Increasingly people who believe the Bible are being categorized as 'Fundamentalists.' Its not a bad thing except the phrase has negative connotations. The inability to even have a conversation about doctrine and belief has harmed the 'fundamentalist' label. As the pun goes, ' if you take the fun out of a fundamentalist you just get da mentalist.' That said, if you are a person who insists on the Bible being God's word in its original languages you are on the right track.
Taking the Bible seriously is exactly what the Lord wants us to do. Yet in this age of so called 'reason,' believers feel they have to apologize for God's outrageous stories. For example, I read Jonah and struggle to picture the fish swallowing him and then chucking him up on a beach. However, because the Bible is the word of God I choose to believe this happened. There is no indication to say the story is anything but literal so I choose to get on board.
Because of this so called 'blind faith' some categorize me into the 'fundamentalist' box. From my position I would rather stand before the Lord having believed his word than be asked why I allowed mans reason to cloud my view of Holy Scripture. After all, if God didn't put outlandish miracles in the Bible we could accuse him of being a bit of a rubbish God who 'can't do the impossible.'
On this issue there is a rather large 'elephant in the room.' Believers who shun me because of taking the entire Bible seriously must have believed the biggest and most ridiculous miracle of all. To be a believer you have to take on board that a human being was very dead but then became very alive! This 'sign of Jonah' (Matt 12:38-45) is a requirement for salvation and it is first fruits of the resurrection for all who believe. Think about it... thousands of funerals will take place and many hearts will mourn for their lost loved ones today. The available data is that death is still in action all over the world, every day. No-one has come alive again since the Apostles! Yet believers can get on board with someone who spontaneously came alive again over a fish puking a man up on a beach!
I wonder if the reluctance to be more literal about the Bible is to do with needing to be seen as reasonable? Can it be that people get saved with good intent then slip into a world where they are not seen as 'stupid?' The pain of rejection and being the odd ball is a hard thing. However this was Jesus' walk and if we are following Him we should expect similar response from the religious and the unbeliever. "But it's hard!"
So were the nails.
Gary Ward
As believers in Jesus Christ we are urged to set our hearts minds on things above (Col 3:1-2). Enjoy the essays and let's chat about it...
Thursday, 28 May 2015
let's sort out 2 Peter Chapter 3
In this exploration of 2 Peter 3 I want to offer a model for what Peter is saying here.
3 Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 2 I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.
Peter underlines that this and 1 Peter is designed to have a wholesome grasp of the Gospel. Peter draws attention to the Old Testament Prophets... we know that Peter will refer to the end times scenario later and here Peter references for us where that information comes from. The command of the Lord that the Apostles passed on (paradosis) would have been in and around what the Prophets spoke about.
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.
These evil desires or 'lusts' are not just sexual. These refer to those who are flesh orientated. But who is he referring to?
4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”
Three elements of this verse tells us these are believers. Firstly they have knowledge of a Second Coming. They also know of 'He' who spoke of it and do not question the source. They also accept creation without dispute. These are believers who are falling away. They believe in Jesus and Creation but the Second Coming is eroding in their thinking (cf v1)
5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
These believers get to a place where they are living for their flesh over living by the Spirit. This insatiable lust makes them deliberately forget (dismiss) that the Creation they believe in has an Architect behind it who has already judged the earth. What has occurred here is people know doctrine but they don't know the Lord. Therefore they are disconnected from their source and their knowledge of scripture is led by their own lusts. Because the connection to the Lord is lost He is unable to correct wrong thinking (cf v 1) and they carry on in the guise of 'doctrinally sound,' teaching all kinds of heresy.
8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Traditionally people have translated verse 8 as describing how the Lord sees a thousand years like a day and a day like a thousand years ergo "The Lord is patient." I don't necessarily connect verse 8 and 9. What if Peter is making a much bigger statement? In Verse 7 Peter mentions the day of Judgement. In verse 8 his subject is this 'day' he is talking about. Because the 'Day of the Lord' has a definite day it begins, it is a term used for the entire 1000 year reign of Christ. The tone is ... ' There's a day of Judgement... and that day is an eternal consequence. So in effect Peter is saying paraphrased: There is a day of judgement, and don't forget the Lord uses terms like a 'day' to mean an period of time as in the 1000 year reign of Christ. So to be clear, the day of Judgement is an eternal consequence. This seems to me to be consistent with verse 9.
