Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Apostolic? #2

Whenever I write or speak about the subject of Apostolicity I get three responses.  Here are the responses and my replies:

1.  Whats wrong with people going doing some good, trying to fix this dark world?

There's nothing at all wrong with people doing good.  Social action is a natural by-product of being a new creation.  We get the compassion and a heart of love for the brokenness we encounter.  What really needs to happen is for believers to discern where they fit into the Lord's scheme of things.  We all see need but depending on your calling, you will respond differently.  You get those who feel to represent God in this world is to meet needs.  You also get those who are supposed to render themselves under God's preparation meeting needs because that is the done thing. Then there is the rarity where a person has discerned that their walk is not normal.  Refer to Apostle? #1 for clarity about this.

So.. Social Action: YES!  but when we do social action don't just slap an 'APOSTOLIC' label on it because it sees some success.  The Apostolic sending will be much about the removal of spiritual forces to provide an open heaven.  I have worked at several projects that help young people who have experienced challenging circumstances.  The comings and goings of that work have helped shape and craft me in God's preparation... but none of it demonstrated God's 'gone-before' to usher in the unmistakable work like we see in Acts.  Too high a benchmark?  Not really.

2 So you seem to know a lot about this subject... where are your Apostolic works?

OOOO Points lost!  If you are looking for works to underline Apostolicity you are barking up the wrong tree.  God's preparation is the signature of God so for a long time there is absolutely no sign of signs. The work is going on behind closed doors at the backside of the desert as the Man 'tends the flock of Jethro' (menial, routine work).  Obviously one day there will be a sending that will see how God has gone before but then the above question will not exist.

As a sideline, you can tell when a work is NOT Apostolic.  Believers get vision and strategy to fill rooms.  The more gimmicky the message and mission, the more people you get.  In order to keep a thousand people happy you can't bring Teaching that is bible based.  over time the 'tail wags the dog' and we have Laodicea where 'the judgement and opinions of the people' rule.  Here are 5 signs that you are doing a good work but it is not a sending:

1.  You have to pray God into the project
2. There are no signs and wonders
3. Your church is a product of History not Scripture
4. 'End-times' is not a priority
5. The Enemy yawns at you

3. I went to Bible College and served under a Man of God... that's Biblical!

It can work that way but Apostolicity is exclusively Jesus' excavation of a man's life in order to be able to work through him.  Too many Bible College students get alongside a Pastor or someone well known and be an intern-like apprentice.  Let's be clear... there were no Bible Colleges back in the first century but that is not to say that a level of training is a good thing.  Problems begin when, like at my Bible College the Tutors announced that we were the 'future generals of the Church!'

When people talk about the Paul and Timothy relationship there was clearly some level of passing on of practice etc.  In fact the word 'paradosis' is mistranslated in many version of the Bible yet it is clear this was the context.  the idea that there was some official ranked situation is fictional, especially because 'people following people' was the explicit problem at Corinth.

IF God is purposely leading you into many years of obscurity, un-hearalded, lonely, trail-filled, barren and frustration... you can begin asking the question.  I cannot see how being in public ministry, preaching, people knowing about your ministry, the identification as a 'man of God' is getting you to the end of yourself.

Gary Ward

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