Monday, 29 June 2015

Do this until the Lord comes...

It is not disputed that the first Christians met in homes and ate a meal.  The big hitting experts all agree that the first century church met in homes around a meal.  My stance on the Lords supper is well documented in this blog but to be clear here are several reasons why I would say the bread and wine are part of a full meal that is not optional for ekklesia but is ekklesia itself.

To be absolutely clear this covenant meal was what Paul called ekklesia and the prayer meetings, teaching times existed where the believers were present but cannot be defined as 'ekklesia,' the word we translate 'church' from.  What we do is, because people come to 'church'... and the 'church' are the people, whenever the people gather for whatever purpose, it is church.  This is not what was occurring in the first century.

In 1 Corinthians 11 Paul is correcting the problem of some believers coming to the gathering early and eating without the others.  Verse 33 states clearly that what Paul calls 'ekklesia' (Church) is when they meet to eat together.  Paul has qualified what we are talking about in the preceding paragraph by reminding the Corinthians where the command to 'This do...' comes from.  Jesus used the bread and wine as emblems of the New Covenant but it is not indicated that there were separated from the Passover and isolated as New Covenant emblems.  The taking of the bread and wine as part of a meal is done in remembrance of Jesus and should be done until  the Lord returns according to Paul.

Let's examine the idea that Jesus was only talking about bread and wine as isolated emblems meaning the practice of eating a cracker  and sipping some wine is valid.  This would mean that Paul in verse 33 'when you come together to eat, eat together' is a weird ritual that has no relevance.  That Paul was correcting the practice of some eating in sub groups or gorging themselves before others arrived tells us that the very practice of eating together, and eating a meal, was of primary importance as what ekklesia does.  God wanted his family to be one and do what families do!

Let's explore another logical conclusion about the Apostles that went on to start ekklesia (churches) in the first century.  If Jesus intended the practice of church to be concentrating on the emblems alone the Apostles, having been there when Jesus said 'this do,' would have been clear about what Jesus meant.  Such was the enormity of stopping the Passover short and instituting a new covenant I can't imagine any of the 11 sat around partaking would have left the room unclear about what was meant.  No-one is recorded as clarifying what Jesus was saying.  A Jewish mind would recognize the feast as the subject of 'this do.'

 We must also take seriously that Paul had a one to one with Jesus about this very subject (11:23).   The early churches did not take the bread and wine as isolated elements but rather celebrated them as part of a full meal.  To do otherwise would have been disobeying what Jesus meant when he said 'This do...'

So if Jesus meant 'just use bread and wine' the Apostles disobeyed Jesus.  However If he meant 'this do' as in 'eat together' the Apostles obeyed Jesus and Paul corrects the Corinthians because they were not eating a meal together.  Having established beyond doubt that Jesus meant eat a meal together (including bread and wine) Paul tells them to do this until Jesus comes.  

For many the idea that ekklesia (Church) is about a shared meal with brothers and sisters is challenging.  Clearly though, Paul told us to eat the full meal that had a loaf and wine included, together, until the Lord comes to get us.  here are other clues you can chase down should you want to explore the possibility that church was something other than the Early Church Fathers told you:

  • "Keep the feast" Paul 1 Cor 5
  • 'Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts' Acts 2:46a (To NOT DO 2:46b)
  • They broke bread in their homes and ate together Acts 2:46b
  • 'I will come and eat with you'  Rev 3   Laodicean church
  •  'This do in remembrance of me' (no questions asked) led to full meals in homes
Gary Ward

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Why zeal and wisdom are needed...

In 2002 I visited Texas and a friend who lives there.  I visited his church and the Pastor told a story, every night, about how the Lord had healed him and his wife.  This was not just backache or a headache, on one occasion he said his eye fell out of its socket and the Lord put it back for him!  I immediately latched onto this guy and saw his scheme.  If he could get the people in the church seeing him as spiritually superior to him, this would install an authority he needed to have people follow him.  Generally he was saying "see how regularly and powerfully the Lord uses me.  You can be like me if you follow me."  Note the use of the word 'me.'  I've seen this many times and it always leads to Christians feeling inadequate.