9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
The theme of this chapter is 'The Lord's Coming.' Peter says the reason he hasn't come is not because of slowness. It is his patience so people will not perish but will repent.
10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
Now Peter reminds us of the order of the last things. First it will be The day of the Lord which has a day of His return but lasts 1000 years. It comes like a thief but only to those believers who are invested in flesh and lust, not those who are walking well. Then after the 1000 years the destruction.
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
Peter appeals to believers to walk well and not be in the flesh like the scoffers. Because we are looking forward to the Day of the Lord and we speed its coming. Walking well speeds Jesus return simply because a submitted, yielded believer renders them more easy for Jsus to work thru and bring in the full number of the gentiles (Rom 11:25). The day of the Lord (1000 year reign) will lead to the New heavens and New Earth when all things are completed.
14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Peter urges believers to walk well because the Day of the Lord is amazing. Jesus hasn't forgotten to come back, he's being patient! Peter tells us here that Paul has a better understanding of these things yet writes the same things in his letters.
17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guardso that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
'Be on your guard!' The error of the lawless is to centre on our own fleshly lusts and leave them unaddressed. Doing so means you can lose reward as a 'faithful' one. Jesus' desire is that we all reap our reward already secured for us in the assumption we will walk well. Peter exhorts them (us) to grow in the Lord.
Gary Ward
Saturday, 23 May 2015
let's sort out 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
This chapter reveals the end times events and lays out an order of events concerning last things. I want to offer a rendering of the passage to hopefully enthuse you to the order of what is to happen.
"I last wrote to you because some thought the rapture had occurred. Now there's talk that we Apostles are teaching that the Day of the Lord has already come as well! Relax, The Day of the Lord will not come until there is a great falling away of believers (before the rapture) and the man of lawlessness is revealed (after the Rapture.) He is doomed and gets up to some weird temple stuff.
I thought we'd talked about this thoroughly last time I was here? Here's a reminder...
So right now the restraining one, the Holy Spirit, is holding back the actual Person who will be the Antichrist because there's someone raised up in every age (The Rapture will be a surprise to Satan who knows he only has 7 years left until the Day of the Lord so someone's always ready to go!). That said, there's still spiritual forces at work that are Antichrist spirits (and that's why I mentioned the great falling away).
Once the Holy Spirit is taken away with believers at the rapture, only then can the Antichrist be revealed. At the end of the seven years the Lord will come in Glory to sit on His glorious throne and overthrow the Antichrist.
Walk well believers because we are all vulnerable to this falling away. However, only those who want to follow the lies of the Antichrist after the Rapture will get a great delusion and fall deeper into the lie. end.
Makes sense to me as a model. What you think?
Gary Ward
2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters,
The first consideration is Paul referring back to 1 Thess 4:13-18 where he only talks about the Hapadzo (Rapture). Their original concern was that the Rapture had happened now a new heresy transpires and Paul goes to the second consideration this chapter deals with...
2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
People were teaching that (us) the Apostles, were teaching that the Lord had returned and by implication the rapture must have also occurred. Don't forget they don't have world news to confirm or deny Jesus is on the Throne in Jerusalem!
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
That day is the Day of the Lord, the second coming, cannot come until the Antichrist is revealed. But Paul mentions the falling away of the church, the rebellion, BEFORE the Rapture and presents them as two concerns that believers need to be aware of.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
Paul assumes the Thessalonians are generally on the same page with 'end times' teaching and underlines that this is not new information.
6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
Now Paul goes to before the Rapture to describe what must happen before Antichrist comes. There is something holding the Antichrist (person) back but the spirit of Antichrist is already at work. We have Paul going back and forth around the seven year period between the Rapture and the Second Coming. Verse 6 and 7 describing before the Rapture and verses 3 and 4 describing before the Second Coming, seven years after the Rapture according to Daniel Chapter 9.
