Monday, 22 February 2016

Understanding the Trinity?

You can argue if you want to but God is three separate persons in Scripture.  This has always been a struggle for believers to get to grips with but for us it may be just a little easier.  In the opening centuries the word 'Trinity' was used to describe this 'three is one' thing.  The word doesn't appear in the Bible but the word 'Soup' doesn't appear in the ingredients of mushed together food products. Like 'Trinity,' 'Soup' is just a word to label the contents.  So... It's just a word.  What gets quite interesting is to fathom how the very distinct three are actually one.  And just in case you stop reading here... they are... actually one!  It's all true.

In modern times we have to come to terms that there is provably more to this universe than meets the eye.  We live in four dimensions, time being a physical dimension (thanks Einstein).  It is not conjecture that there are more dimensions we are not able to access.  Do some research on this but beware of the ideas that claim there are other universes and other ridiculous claims.  Science has shown that there are dimensions in which our four dimensional reality exist.  Some feel this is the place where the Bible says spectral beings exist and the Lord is enthroned.  It points to our reality being a kind of digital simulation occurring within a greater reality and you can read Ephesians, Colossians to hint at this being accurate.

The multi-dimensional reality beyond our own helps me with some difficult concepts.  I struggle with the idea of the Trinity because three cannot be one.  However that idea that 'three cannot be one' is based on my four dimensional existence.  My entire being has existed in this 4D world and I cannot think beyond it.  In the Multidimensional (MD) place however it is possible for three to be one.  Or more accurately, when being presented in our 4D world, the Trinity is how God helps us understand Him.

When I think of a being I think of one persona.  I cannot imagine a place where one being can be more than one being.  This is because I cannot understand the MD reality.  I imagine that in the MD reality all the rules change.  what we know about reality is based on a 4D reality.  Beyond here this will change things.  The world beyond here which the Bible talks about seems to be able to house your soul without your body.  It also allows beings to travel between MD and 4D.  Many feel the UFO sightings are not aliens but spectral beings from MD manifesting in our 4D.  I don't want to go into 'space cadet' territory with this but many things start to make sense when we consider the MD and our 4D as a subsection of it.

A while ago a friend of mine said that 0.9999 recurring actually equals 1.  For me this was intriguing because I have been satisfied that 1+1= 2.  I have been trained to think in these terms.  My friend told me that one third is 0.3333 recurring.  Then two thirds is 0.6666 recurring. So three thirds is 0.99999 recur.... hold one a second!  How is this so?  Three thirds is 1 and 0.99999 recurring.... BRAIN MALFUNCTION!  I suppose this is a poor example of how we can sign off on what reality is yet even here all is not what it seems.  I often do this thing where I say my mother was 30 when she gave birth to me.  I was a thirtieth of her age.  In 15 years she was 45 and I was then a third of her age!  In another 15 years I was HALF her age!!  This is a trick with starting points et al but causes a few raised eyebrows in company.  Back to some biblical (specul)observations:

Did we lose some dimensionality when the fall occurred?  How did Jesus do what he did when resurrected before He ascended?  As believers we are 'seated in heavenly places with Christ' while alive... can it be that a part of us is already present in the MD?  Can it be that miracles are the manifestation of MD reality imposing itself in 4D existence?  Paul speaks of our sudden transformation at Jesus' coming and we meet Him in the air... all possible because of the properties of a MD reality?

Let's just recalibrate for a second.  The Bible is consistent with these observations but what are we given to focus on?  I think it is a good thing to think over such things (Pr 25:2) but not be dragged away into false teachings.  Good people are getting carried away with these matters and now we have 'portals' where the Lord can bless you or angels / demons can come through.  Nothing biblical about that for sure!  What we are given as a focal point is a Man. His name is Jesus as He is the Lord God of all creation.  In our seeking and searching let's remain Christ centred, trusting Him to lead us in paths of righteousness.   If He does dwell in a multi-dimensional reality, He is sure capable of fixing us and delivering us into our futures.  Put your trust in God, although we don't fully grasp the 'three is one' teaching of the Bible, at least we can start to understand why it is hard to understand.

Gary Ward

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