1. Don't teach the whole Gospel...
The first problem I have with it all is that the Gospel is offensive. The more the person relies on this world, the more offensive the Gospel is. Gathering around a Jesus appreciation society is not the church. It appears though, that the way to keep bums on seats and accumulate perceived success is to deliver a reverse engineered Gospel (which is no Gospel at all). The reverse engineering occurs when the leaders craft the message to not offend. This is not to say we are trying to offend, but the Gospel is offensive. It is designed to divide our core selves (Heb 4:12) not merely usher us into meetings. It's easy to fill stadiums with a message that suits our purpose... Islam does it all the time! Cult leader David Ike does it as do comedians, rock stars and politicians. So let's just settle this point: Bums on seats is not necessarily equated to 'Blessing from God" or 'fruitfulness.' Sadly many believers in these seats have merely raised their hand to an appeal and think they are saved.
2. Decorate leaders to replace Christ...
Secondly mega churches buy into the Purpose Driven nonsense. Churches are supposed to be Jesus Led! Imagine a scenario where all things were led by Jesus. What I mean is everything that occurs is the will of the Lord. If this was so no man would be delivering vision statements or knocking together ministries to 'win the lost.' "But Gary, Jesus assigns some to be this and that in Ephesians Ch 4" True but these true Apostolic gifts, when truly under the Lord, will have calibrated all things to be under Christ! Jesus doesn't delegate His leadership role to men... He conquers them so he can lead through them! Unprepared and ambitious men who have, in all good will, joined a system will be trying to manage their ego as people place their faith in them. The way this works Biblically is for men to submit, yield and abandon themselves to Christ. Not so they can have medals placed on them but so that God can send them to issue forth Christ.
3. Design the meeting to appeal to the senses...
Sensuality is a problem in the last days according to 2 Peter 3. Believers will have their own lusts in mind while attempting to minister (verse 3). Lust is not just sexual, it is any desire that has no boundaries and seeks to serve self. Because this is the baseline for their own spiritual orientation, their philosophy will be to win people over with a range of components that society wants and approves of. Some say this passage in 2 Peter 3 is referring to unbelievers... that's strange how unbelievers have a distinct knowledge of a rapture they don't believe in as well as being creationists! (v4) They also acknowledge that Jesus promised something without questioning the source. These are believers... don't be fooled, we can see it in the church right now! Some people are against modern churches just because they prefer the old ways. This is not my issue, my issue is that many draw people in with means that are not the power of God. It is the power of marketing and sensuality.
4. Bowing to idols...
We can easily take a pop at the Roman Catholic Church whose walls bear the 10 commandments yet allow people to genuflect to a statue. The Idols being worshiped in some of the Mega Churches is gift, talent and ability. Worship is worshiped today. Leaders are celebrities. Ministries are awed at. One semi mega church leader asked me if I appreciated the talent in his church. Talent properly submitted to Jesus is a beautiful thing. However, serving a fleshly pursuit is plain ugly. Behind the facade of 'winning the lost' is a platform for men to become the central aspect of the gatherings. His seems like an un-examined life that has too many perceived successes to hear truth.
5. Rebellion against God...
Strong words but let's start saying it as it is. If Ephesians is correct, and you can bet it is, The first chapter tells us the overall purpose of this church age. Read the whole chapter as it is working towards verse 10... to have all things come under Christ. Churches see people blessed but that's because of their son-ship in Christ. It does not sign off on their practices. If someone is pursuing Christ then Verse 10 will be actioned upon them. All things must be calibrated towards Christ before a sending to do a work takes place. The primary problem with some leaders is that they had never calibrated themselves towards Christ, rather a denominational technique, a model for church, a stream, a business plan, a good idea, a Jesus society etc.
These simply are not Christ Himself.
Don't forget it's the Writers of the Old and New Testament who spoke these things initially, we are just passing on the warnings.
Gary Ward
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