Sunday, 12 February 2017

Where does God live?

I very recently heard a sermon that said the church where Christians gathered was God's house.  It was useful to get people who were there to take responsibility for where they gather.  However, it was not what the Bible teaches.  It turns out God has moved house through biblical history.  God lives in his house right now!  So where does God live?

Temple, Tabernacle

During the Old Covenant it was the Temple. Jesus points this out when he flips the tables in the outer courts of the Temple.  "My house shall be a house of prayer..." was the cry as coins flew through the air and livestock made way for the Prince of Righteousness.  God's house was the temple and his presence was in the Holy of Holies.   Previous to this God went camping with the travelling desert dwellers.  God's desire however has not been to dwell in buildings that are constructed by men.  


An easy way to answer this is to simply say that God lives in heaven.  That would be a right answer but not right in totality.  In the New Covenant God lives in a believer.  1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Peter 2:5 are clear that since Jesus finished work at Calvary God dwells in Believers!  So, if a number of believers meet together in a physical building, does that building collectively become God's house?  Ephesians 2:22 tells us we are being built together as a dwelling place in the spirit.  So the building is the people and is never the bricks and mortar, even when meeting together.  

The greek word that has been translated 'church' is 'ekklesia.'  This described 'the called out assembly' is the common understanding.  So the people are exclusively God's house, one He is building together.  People have often said to me, a house-church advocate, that it doesn't matter where people meet, the house of God is being built.  The whole idea of people meeting in homes rather than auditoriums is not to define where God lives, but to rather define the nature of the building.  We obviously don't stack on top of each other like bricks so what does it mean when God is 'building' His house?

The nature of the building

If I designed a house it would be to my specific requirements.  It would have elements that I see as being useful for my purposes.  The same is true of God.  He is building in the sense that he is making His people the way He wants them.   Firstly believers are being built up in the Fathers love.  This creates belonging and a deep sense of son-ship.  Secondly, God wants to have us issue forth into this world and be salt and light.  My own house would have rooms for my family because I want it to be a house where love resides.  Then I would be looking at 'function.'  God is building believers together to firstly be a people who love and are loved.  Then a people who are inwardly met can go and meet the needs in this dark world.  

The building site

The process of believers basking in the Fathers love and becoming fulfilled in this way rises and falls on the nature of the gathering.  If the gathering is all about serving and saving then it greatly neglects the foundation of God's unconditional love forwarded to our hearts.  Knowing that He loves you is not not the same as walking in the reality of the love, and that is where many gatherings of believers miss.  God has instructed that the family is the place where we can experience the love of the Father as agenda-less people come together is a place where families meet:  the home.  Auditoriums, halls, cathedrals start off on an institutional / fraternity footing and more often than not bypass the relational flow of authentic family.   

God's genius in living in each believer is clear.  Only together can we be build up to fulfill the plans and purposes of God.  I'm a brick and so are you!  Let's facilitate the building of God's house by clearing the way for the foundations and walking with the plan to be bound together with cords that cannot be broken.

Gary Ward

Sunday, 5 February 2017


As my family knows I will go the extra 100 miles to get to a firework display.  I LOVE the scale and the noise and the creativity.  Probably the best one I've seen was in Darwin around 2009.  It may have been because we hadn't seen one for some time but it was breathtaking.  I think that because the fireworks were on boats, they could safely launch bigger fireworks... a really memorable night.  What has this to do with the usual subjects of Theology - God / Jesus / the Bible etc?

Well, one of the more difficult things to articulate is the problem with Mega Church practices.  Constantly whining about them often lacks the content.  I often hear, "Whats wrong with 2000 people in a room around Christianity?" It is a very good question!  There are aspects of corporate worship and the feeling of being part of something big that just feels good.  The social element is also alluring as we can hang out with people who fit our demographic.  But, and here's the spoiler, none of this has to do with the core reason the Lord wanted believers to meet together.

Boom, pop, fizz!

The mega church model is more like a firework display.  It has creativity, scale, the breathtaking 'boom!' along with the Oohh's and the Aahh's.  Thousands will come to see the visual and audio event and then go home feeling they have been to a relevant church that appeals to the times.  Given enough resource, the display can be up-scaled thus bringing more people who want to see 'fireworks.' Let us not miss the fact that fireworks are manufactured and disappear in a puff of smoke! The problem with the firework-church scenario is that although it looks like a successful move of God, it needs to do what is the mandate for all Christians, to disciple.  No-one is called to make converts!

Smiles, stories, snacks...

A campfire involves the people gathering around a source that is consistent.  It is warm, you can make food on it and it reflects light on those who are gathered around it.  Spend enough time around a campfire and it inevitably leads to interaction between the people, often at a depth not normally encountered.  People share deeply around campfires.  I've never seen a firework display lead to heart level discussions! I'm as partial to pie and peas and the next person but it simply isn't the setting for deep fellowship.  We must all acknowledge that the body of Christ is supposed to be a family through whom the graces of God flow one to another?

Instructions from Jesus

Jesus put on big firework displays!  Many thousands came to follow after him.  As soon as the challenges and hard teachings came many walked away!  He taught on hillsides, lakes, did miracles, raised the dead, threw stuff around the Temple yet never said, 'This do...'  It was in the 'campfire' scenario when they gathered around food, relaxed, warmed by the intimacy of 'family' when Jesus said 'this do when you gather to remember me.'  Many are returning to the small home based gatherings around food / drink because of this command.  So it's not so much a disdain for the fireworks of contemporary corporate worship or the spectacle of high tech media devices that bother me.  It is God's children gathering around a Christian display that sells itself as authentic.  It isn't the real thing, and believers access a Christian construct  instead of experiencing the love of the Father.

I think it is a fair point to ask if both are possible.  Can a 'firework display' get the crowds and then have people access a 'campfire experience?'  I think the answer is 'yes' based on scripture.  Jesus did 'fireworks' and so did the Apostles!  They were also able to have this lead to 'campfires.'  So how could they do this?  The answer is by God issuing forth through them in signs and wonders!  The healing at the beautiful gate was 'Boom!' for that time.  That gets the crowd, but that crowd is not drawn by the works of Man.  If God shows up, the transition from 'BOOM!' to BLESSING is easy because you are about things that have been uniquely initiated and ratified by God.  There isn't a Man made program that draws on the senses.  Loud guitars, album sales, huge screens and big auditoriums isn't a miracle... its just stuff that brings a man-made 'Boom,' just like anyone who wants to draw a crowd!

Let's be about the 'campfire' so we can be well placed if God brings His 'Fireworks!'

Gary Ward