There are many people doing things for God and like to tell others how wonderful they are and how their faith does this and that.  When someone does this it is an indication that they are lacking in maturity in Christ.  Firstly, and indication of this is that one of the Lord's disciplines is to NOT act on your behalf!  We ask him for something and it does not come to pass.  Those who take the 'Ask Seek Knock' passage to mean we can ask Him for, say, a doughnut, and He will give it to you need to ... well... try it.  The Lord takes us through a time in our growth where we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness to ascertain that this is not just a rich Granddaddy relationship.  Telling people it's easy to trust God for things often shows you've never really trusted Him.  How do I know?  Because it's supposed to be hard to trust God! The disciples were rebuked for having little faith and Jesus was stood in front of them! 

Secondly, people who are always telling people about Jesus intimidate the likes of me who isn't always telling people about Jesus.  It's not because I don't want to... of course I do.  It's just that I've been placed in environments where I have to live it out before people.

Matt 5:16

1) Let your light shine before men
2) they will see your good works
3) They will praise your Father in heaven.

Don't get me wrong, if I'm on a plane or something, I'll share for sure.  But in the day to day relationships it's the long haul of living through the hard times and good, shining this light.

The third problem with people who say they are greatly used of God, in saying this, are showing how unlike Paul they are.  We must say that Paul is the ultimate example of a Christian.  His resume is impressive!  However he was the one in the wars, he was the chief of sinners and backwards and forwards with his self denial of the flesh (Rom 7).  He never told people how great his relationship and powerful works were, he just directed people to the Lord Himself.

The Gospel starts with belonging.  There is never a criteria to fit or value system around works. If you, like me, often feel inadequate, useless and insignificant to the Lord and His work, it's probably where He wants you.  He doesn't want you spiraling into a free-fall over your self esteem, value or worth.  It is the western society that has taught you to value yourself through your works.  In Christ you can separate these things for good.  You self esteem, value and self worth can be seen through the lens of being entirely accepted, loved and adored by your Father in heaven.  He has chosen you so just accept it!  Then begin to enjoy NOT having to define yourself through what you do, accomplish or aspire to.   Maybe the Lord will use us but it surely will not be while we equate our works with our value.

Gary Ward

Monday, 8 June 2015

Remnant: Truth v Error

If you find yourself sitting in a weird situation among believers it may be for a reason.  Even though we've been part of church set-up's that we've flowed with, we've always wrestled with it all.  As you journey more towards a bible believing, simple, fundamental position on things, you may have to do a study on 'the remnant church.'  In doing so there are a few errors to get past along the way.  

Those who think they are a 'remnant' of the wider church need to be sure it is not because of their elitism.  Elitism is where they believe they walk better than anyone else so therefore they must be the remnant!  The truth is about a remnant church is that they have been made excruciatingly aware of their lack before the Lord and brought it mournfully before Him.  They have not tried to develop some works-orientated program to be so busy they cannot see how wretched they are and in need of the Lord.  A believer can be in a remnant church but not be walking as one 'called out from.'  The Lord does a work to have us cease the notion that we contribute anything to the walk.  

So there's a general error in thinking but as '10 ways you know you are a remnant church' lists form, they have more specific errors.  One of them is replacement theology.  Most of the scriptures to do with a remnant is about Israel.  So many cut and paste these scriptures onto the church because 'Israel is no longer God's people but the church is.'  Error!  Romans 9-11 clearly shows Paul championing Israel to be restored in the last days, specifically in the 'day of Jacobs trouble.'  So how do we view the remnant church?  Is it anything to do with Israel?  Simply put, in this time where Israel has a blindness (which is lifting incidentally!)  the Gentiles have been given Grace to behold the Kingdom.  In effect the gentiles are 'grafted into the vine.'  In this way the come under the covenant made with Israel but do not replace them.  Grafting into a vine is not 'replacing' and Paul was clear.

Another connected issue with the remnant thinkers is that they think they have to return to Law (or at least a hybrid, reduced version).  Error!  Possibly starting with replacement heresy, believers then assume they have to keep laws.   Like all who think they have to keep any works based religion or Jewish law, the flesh loves to get on board with anything that involves them in the redemption plan. That this whole thing depends on my effort denies the unmerited free gift God has given and rips Him off of His Glory.  We can't keep the Law or work our way to right standing so that's why Jesus came... to do it for us.  Read Romans.