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
Paul now goes to just after the Rapture to the Second Coming. So in these short verses Paul shows us that:
- In the Church age there is a spirit of Antichrist at work (7a) causing a falling away
- There is also presently something (one) holding the Antichrist back (The Holy Spirit) (6)
- When the restrainer is taken (Rapture) Then the Antichrist in person can appear (7b)
- After 7 years the Lord returns and overthrows the Antichrist with his word (8)
- The Day of the Lord (Millennial reign) begins (3)
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Generally after the rapture, when all true believers are taken, people will have a choice, but those who prefer the lies over the truth will be given what they want... lies and deception. The end of the chapter exhorts us to walk well before the Lord.
"I last wrote to you because some thought the rapture had occurred. Now there's talk that we Apostles are teaching that the Day of the Lord has already come as well! Relax, The Day of the Lord will not come until there is a great falling away of believers (before the rapture) and the man of lawlessness is revealed (after the Rapture.) He is doomed and gets up to some weird temple stuff.
I thought we'd talked about this thoroughly last time I was here? Here's a reminder...
So right now the restraining one, the Holy Spirit, is holding back the actual Person who will be the Antichrist because there's someone raised up in every age (The Rapture will be a surprise to Satan who knows he only has 7 years left until the Day of the Lord so someone's always ready to go!). That said, there's still spiritual forces at work that are Antichrist spirits (and that's why I mentioned the great falling away).
Once the Holy Spirit is taken away with believers at the rapture, only then can the Antichrist be revealed. At the end of the seven years the Lord will come in Glory to sit on His glorious throne and overthrow the Antichrist.
Walk well believers because we are all vulnerable to this falling away. However, only those who want to follow the lies of the Antichrist after the Rapture will get a great delusion and fall deeper into the lie. end.
Makes sense to me as a model. What you think?
Gary Ward
Friday, 22 May 2015
How to fill a Mega Church...
Have you ever wondered how a personality or team can fill a stadium with people? Have you ever been challenged to think 'this must be right?' I know that for 10 years I chased a certain reasoning around it all. In the midst of staid, boring services, it is entirely plausible that a contemporary approach can be 'the answer.' The rise of 'cutting edge' churches was for me exciting and I felt as if I was 'born for such a time as this.' My journey is well documented on here that the Lord, by His Grace, rescued me from that mentality and has placed me pursuing a more scriptural practice for church. Over time I have observed the 'BOOM' churches and one must account for what looks like success. After all, loads of people meeting for church can only mean success? Here's 5 ways to build a mega church:
1. Don't teach the whole Gospel...
The first problem I have with it all is that the Gospel is offensive. The more the person relies on this world, the more offensive the Gospel is. Gathering around a Jesus appreciation society is not the church. It appears though, that the way to keep bums on seats and accumulate perceived success is to deliver a reverse engineered Gospel (which is no Gospel at all). The reverse engineering occurs when the leaders craft the message to not offend. This is not to say we are trying to offend, but the Gospel is offensive. It is designed to divide our core selves (Heb 4:12) not merely usher us into meetings. It's easy to fill stadiums with a message that suits our purpose... Islam does it all the time! Cult leader David Ike does it as do comedians, rock stars and politicians. So let's just settle this point: Bums on seats is not necessarily equated to 'Blessing from God" or 'fruitfulness.' Sadly many believers in these seats have merely raised their hand to an appeal and think they are saved.
2. Decorate leaders to replace Christ...
Secondly mega churches buy into the Purpose Driven nonsense. Churches are supposed to be Jesus Led! Imagine a scenario where all things were led by Jesus. What I mean is everything that occurs is the will of the Lord. If this was so no man would be delivering vision statements or knocking together ministries to 'win the lost.' "But Gary, Jesus assigns some to be this and that in Ephesians Ch 4" True but these true Apostolic gifts, when truly under the Lord, will have calibrated all things to be under Christ! Jesus doesn't delegate His leadership role to men... He conquers them so he can lead through them! Unprepared and ambitious men who have, in all good will, joined a system will be trying to manage their ego as people place their faith in them. The way this works Biblically is for men to submit, yield and abandon themselves to Christ. Not so they can have medals placed on them but so that God can send them to issue forth Christ.
