Thursday, 29 January 2015

The issue of balance in writing...

Earlier today I posted a blog about authentic calling etc.  I've now take the blog down as some issues with it were pointed out.  I stand by the heart of the message but not the way it was written. It's tricky when you feel the burden to stand against the end times tide.

People who embark upon the call to reformation are not detached from the emotional and psychological impact of the task.  I love Jesus' Church (people not buildings) but am also conflicted when I see and am subject to the things that seem to leave Christ dethroned or men wrongly glorified. So to post nearly 100 blogs that hopefully demonstrate a firm challenge to the church in love takes some effort.

So if you read the last one ( The joy of minimal audience) and thought it was a bit snarky or over accusative, I ask for your forgiveness and I'll try to convey the heart of reformation better next time. There are many forces against this work and If you in some way support the idea that someone needs to address the issues we see occurring in all things 'church' please pray for us.  It isn't a critical or bitter spirit that drives this, it is a leading from the Lord to be willing to shun comfort and social acceptance to speak into the issues we have in these end times.

A while ago I read a blog who readily admitted that the church makes him angry.  I can relate. However in my relaying of the reforming of church practice I (we) must carefully assess whether the Sword of the Spirit is for healing or amputation.  When the Lord is directing it, it will be healing but when it is me I can only amputate. I obviously don't want to do that.

Until next time... Blessings in the Risen, Glorified Lord Jesus

Gary Ward

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