Thursday, 25 September 2014

Book #4 unedited

Chapter 3 Forerunners and Outworkers
When we make an assessment of a situation we think in rank.  We default to hierarchy instinctively.  Have you ever noticed that?  It's really hard to not do it.  What we find with the Lord is a different way to arrange function tasks and roles.   Our way of seeing roles tasks and function is a Western trait.  It is in our psyche and how we operate in developed countries.  There are complexities about where this comes from that would take us from the aim of this book.  Suffice to say, Great Britain, its history and how it was schooled to become a productive imperialist state has taught a way to succeed among the nations.  This includes rank / hierarchy across its entire length and breadth. 
Beyond value systems
God seems to do things differently.  When we see the Transfiguration we could perceive that Moses and Elijah were the big hitters, the big cheeses, and the ‘Master class.’  It won’t kill you to think like that, after all, the Lord is there and he is the Lord of all creation!  However, those that came after Moses and Elijah were the ones who walked out that which they ushered in.  We imagine because of how we see seniority and authority that Moses and Elijah were the executives and Joshua and Elisha did some less important role.  If we think that we would be entirely wrong.   Each outwork of what had been ushered in by the forerunner was of absolute critical importance.   A vital element in this is that regardless of productivity or impact, the outworker must walk out that which they have been sent to do.  So whether they see results is secondary to the fact that they have to walk it out.  God's people cannot have their eye on results because their obedience to walk out the Lord's command may well be part of a plan that has little to do with results here and now.  'Just doing it' has merit in itself.  This is the DNA of faithfulness.  Faithfulness and the emerging fruit of it is what we are rewarded for. 
The 'faithfulness offset'
If all we did reaped results there's no 'faithfulness offset.'  When we are led to do something and it appears that we see nothing in terms of 'productivity' but keep on doing it anyway there is a faithfulness offset.  You stick with what the Lord has said regardless.  Unfaithfulness is when we depart from the program and do what we think is a good idea.  Tricky area, especially in the Western mindset where we only ever do anything for 'wages' or some sort of results-based reward.  "But surely the Lord wants to win the lost etc?'  Think of it this way... while Moses was in Midian for 40 years the Egyptians were still under oppression.  If Moses resisted the process it would have been either longer or another would be raised up to set the captives free.  In Midian he was a shepherd.  Moses had the finest upbringing on earth!  He was a 'son' in the biggest Empire on the planet.  All he was doing was tending sheep.  How many days went by when he wondered if he had been abandoned or forgotten?  Still... he kept doing what he had been assigned to do.  No productivity, no Key Performance Indicators.  No self-affirming colleagues to tell him everything was alright.  Just barrenness and ordinary work.
This is faithfulness.  During this time he was emptied of self. If the kingdom of God means the Lord's dominion over all that submit to him, the conquering part is to conquer our hearts.  If we are too bust serving in areas we only think we should serve in our eye can go off the ball on the number 1 on the agenda... our demise at His hand.  We can stop the faithfulness offset that the Lord uses to deal with us when we are busy doing church work.  The church sets up a counter-kingdom with its demands and expectations. The believer seems busy and 'tasked' but does not attain much in the way of growth. How can the Lord conquer a heart that defines its walk by service that brings productivity? 
Chapter 3 examines those that came after the forerunner.  'Joshua' and 'Elisha' are at root meaning the same name.  They both mean ‘God is Salvation.’   What we also find is ‘Jesus’ also means the same thing.  In this pattern we have Moses giving rise to Joshua and Elijah giving rise to Elisha.  It was Moses who renamed Joshua in Numbers 13:16 and Elijah anointed Elisha.  I see something in the fact that as Jesus followers we are given a new name and an anointing.  Our new name is established as we are then adopted as sons and our anointing is the indwelling Spirit of God. 
To set the final piece into place of 'Foreunners' and 'Outworkers' we must place Jesus’ Forerunner in place – John the Baptiser.
John the Baptiser
Joshua (God is Salvation)
Elisha (God is Salvation)
Jesus (God is Salvation)

