Its been about 6 months since I posted a blog. It's not that I haven't written them, its just trying to articulate the blindingly obvious and finding a post-able compelling angle. Anyone following these ranting attempts at sanity would hopefully detect an out-of-the-box-ness. Sometimes they are out of the room that the box is in! Well its a new year... lets hope things get better.
So many issues occurred in 2017 that it was hard to meaningfully write about. By far the scariest thing that came to be the thing was 'indifference.' Many political, social and theological issues were raised but underneath the narrative was a devastating sub-text. When people don't care about their own lives and society, we have an issue. But when people actively move to change society to accommodate moral and ethical dysfunction, it spells disaster. Often overlooked, Genesis 6:5 tells us that the reason God Judged mankind was because the people were utterly corrupt:
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Italics mine.)
Jesus tells us that 'as in the days of Noah, so shall the end times be.' When people turn towards combative and hostile reasoning to make society into moral depravity we see Genesis 6:5 outplayed. Working towards making ungodliness the norm indicates an indifference that should shake believers to the core. That we don't see that with many believers is another issue for another time. However, we need to take note of the times and prayerfully seek the Lord for strategies. For the main part my own stance is to see it as the signs of the end times. Another part of me wants to rage against the age. What do I do?
I often overlook the way my intrinsic self is already pushing against the rot. Before I have even got out of bed I am pushing back the spirit of the age. Paul tells us this is the spirit of Antichrist and the restrainer, the Holy Spirit within, is holding back evil. Of course, my own evil and wicked leanings falter and fail, but I am not seeking to make my failings the norm in society. Believer, before you even think of protesting, the fact that you are not advancing the cause of moral and ethical decay is of high value to the Lord. It matters that we stand in a Godly way! Making a stand to not be like the societies we live in is an amazing testimony as the lure of the flesh beckons us to another dark cul-de-sac. It's not finding ourselves scratching around the mud and the mire that screams 'failure!' It's when we stop getting up, brushing ourselves off and picking up our crosses. A lifestyle of repentance is faithfulness, and I for one commit myself to walk well in 2018.
Maybe this intent before God can see Him issue forth through us into this world?
Gary Ward