While everyone thinks they are the Philadelphia church, the remnant of God, the end times watchmen etc we must be careful for two reasons.  Firstly we can become proud and arrogant over the odd Graces afforded us.  Secondly we can become too humble!  There is a remnant church on the earth today and my understanding is that this is 'Philadelphia' as reported in Rev 3.  In the end it all starts with grace. All believers are offered a narrow road.  Simply, not all take it!  If you happen to be someone who has taken it, grace placed you on this road.  The only response is a deeper walk, a thankful heart, a closer walk and an ongoing commitment to pray for the lost.

Gary Ward

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Mad Max v Modern church

Last night my wife and I walked out of the Mad max film after 45 minutes.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not over sensitive in any way.  I like watching all sorts of appropriate movies a lot!  My problem was that I felt insulted in my intelligence.  With almost no storyline, it just erupted into a massive vehicle chase with loads of violence.  It was... just silly.

"Why go and see an obviouly violent film (it's a remake) if you don't like violence?"  The thing is, I will watch a violent film if there are reasons for it being there.  I'm not talking about horror or gratuitously violent films. It's just that we live in a violent world and if the plot justifies it and deals with it well... it has some place in my permissions.  Last night was just ridiculous CGI, implausible situations, an unlikely cargo, metrological impossiblilities and all for no reason.  Even artistic license got up and left before I did!

While refecting on our exit, today I wondered why about 150 other people were happy to sit and soak up the 'fun.' I think I stumbled upon some analogies with the modern day church.

If we reverse engineer the modern church service it is like going seeing Mad Max.  If you care little for the story... how it occurs that we are all stood in a room worshipping, you must only be there for the experience you get from it.  In the cinema you would have had a couple of hours of an experience whereas if you had watched The Matrix for example you would have experienced a truth, a challenge, a peice of art and the usual things we find in a film because of the storyline.  Modern church can see the seats fill because it offers an experience yet fails to explain the truth of why we worship etc.  If that was fully explained from the Bible, people would be a little reticen to look for sensual experiences.  What we are left with is songs that include hints of the story, but while everyone is trying to get a worship experience, theres no chance of drilling truth down.  I'll leave the issue that most worship songs are man-centred for another time.

To be clear, I LOVE corporate worship, but I don't need slick musicians or tight riffs with Coldplay style lyrics.  I don't need it because it wouldn't be filling a void of understanding about why we are doing it.  Today's church has to be more of a live 'here and now' experience because people have little clue about the Redemption story and how it applies to them.  If you find out about what Jesus has done and allow it to drop into your heart you don't need a song about Redemption to help you worship because you'll aready have a heart singing His praise all day!

You will be a worshipper and not need a vehicle to take you to an experience of it.

I think Hillsong has a few good elements but I fear for this and other Hybrids of it that they are producing believers who have defined their Christians walk by how sunday morning goes.  "How was church?" Many ask after the service.  It is, for me, a strange question.  It is saying 'how was your experience of church today?'  Who cares frankly!  The entire issue of believers meeting is a Risen Glorified Lord of all Creation who commands us to turn to Him in our entirety for the abundance of walking with him in repentance and faith.  Who cares how your church experience was!  Get sourced and anchored in Him, not a 'blessing centre' that can only play Kareoke to an authentic Christ life.

Rant over

Gary Ward

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Remnant in the last days

It appears that at certain points the Lord takes from a whole and preserves a remnant.  These are always set apart people who have been chosen to walk well in a period where the people have become idolatrous.  Paul tells us of Israel in Romans 9-11 and we observe the 144000 in the book of Revelation Chapters 7 and 14.  Elijah is also told of 7000 who were, like him, set apart, seemingly alone, to serve the Lord.  Noah, Abram, the list continues.

When Jesus said that there would be a narrow and wide road He stated that 'few' would find the narrow road.  It has been cited that this is simply the unsaved versus the saved and therefore the remnant is all those who are saved.  It could be true but if salvation is by grace then the 'finding' is not really your act.  I believe this passage talks about saved people who are required to avoid the wide road and be about the narrow road.  The word for 'destruction' where the wide road leads is also 'loss' or 'cut off from what could or should have been.'  It is reasonable to say that this refers to the destruction, loss of any reward that should have been apportioned for faithfulness.