Jesus followed after John!
All the outworkers have the same root meaning in their names.  Because of our perception of rank we find it hard to accept John as seemingly ‘above’ Jesus.  In God’s economy it doesn’t work like that.  Hints to how Jesus saw this are clear.  In Luke 7:28a we see a staggering statement:
For I say unto you, among those that are born of women there is not a greater Prophet than John the Baptist:
Jesus told us that John was greater than Moses and Elijah!  We will discover that Moses and Elijah are not present at the Transfiguration because of rank.  They are there because they are part God’s ‘Prophetic Theatre,’ components in the saving plan for Israel and then to all who would access salvation through Jesus Christ.  Their occasion and especially their exits from the earth are to demonstrate how the salvation plan works out.  This was laid out as ‘seeing the Kingdom of God’ so Israel could perceive the coming events in detail.  Why is it placed in such a way?  Why can’t it be spelled out in clear terms?  The answer to that is - God shows people things who really want to know!  There are layers; someone once said it is like an onions skin of progressive illumination of his Word.  Astoundingly, as God reveals his will to us we are ‘required of’ in increasing ways.   This is not service but increasing abandonment, yielding and submission.  He wants us to be entirely calibrated to his design.  This is the subject of the next in the Cogs of the Kingdom Series so I will leave it there for now.
God arranges things so that when we look back at something we can see that we are clearly implicated in what is being said.  What is vital about this is that we are absolutely sure that what is being said to us through the event was what was going on at the time it happened.  Patterns can be drawn from Scripture but we cannot impose them.  We will see in the next Chapters what was happening with these Bible characters and draw out some themes.
First we need to see a further implication of the Joshua, Elisha and Jesus 'name' phenomena.  Luke 7:28 has a part ‘b.’ 
For I say unto you, among those that are born of women there is not a greater Prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.
Where you fit…
Wait.  Did he just say….?  Yes he did! Because John was the forerunner of Jesus he trumps Moses and Elijah.  Jesus mentions the forerunner motif by saying John the Baptiser was ‘their Elijah.’  Matthew 11:10-15 has Jesus clearly stating John comes in the spirit of Elijah which implicates the one who came after him also.  John was the forerunner of Jesus and his message was ‘Repent and be baptised for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.’  Jesus then came and was the actual outworking of that which John had spoken of.  When Jesus had finished the work of Salvation on the cross, had resurrected and ascended, he becomes the fulfilment of both Moses and Elijah and therefore becomes a forunner.[1]  But in the same way those that come after him do so in the same way as Joshua and Elisha:
John TB


When we believe by faith in Jesus Christ we become walking, talking ambassadors[2] of ‘God is Salvation!’ We are the Redeemed of God… those who ‘come after’ Jesus.  Joshua was following Moses[3] as Elisha was following Elijah.[4]  Jesus was following John the Baptiser causing John to ask why he baptised Jesus.[5]  Jesus was clear… this had to occur “to fulfil all righteousness.”  Jesus had to have a forerunner in this pattern God had designed and when we get with God’s program we are fulfilling righteousness.  From that point however Jesus was directly under the leadership of his Father in Heaven.  He had followed John and did what John was commanding all of Israel to do… be baptised.  That done, John had no more for Jesus to do for John was limited to a specific role of harbinger, forerunning the message of ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.’ 
In Jesus’ day a Rabbi would have the understudies following after them.  Wherever they went Rabbi Junior would literally follow him around!  As time went by the Junior may replace the senior Rabbi after he died.  So having literally followed him, he ‘follows him’ or comes after him.   In this way, those who place their faith in Jesus and his finished work pick up their cross and follow Jesus. In doing so they ‘come after him’ as in ‘represent him while he is absent.'     
The church age is a preparation for the coming Kingdom on earth.  How we represent Him in His absence is the subject of rewards in that Kingdom.   You may not be aware of this but right now Jesus is you Lord and King yet you have never seen him! We as church-age believers are considered greater than John because we have absolutely no evidence in day to day life that God is real.  Yet we choose to have faith that God would come as Messiah, the anointed one and become sin.  While we are enabled to discern this truth by the Holy Spirit, that fallen sinners choose to walk this out daily is something even angels cannot fathom.[6]
In the Millennium Kingdom people will be born who will see the church age and look on it as we look on the Old Testament age. For us we see a time when Messiah had not completed the work.  What was that like?  Millennial generations will learn of your faith, that you discerned things spiritually. You chose to not feed the sensual desires of the flesh in favour of the invisible Lord who loved you.  You chose God's love over self, you overcame! They will hear about how Satan, chained in the Abyss for most of the Millennium, attacked you through his proxies and tried to lure you away from following your King.  To them who are born into the Millennium Kingdom it makes perfect sense that 'the Lord God of Creation lives on Earth on His Glorious Throne'... duuuh!  But you and I lived in a time when we chose to follow the Lord God against incredible odds.  This is why you will be reigning with Christ on Earth for a Thousand years.   
To further establish the role of Moses, Joshua, Elijah and Elisha we will explore why Jesus said believers are ‘Light’ and ‘Salt.’ 

[1] Hebrews 6:20
[2]  2 Corinthians  5:20
[3]  Exodus 24:13
[4] 1 Kings 19:21
[5]  Matthew 3:13-17
[6] 1 Peter 1:1-12

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