3. Design the meeting to appeal to the senses...
Sensuality is a problem in the last days according to 2 Peter 3. Believers will have their own lusts in mind while attempting to minister (verse 3). Lust is not just sexual, it is any desire that has no boundaries and seeks to serve self. Because this is the baseline for their own spiritual orientation, their philosophy will be to win people over with a range of components that society wants and approves of. Some say this passage in 2 Peter 3 is referring to unbelievers... that's strange how unbelievers have a distinct knowledge of a rapture they don't believe in as well as being creationists! (v4) They also acknowledge that Jesus promised something without questioning the source. These are believers... don't be fooled, we can see it in the church right now! Some people are against modern churches just because they prefer the old ways. This is not my issue, my issue is that many draw people in with means that are not the power of God. It is the power of marketing and sensuality.
4. Bowing to idols...
We can easily take a pop at the Roman Catholic Church whose walls bear the 10 commandments yet allow people to genuflect to a statue. The Idols being worshiped in some of the Mega Churches is gift, talent and ability. Worship is worshiped today. Leaders are celebrities. Ministries are awed at. One semi mega church leader asked me if I appreciated the talent in his church. Talent properly submitted to Jesus is a beautiful thing. However, serving a fleshly pursuit is plain ugly. Behind the facade of 'winning the lost' is a platform for men to become the central aspect of the gatherings. His seems like an un-examined life that has too many perceived successes to hear truth.
5. Rebellion against God...
Strong words but let's start saying it as it is. If Ephesians is correct, and you can bet it is, The first chapter tells us the overall purpose of this church age. Read the whole chapter as it is working towards verse 10... to have all things come under Christ. Churches see people blessed but that's because of their son-ship in Christ. It does not sign off on their practices. If someone is pursuing Christ then Verse 10 will be actioned upon them. All things must be calibrated towards Christ before a sending to do a work takes place. The primary problem with some leaders is that they had never calibrated themselves towards Christ, rather a denominational technique, a model for church, a stream, a business plan, a good idea, a Jesus society etc.
These simply are not Christ Himself.
Don't forget it's the Writers of the Old and New Testament who spoke these things initially, we are just passing on the warnings.
Gary Ward
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Illustrating Apostalicity
In the distance the flashes of the battle and the sound of the cannons filled the room. The king looked at his two sons. Both were uniformed and ready to serve their King and Father. The King looked up and said two words... "Be Faithful" and pointed towards the battle.
One son ran out of the room saddled his horse and went to form an army. The other walked down stairs and stood at the door, rifle ready. Time passed and the first son had formed a small entourage to join the battle against the enemy. Day upon day they took position and fired their rifles at the advancing ranks.
Meanwhile the second son stood at the door on the ready. Each evening he would look up to the Kings window and see the light pouring from his throne room. He would also look towards the smoke and flashes of light coming from the war. Daily the King came to talk to the son at the door. He spoke of the war and all things to do with the Kingdom. He thought of his brother and how he had taken the Kings words and rushed to the front line. At times the King would pause, looking at the smoke and wondering if his other son was alright.
Years passed and the King came for his daily chat with his son at the door. This time the King had his royal robe around him. Taking it off he placed the robe around the son and took away his rifle. He looked his son in the eyes and pointed to the battle front. "Go." Said the King with a smile.
Looking at the Royal robe the son hugged his Father and walked towards the battle front. He approached the outskirts of the war and saw his exhausted and war weary brother aiming to take another shot. Placing his hand on his shoulder he walked through the front line of the battle. Astounded and perplexed, the soldiers at the front line just stared. The shots and cannons ceased as the son walked towards the enemies front line. He began to see the opposing soldiers who were unable to fire at the one bearing the royal robe.