In Perth Western Australia there is always a road expansion program occurring.  As demand increases so the roads have to be able to take the capacity of the volume of traffic.  Of course in Jesus time we are talking more 'paths' than roads.  Wide paths are formed by the volume of people journeying along the path.  It indicates that these people are walking together and at the same time.  As a group of people walk down a trail, the width of the path will increase as they walk together along the path.  Paths are only places where people have repeatedly walked over.  Narrow paths are where few people have established a route.

Do you feel alone in the intensity of your walk?  Are you isolated around but a few faithful people who want to walk well?  Do you sense a need to be separate from the 'done thing?'  Do you have a longing to see the Lord's return?  Are you aching for the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth to see justice and righteousness restored to earth?   Have you forsaken popularity, fame, notoriety, position, status or profile to stay on track? Will you not move unless it is the Lord? Are you about first and end times?  Are you the subject of attack from the enemy?  Do the people at work have a weird ignorance about you?  To differing degrees a combination of these circumstances will be evident in your life if you are earmarked for the remnant.

I believe the enemy uses 'wide road' strategy in his dealings with Christians.  An enthusiastic young leader decides to plant a church that will be aimed at quantity (and by default lose quality).  The enemy will sometimes allow a work to grow because while satan has no power to stop salvation, he can frustrate Holy Spirit growth.   So satan leaves these things alone.  People making salvation commitments is a type of fruit and I hope these people reap reward for this.  However, it is rare that this type of quantity orientated set up can bear the quality.

The ancient city of Sardis was known for being impenetrable.  This led to a lax attitude by those on guard.  Eventually their enemies found a way to penetrate the city.  This occurred several times throughout history.  This is a strategy of Satan... he won't frustrate a mega church, he will simply watch the downward spiral of faithfulness then weave into the gaping hole of 'compromise.'

Be Alert!

Gary Ward

Monday, 1 June 2015

Flesh v Spirit: Management

All believers have trouble with the flesh.  We have times when we are immersed in the world and we indulge in the flesh.   The ideal is that we don't go to them places but the battle can be really really hard.  What I want to do is describe the process, with scripture, how we go from Spirit to flesh.  Also, what is the real issue with this from the Lord's point of view?  We will also explore the enemy's strategy in it all.

Firstly we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The standard for Him is absolute Holiness.  The idea is we do not touch this world, that we are set apart and stay apart.  We all know that we have good times at this and not so good times.  I'm assuming the reader wants to walk well in holiness, not some pious attitude but simply walking as a set-apart new creation.  At what point, with good intent, do we switch from walking in the Spirit to walking in the flesh?

The area that nudges us into the flesh is in our thinking.  We are to make every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5).  How does this work in practical terms?  Lets assume a weakness for you is lack of trust in God's provision.  This usually goes with a discontent as you see 'the wicked prosper' (Jer 12).  So to remedy this you begin to think of ways you can make some money. As you are contemplating this issue you are reinforcing thoughts that do not include faith in the Lord in this area.  So as we prolong the train of thought we are sowing a harvest of sinful practices (James 1:13-15).

A better example is the weakness of sexual lust.  Walking through the city on a summers day a man will inevitably see things that are attractive.  At the point where the male beleiver becomes aware that he is entertaining lust in the look, that thought needs to be immediately rendered to Christ.  The same is true of any and every thought that can lead to sowing towards full blown sinfulness.  It is in this thought area where the enemy goes to extraordinary lengths to tempt us.  The enemy knows that if he can keep you in this area it will definitely lead to full blown sinful behaviour.  To be clear, the lustful look is sinful but it hasn't yet become sinful behaviour which has a much bigger social consequence than adultery in the heart.  Sin fully outworked will lead to a more prolonged period of defeat and in that place the enemy sticks the boot in.

The enemy's ultimate goal is to have you become so exasperated with self that you give up even trying.  However the Lord has this all covered.  Because the Lord's will is for us to be so fed up with sin we yield self to God, again the enemy plays into the will and purpose of the Lord.  This is not to say the Lord wants us to sin. Not at all!  Jesus hates sin for a number of reasons but one is that his beloved child becomes estranged from his Lord until he repents.  However, as we continually fail in an area we get to a place where we finally let go of that complex arrangement that makes us love it more than Jesus.

In all of this we still have a sinful nature and a new heart.  The flesh and the Spirit are still at war but our willingness to give in to flesh has weakened by the journey.  This is a process of sanctification. Ive pointed out that thoughts not rendered up to the Lord leads to sinful behaviour, but that can blossom into sinful habits and a seared conscience.  The victory over the flesh does not begin at rendering every thought to Christ.  It starts at wanting to.  How do we want to want to be holy?

