What we find repeated in Jude's epistle is that these false teachers are driven by natural instincts, not by the Spirit. How can we be sure we are not deceived and are actually a false believer / teacher? A while ago I did some writing on evidence you are saved and this can be helpful. The KJV is better with this:
Jude used the words 'beloved' as the true children of God. The recognition here is that a believer has been called out of this world and been made to 'love God back.' This is a reality for all who believe and something we can enjoy through our lives. Isn't it amazing that right now other are also called and chosen to walk as God's children! The challenge to me is to address my self as this and then others. As in Jude#1, It was observed that Jude writes to those called and loved by the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. This is intent from God! He wants to call you, love you and keep you! This is also true of other believers. Selah.
Homework time !
It is my observation that Jude knew he was writing to saints through the ages. In verse 17 he addresses 'beloved' but in verse 20 he seems to be pointed towards 'you, beloved' meaning his actual readership at the time. Jude wants us, who are in the last days, to remember what the apostles taught. That invitation is reiterated by most of the epistles. Happy reading...
Rank and Defile...
Verse 19 is of interest because the idea here is that these people divide the flock. In the first 10 years of walking with Jesus and denominations, I heard the idea of division being where people in unity eventually split apart. This does happen but the main reason for this is a different kind of division. The division that occurs when rank appears among the brothers and sisters devastates God's people. If we examine church splits and factions it usually has some brothers or sisters who don't feel they have been treated well. If we pick that apart isn't it the case that the causes are around lack of recognition, importance, significance, resource, all things that the western psyche calls valuable? It is indeed natural instinct that settles to rank and file, not the Spirit who chases us down until we die the deaths we need to.
It's what we can see today!
It is here Jude ends the slamming of false teachers and begins to encourage the believers. This is something the Church has not fully grasped. So what we see is the array of pseudo Churches whose doctrines are modern day versions of all that has gone before in Jude's time. Western Christianity follows its natural instinct, choosing sensuality and inch-deep-revivals instead of ditching ease for the sake of Christ. Jude, under the inspiration of the Lord, was fervently jealous for the beloved.
'Lord give me the balance and grace to contend for the faith.'
Gary Ward
17 But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; 18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. 19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.
Jude used the words 'beloved' as the true children of God. The recognition here is that a believer has been called out of this world and been made to 'love God back.' This is a reality for all who believe and something we can enjoy through our lives. Isn't it amazing that right now other are also called and chosen to walk as God's children! The challenge to me is to address my self as this and then others. As in Jude#1, It was observed that Jude writes to those called and loved by the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. This is intent from God! He wants to call you, love you and keep you! This is also true of other believers. Selah.
Homework time !
It is my observation that Jude knew he was writing to saints through the ages. In verse 17 he addresses 'beloved' but in verse 20 he seems to be pointed towards 'you, beloved' meaning his actual readership at the time. Jude wants us, who are in the last days, to remember what the apostles taught. That invitation is reiterated by most of the epistles. Happy reading...
Rank and Defile...
Verse 19 is of interest because the idea here is that these people divide the flock. In the first 10 years of walking with Jesus and denominations, I heard the idea of division being where people in unity eventually split apart. This does happen but the main reason for this is a different kind of division. The division that occurs when rank appears among the brothers and sisters devastates God's people. If we examine church splits and factions it usually has some brothers or sisters who don't feel they have been treated well. If we pick that apart isn't it the case that the causes are around lack of recognition, importance, significance, resource, all things that the western psyche calls valuable? It is indeed natural instinct that settles to rank and file, not the Spirit who chases us down until we die the deaths we need to.
It's what we can see today!
It is here Jude ends the slamming of false teachers and begins to encourage the believers. This is something the Church has not fully grasped. So what we see is the array of pseudo Churches whose doctrines are modern day versions of all that has gone before in Jude's time. Western Christianity follows its natural instinct, choosing sensuality and inch-deep-revivals instead of ditching ease for the sake of Christ. Jude, under the inspiration of the Lord, was fervently jealous for the beloved.
'Lord give me the balance and grace to contend for the faith.'
Gary Ward
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