Onward he walked towards the tent of the opposing dignitary. Approaching the tent the guards saw the garment and the ranks parted. The son approached the tent and walked in. Started and amazed the commander in chief of the attack dropped his pen. "How? What?" Stunned and amazed, the enemy took his sword and placed it on the table. The son took the sword and walked back to his Fathers palace.
Withing hours the enemy had retreated and the air resounded again with the song of the birds, the brooks and the gentle breeze. The following day the son who had bore arms returned to his Fathers house. Confused he came before his Father, the King, "Father I spent years in battle, sustaining injury and putting my life at risk." the King looked with compassion as his son explained his confusion, "Then he walks up, in your name, and the battle just ends? Could you please explain?"
The King stood up and walked to the window, "I simply asked you both to be faithful. I didn't ask you to try to defeat an enemy only I can overcome. But by staying here he learned my ways and didn't assume he had power, might or strength to affect this situation. When the time was right he was sent in my name and the enemy had to submit for I am all powerful. Now both of you, go occupy the land."
Gary Ward
One son ran out of the room saddled his horse and went to form an army. The other walked down stairs and stood at the door, rifle ready. Time passed and the first son had formed a small entourage to join the battle against the enemy. Day upon day they took position and fired their rifles at the advancing ranks.
Meanwhile the second son stood at the door on the ready. Each evening he would look up to the Kings window and see the light pouring from his throne room. He would also look towards the smoke and flashes of light coming from the war. Daily the King came to talk to the son at the door. He spoke of the war and all things to do with the Kingdom. He thought of his brother and how he had taken the Kings words and rushed to the front line. At times the King would pause, looking at the smoke and wondering if his other son was alright.
Years passed and the King came for his daily chat with his son at the door. This time the King had his royal robe around him. Taking it off he placed the robe around the son and took away his rifle. He looked his son in the eyes and pointed to the battle front. "Go." Said the King with a smile.
Looking at the Royal robe the son hugged his Father and walked towards the battle front. He approached the outskirts of the war and saw his exhausted and war weary brother aiming to take another shot. Placing his hand on his shoulder he walked through the front line of the battle. Astounded and perplexed, the soldiers at the front line just stared. The shots and cannons ceased as the son walked towards the enemies front line. He began to see the opposing soldiers who were unable to fire at the one bearing the royal robe.
Onward he walked towards the tent of the opposing dignitary. Approaching the tent the guards saw the garment and the ranks parted. The son approached the tent and walked in. Started and amazed the commander in chief of the attack dropped his pen. "How? What?" Stunned and amazed, the enemy took his sword and placed it on the table. The son took the sword and walked back to his Fathers palace.
Withing hours the enemy had retreated and the air resounded again with the song of the birds, the brooks and the gentle breeze. The following day the son who had bore arms returned to his Fathers house. Confused he came before his Father, the King, "Father I spent years in battle, sustaining injury and putting my life at risk." the King looked with compassion as his son explained his confusion, "Then he walks up, in your name, and the battle just ends? Could you please explain?"
The King stood up and walked to the window, "I simply asked you both to be faithful. I didn't ask you to try to defeat an enemy only I can overcome. But by staying here he learned my ways and didn't assume he had power, might or strength to affect this situation. When the time was right he was sent in my name and the enemy had to submit for I am all powerful. Now both of you, go occupy the land."
Gary Ward
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
'Calling' versus 'reacting'
Luke 4:13-30
People who leave churches under a cloud can either be called to do so or reacting. The reaction would be to something that has happened to offend them. Both look the same so how do we know one from the other? To be clear, Jesus left his body of fellow believers under a hurricane not just 'a cloud.' Dragged to the edge of a cliff He just got on with what His Father was doing.
So not everyone who leaves a place they were 'brought up' is in error. In fact, if we are following Jesus we should expect to be roughly treated by the religious people. Because their true values lie in things other than Christ, a Christ centered person is just awkward to them. Here are a few observations to differentiate between the called or the reacting:
People who leave churches under a cloud can either be called to do so or reacting. The reaction would be to something that has happened to offend them. Both look the same so how do we know one from the other? To be clear, Jesus left his body of fellow believers under a hurricane not just 'a cloud.' Dragged to the edge of a cliff He just got on with what His Father was doing.
