list of things we can be doing to ensure we don't get led astray or walk into error over our focus.

1.  Anchor into Jesus.  This may mean hard decisions about your 'preachers.' Colossians 2:6-8

2. Carefully read the Prophets and Apostles while asking the Lord to show you His will. 2 Peter 3

3. Make sure you are led into roles tasks and functions... by God and God alone. Romans 8:14

4. Develop an understanding of the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16

5. Be Discerning. Jesus said 'Do not be deceived' as a headline issue for end times.  Matt 24:4

6. Manage people.  Some people are 'kryptonite' to your walk.  1 Cor 15:33

7. Keep very short accounts.  Repentance is a lifestyle not an event. 1 John 1:9

8. Don't make 'worship' just something you do at church.  It's your entire life!  1 Cor 10:31

9. Be ready to share your faith.  Rehearse what you will say. 1 Peter 3:15

10.  Predetermine to be an ambassador of love.  Even when it is hard.   The Bible.

Gary Ward

1 comment:

  1. It is my desire to make reach out and make contact with other believers who I think are seeing that the Institutional church has been a false way for believers for many centuries, and have decided to meet in homes as the Apostles and disciples did in the first century. I hope that you will make contact with me through my email that is peterhorvatin3@gmail.com and to encourage me because I have started a new blog site thesimplebelieverstruth.wordpress.com Leave me some comments about the issues I'm discussing as well as how to improve my site. Thanks Pete
