Wednesday, 25 May 2016


The Bible is very clear that God gives us what we want!  If we want Him.... we get Him.  If a believer insists on wanting something else... He will give it to us.  Today we see a rift in the body of believers over this issue.  Some are wanting Jesus, more are wanting stuff associated with ministry.  I know a few ministries that look like they are a powerhouse for God but are in fact a judgement from God.

When Jesus came he saw pretty much the same thing as we are seeing today.  The religious establishment had already devised additional laws to add to the 613 Laws God gave his chosen people.  Jesus is clear in Matthew 6 that the religious institute was doing things to impress, it liked to receive attention, applause and adoration for its works.  Jesus stated that the reward they would get in heaven would be denied because they sought this world for rewards.   Jesus fought this throughout his ministry and he was murdered for calling them out on this and other things.

The Prophets in the Old Testament spoke for three times.  They spoke for their own time, warning Gods people to choose Yahweh over idols.  They also spoke for the first coming of Jesus, a time when Gods people were under the yolk of religious oppression and man-made legislation.  They also spoke for the end times, Jesus' second coming.  The reason they could do this is because there would be little difference in the religious establishment for all three times.  What is wrong with us?  We observed the times of the Prophets (have you?) where Gods chosen went into exile for ignoring the warnings.  We also see Jesus times explained in the Gospels where Israel are warned by Jesus to not rely on national identity but 'you must be born again.'  Result?  Kill Jesus!

Today's version of the religious institution takes 3 forms.  We have the Roman Catholic heresy.  There's no point explaining that because its obviously unbiblical.   Secondly we have the protestant wing where instead of having one pope, now we have millions of them.  Thirdly, and most dangerous are the money orientated, celebrity preacher, high profile mega churches.  Known Biblically as 'Laodicea' (Rev ch3) this is a judgement from God on the church.  Jesus has spat them out of his mouth.  They may be saved but Jesus has nothing to work with.  Here's how it worked in the times of the prophets, in Jesus time and today:  All believers have to prioritise God as number 1.  If anything comes before God there is a danger the believer will be given over to it.

Churches exist where they are geared to attract people who prioritise Christian experiences over God himself.  One example of this is the Priests who were dancing around the Alter when Elijah challenged them at mount Carmel.  To them, it was about the dancing, the experience.  Elijah didn't need the aesthetics or flesh pleasing sensualities.  His eyes were on God, not things peripheral to God.  One objection to the above is that these churches seem to be gospel orientated, busy with charity and people are 'getting saved,'  if they are.  

But as we have seen if you've been around a while there's no discipleship. So these converts get to their mid twenties and then fall away from walking with Jesus. Because the Laodicean church defines Christianity through sensual experiences, the convert stops the walk when they leave their late teens or mid twenties.  Life gets too hard and their flesh is not tickled by pseudo spiritual meetings.  Meanwhile everyone watching this convert live out their version of Christianity sees little change from what everyone else is doing:  hankering after everything that will serve the mighty ME!

The power of God is his proximity to the ones who are dying to self for the sake of His name.

So what is the nature of this judgement?  What God allows men to run with will vary from case to case.  Some chase a Rolex.  Others are making up for not being noticed early in life.  Many just want an easy job and couldn't get qualified outside of Bible College.  Still more want to be superior to others.  Many genuinely see the church as a salvation machine while ignoring who heads it up.  We can put all this together and surmise that the universal problem and the reason God allows passive Judgement is simply because man cannot allow Jesus to be the head of his church.

Man is in control.  And Judgement is coming. You have been warned.

Gary Ward

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