So not everyone who leaves a place they were 'brought up' is in error. In fact, if we are following Jesus we should expect to be roughly treated by the religious people. Because their true values lie in things other than Christ, a Christ centered person is just awkward to them. Here are a few observations to differentiate between the called or the reacting:
- Reactees try a revolution before leaving. The called announce the truth and leave
- Reactees 'throw spears back at Saul.' The called have to dodge them
- In reacting, a drama is given energy. Called people exit stage left
- People being led by God can articulate truth from the Word. Reaction is opinion based
- Called people keep doing what they do and are fruitful. Reactees camp around 'issues.'
- Hurts come to both but called people go to the Lord and do not choose just tea and sympathy
- Peace in the storm for the called but an inner insistence for the reactors
- Called people may respond to their detractors but reaction displays the motives
- Over time the called can account for their actions, reactors insist they were right
- If over time you cannot show the reason the Lord did XYZ... you were probably reacting
So if someone wants to leave your church ask a few questions like, 'can you tell me where they Lord is leading you?' The answer may be 'no' and that may be correct! However, if the answer comes with a whole list of reasons their own wants and desires aren't being met I'd be suspicious. In both cases let them leave and keep the door open because we all have the right to be wrong. At least they are moving in SOME direction! After a while check up on them and extend an invitation for a chat to see how they are doing. Its hard to do this sometimes but many have returned to the place they are supposed to be having realized over time they were wrong. If leadership lambaste the people who want to leave they close the door on the people realizing they may be wrong.
Lets try to love even when it costs us. That's modelling God's love shown at Calvary.
Gary Ward
Friday, 15 May 2015
Why death has lost its sting
1 Cor 15:55
When we become a true believer a part of our being, our soul, will live forever with the Lord. What contains our soul, our bodies, do not live forever and the separation of the two is death. We all know that this is a trauma for anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. So how, if we grieve so much, has death lost its sting? It still really really stings!
What Paul was saying applies to a much larger context than how we emotionally respond to death and loss. Without the finished work of Christ your body and soul would have to experience death. When Adam fell in the garden the proper rendering of 'you will surely die' is 'in your death you will die.' This is two deaths, one for the body and the other when the earth is judged and condemned.
What Jesus has done is made it that the first death takes care of the flesh which still is subject to the sinful nature. When we die the soul, that is eternal, is safely present with Jesus while our bodies return to the dust from which it came. In this way it is a victory to die as the believers' sin-infested flesh separates from them. At the Harpadzo we receive a new body, incorruptible and not subject to the sinful nature of the devil's schemes.
So the eternal life we inherit through faith in Christ means death has lost its sting. It is absolutely vital, and God's explicit plan, to have all people to come to Jesus Christ for salvation. It is a command to repent and be saved. Some years ago a Pastor was doing a funeral and raised his bible up and said, "you can argue with this," and pointing that the coffin said, "But you can't argue with that."
The principle that we have a part of us that is saved and also a part which is deemed to the dust helps us with our Christian lives. When I lean on the flesh and sin, I am reminded that I was never made perfect and the part of me that is sinful is still rebelling against God. It isn't the flesh that changes and comes to obedience. It is our will to choose the new creation over the sensual flesh.
When we indulge the flesh, it is 'self' we are living for. When we choose to walk well with the Lord, this is the 'death to self' picture Jesus painted for us in Luke 14. 'Taking up our own cross' is to render the flesh nailed to a tree and we would do well to keep it there. This is not easy but when we stare in the face of grace and mercy even this death has lost its sting.
The principle that we have a part of us that is saved and also a part which is deemed to the dust helps us with our Christian lives. When I lean on the flesh and sin, I am reminded that I was never made perfect and the part of me that is sinful is still rebelling against God. It isn't the flesh that changes and comes to obedience. It is our will to choose the new creation over the sensual flesh.
When we indulge the flesh, it is 'self' we are living for. When we choose to walk well with the Lord, this is the 'death to self' picture Jesus painted for us in Luke 14. 'Taking up our own cross' is to render the flesh nailed to a tree and we would do well to keep it there. This is not easy but when we stare in the face of grace and mercy even this death has lost its sting.
