In a recent article I was describing my 'weird' Theology. The fact that it concerned Ecclesiology not Theology I let go. However I did state that the experts (me not being one) generally agree what the practices of first century Church were. To recap, Jesus had told the disciples to 'this do' when they met together to remember Jesus. The Apostles went on to do just that... they met in homes and had food and drink when they met to remember Jesus. The Paul shows us in Chapter 11 that this was to be the practice 'until the Lord comes.'
This is not just my opinion.
That a gathering of believers would not 'this do' is because they are doing church according to history, not scripture, and the solution is to transition back to Jesus' command. Here are the experts reading the same scripture and reaching the same conclusions. If you don't know who they are Wiki them:
Donald Guthrie: 'A Lion Handbook the History of Christianity'
"In the early days the Lords Supper took place in the course of a communal meal. All brought what food they could and it was shared together."
John Drane: 'The New Lion Encyclopaedia"
"Jesus instituted this common meal at Passover time at the Last Supper shared with his disciples before his death. The Last Supper looks back to the death of Jesus and forward to the Second Coming. Throughout the New Testament period the Lord's Supper was an actual meal shared in the homes of Christians. It was only much later that the Lords Supper was moved to a special building and Christian prayers and praises that came from the Synagogue service were added to become a grand ceremony."
Drane : "Introducing the New Testament"
The early church observed the Lord's Supper as an exclusive community meal."
Canon Leon Morris: "Commentary on 1 Corinthians (Tyndale) IVP
(1 Cor 11)... "reveals that at Corinth the Holy Communion was not simply a token meal as with us but an actual meal, moreover it seems clear it is a meal where each of the participant brought food."
I Howard Marshall: "New Testament Theology"
"The Lords Supper was observed by his disciples at first as a community meal Sunday by Sunday"
Four experts, 5 quotes. There's much more. It is difficult to find anyone of the stature of these giants who reads the New Testament and doesn't agree with them. If you are gathering and not partaking in a full meal it is because you accepted the church practice you were born into as 'legit.' For 15 years, much to the anger of my contemporaries, I am delivering the Reformation of Church Practice. It is my conviction that the Lord is saying, 'Give me back my Church' to leaders who are in a place to return to authentic New Testament church practice and thus allow Jesus to be the Head.
I reject the idea that any other way of gathering is 'error.' You can't be in error if you don't know what is out of place. However, if you receive this information and do not research the possibility that it is correct you condemn it before investigating. The reason a person would not pursue a possibility that they need to change something based on even a hint that God may be telling them something is bigger problem than the way they meet together. It means they are unable to be taught. It is not me who is ultimately able to correct that.
So in conclusion, ekklesia, according to the New Testament was home based, centred around food and drink with open and equal sharing (1 Cor 14:26). Jesus said 'do this,' the Apostles did it, Paul corrected a Church who were doing it and the experts confirm it. What are you going to do about 'it?'
"For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup,(we have found to be a full meal) you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes." Paul the Apostle (emphasis and clarification mine)
resources for further reading: Beresford Job "Biblical Church,"
Frank Viola "Pagan Christianity?"
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