The only answer is a close walk with the Lord.  The Lord leads us into a good relationship with Him when we submit, yield and abandon self to Him.  So here are the ingredients of 'Holy pie' -

  • Submit, yield and abandon self to God (Luke 14)
  • Take on devotional study of God's word (Luke 10:27)
  • Study the whole council of God (Heb 5:11-6:3)
  • Get in a group that are serious about the Lord
  • Know that you belong to the Lord (Eph 1  / Ps 139)
  • Find out about 'Israel' and the end times (Romans 9-11)
  • Talk to your Lord all the time (1 Thess 5:16-18)
  • Render all your dark thoughts and lusts to the Lord (2 Cor 10:5)
  • Recalibrate yourself back to God immediately when you fall (Acts 3:19)
  • Have faith in the data but also that this applies to you (Rom 1:17)
There are other things included in 'holy pie' but these are a ballpark.  This list is not something to live by is is something that will be growing as you do the first one.  Always remember that Jesus took you on board fully aware of your worst potentials.  He has dealt with your sin and wants you to be free.  I like this song by Andrew Peterson, especially the last verse:

Walk Well.

Gary Ward

Why God's word is sometimes ignored

Early one morning John did his usual brisk walk to the bus stop to go to work.  Rubbing his hands together he willed his body to warm up on the journey.  Arriving at the bus stop John was taken aback to see the strangest of sights.  A man stood at the bus stop was wearing one of the coats he sells in his shop.  The problem was, he was wearing it inside out.  John was used to talking to people but even he struggled to craft the opening line.  He shuffled as he kept glancing at the man wearing the inside out coat.  After a while John blurted out, "Sorry to bother you but I couldn't help noticing your coat!"  The man turned, extended his hand and said "Steve... hi, nice isn't it!" John looked at him, shook his hand and noticed that Steve genuinely did not know the coat was inside out. After a long ten seconds or so John went for it, "Well the thing is..." Steve interrupted, "You wouldn't believe how much attention I get because of my coat."  John opened his mouth ready to speak when Steve blurted, "And it's really really warm!"
"But it's inside out!" insisted John biting the bullet. Steve looked at him with a furrowed brow and lifting both hands up stated, " I'm offended.  I thought you were admiring this lovely coat but you just want to be awkward and insult me." John was taken aback by the immediate level of injury his statement made and concluded Steve likes his coat a little bit too much.  "Hey I didn't mean to offend you but I sell those coats." John's word seemed to add insult to injury. "I've met the designer and you are wearing it wrong!" Steve took a step back and John knew he was going to defend his coat,
"Look, this coat is warm, my arms go in the sleeves, and I get lots of attention... I don't care who made the coat... it suits my purposes."  Frustrated, John shook his head at the scale of Steve's blunder.
"But the zip and buttons are on the inside, you can't use the pockets and the seams are on show... everywhere!  Here, this is the design on my phone!" Steve briefly glanced at the phone.
"I wear this coat this way, maybe the designer had his way and I have mine.  It works... for me!"
Almost at the point of anger John insisted, " But it isn't doing what it was made to do!"
"Who cares, it's warm!"
"But it would be warmer the other way around!" Exasperated John gave up. "Look," Steve exclaimed, "Just to show you I'll give it a try..." Steve quickly took his coat off and with a cynical glance turned the coat the right way around, "Ridiculous!" he said under his breath as he put the coat back on.  Steve's face lit up as like it was the first time ever he zipped up the coat. Awed, Steve began fastening the buttons as the coat hugged his body for the first time.  Looking at John and the coat he grabbed his hand and shook it with vigour. "All these years I've worn my coats the way I was told to wear it, the way my friends wore theirs but now... now... it fits perfectly! Thanks you so much!"  John was wrestling with this unusual scenario but somehow felt good that someone had decided to try following the designers plan for the coat. "Hey Steve, do you have a phone?" John enquired.  "Ill send you the design."  Grasping into his pocket Steve pulled out a smart phone and a pencil. "Show me the design." Asked Steve.  Looking at the design on John's phone his tongue darted to the corners of his mouth as he began sketching it on the back of his phone. John just looked at Steve and decided one battle was enough for today.

Gary Ward