Gary Ward.
Friday, 1 May 2015
As Christ Loved the Church #3
In Ephesians we find that Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. The idea that a man giving himself for his wife is generally rejected because of fear the biblical model would be compromised. What we have to rediscover is the humility that saw Jesus, the Blessed God come in flesh to give himself for the church. In this act He never became any less than fully God and the Church never gains authority so what is happening here?
Firstly a husband should never feel the need to assert his leadership. It simply 'is.' However, because what we perceive as 'leadership' today is shaped by our definitions. Today it seems that the leader has to be the leader by doing something to assert it. Husbands end up making subtle actions, words or decrees that 'put her in her place.' For some this can be a lifestyle of restriction or even controlling everything in her life. There's a spectrum of severity to this and not all are harsh. Even small degrees of this from the husband can spoil a whole range of intimacies between the couple. From there the building blocks of relationship begin to erode.
Another side to this coin is the couple who see leadership as status. The feminist movement is not so much about equality as both sexes wanting the trappings of leadership: control, power, influence, status and sometimes money. Real biblical leadership is when the person who leads has no lust for these things but does what Jesus did at Calvary. He forsook his own life for his Bride. This is leadership... to forsake self for the sake of your Bride. The fear that the wife will assume to 'wear the pants' is not solved by male passive-aggressive assertion of leadership. It is solved by an issuing forth of deep humility to give your own self serving over to serve her. In this she will be met at her core level. If the wife tries to usurp leadership the problem isn't your leading it is her misunderstanding of the divine order of Marriage.
Husband... you ARE the leader... that you need to assert it is your own insecurity. Sorry but it is. Having been made the husband representing Christ in the deal... we are instructed to understand deeply the giving of Himself to His Bride. Then follow suit. This is something we must go to the Lord to accomplish within our hearts to be able to do it. If you don't see leadership in this way the opportunity to see your marriage sit in God's design could be missed.
Until we get to grips with our selves and the extent of our tyranny, we will not be in a place to be sent by God. The process where Jesus brings a long period of core transformation is crucial to leading your family in Jesus' design. It is my opinion that until we are on the way for this to be in place, no further callings or sending will come forth.
Gary Ward
Firstly a husband should never feel the need to assert his leadership. It simply 'is.' However, because what we perceive as 'leadership' today is shaped by our definitions. Today it seems that the leader has to be the leader by doing something to assert it. Husbands end up making subtle actions, words or decrees that 'put her in her place.' For some this can be a lifestyle of restriction or even controlling everything in her life. There's a spectrum of severity to this and not all are harsh. Even small degrees of this from the husband can spoil a whole range of intimacies between the couple. From there the building blocks of relationship begin to erode.
Another side to this coin is the couple who see leadership as status. The feminist movement is not so much about equality as both sexes wanting the trappings of leadership: control, power, influence, status and sometimes money. Real biblical leadership is when the person who leads has no lust for these things but does what Jesus did at Calvary. He forsook his own life for his Bride. This is leadership... to forsake self for the sake of your Bride. The fear that the wife will assume to 'wear the pants' is not solved by male passive-aggressive assertion of leadership. It is solved by an issuing forth of deep humility to give your own self serving over to serve her. In this she will be met at her core level. If the wife tries to usurp leadership the problem isn't your leading it is her misunderstanding of the divine order of Marriage.
Husband... you ARE the leader... that you need to assert it is your own insecurity. Sorry but it is. Having been made the husband representing Christ in the deal... we are instructed to understand deeply the giving of Himself to His Bride. Then follow suit. This is something we must go to the Lord to accomplish within our hearts to be able to do it. If you don't see leadership in this way the opportunity to see your marriage sit in God's design could be missed.
Until we get to grips with our selves and the extent of our tyranny, we will not be in a place to be sent by God. The process where Jesus brings a long period of core transformation is crucial to leading your family in Jesus' design. It is my opinion that until we are on the way for this to be in place, no further callings or sending will come forth.
Gary Ward
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