Monday, 8 June 2015

Remnant: Truth v Error

If you find yourself sitting in a weird situation among believers it may be for a reason.  Even though we've been part of church set-up's that we've flowed with, we've always wrestled with it all.  As you journey more towards a bible believing, simple, fundamental position on things, you may have to do a study on 'the remnant church.'  In doing so there are a few errors to get past along the way.  

Those who think they are a 'remnant' of the wider church need to be sure it is not because of their elitism.  Elitism is where they believe they walk better than anyone else so therefore they must be the remnant!  The truth is about a remnant church is that they have been made excruciatingly aware of their lack before the Lord and brought it mournfully before Him.  They have not tried to develop some works-orientated program to be so busy they cannot see how wretched they are and in need of the Lord.  A believer can be in a remnant church but not be walking as one 'called out from.'  The Lord does a work to have us cease the notion that we contribute anything to the walk.  

So there's a general error in thinking but as '10 ways you know you are a remnant church' lists form, they have more specific errors.  One of them is replacement theology.  Most of the scriptures to do with a remnant is about Israel.  So many cut and paste these scriptures onto the church because 'Israel is no longer God's people but the church is.'  Error!  Romans 9-11 clearly shows Paul championing Israel to be restored in the last days, specifically in the 'day of Jacobs trouble.'  So how do we view the remnant church?  Is it anything to do with Israel?  Simply put, in this time where Israel has a blindness (which is lifting incidentally!)  the Gentiles have been given Grace to behold the Kingdom.  In effect the gentiles are 'grafted into the vine.'  In this way the come under the covenant made with Israel but do not replace them.  Grafting into a vine is not 'replacing' and Paul was clear.

Another connected issue with the remnant thinkers is that they think they have to return to Law (or at least a hybrid, reduced version).  Error!  Possibly starting with replacement heresy, believers then assume they have to keep laws.   Like all who think they have to keep any works based religion or Jewish law, the flesh loves to get on board with anything that involves them in the redemption plan. That this whole thing depends on my effort denies the unmerited free gift God has given and rips Him off of His Glory.  We can't keep the Law or work our way to right standing so that's why Jesus came... to do it for us.  Read Romans.

While everyone thinks they are the Philadelphia church, the remnant of God, the end times watchmen etc we must be careful for two reasons.  Firstly we can become proud and arrogant over the odd Graces afforded us.  Secondly we can become too humble!  There is a remnant church on the earth today and my understanding is that this is 'Philadelphia' as reported in Rev 3.  In the end it all starts with grace. All believers are offered a narrow road.  Simply, not all take it!  If you happen to be someone who has taken it, grace placed you on this road.  The only response is a deeper walk, a thankful heart, a closer walk and an ongoing commitment to pray for the lost.

Gary Ward

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